Uterine Myoma – Fibroids

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2005 Jan-Feb;(1):26-8.

Efficacy of general magnetotherapy in conservative therapy of uterine myoma in women of reproductive age.

[Article in Russian]

Kulishova TV, Tabashnikova NA, Akker LV.

Sixty women of the reproductive age with uterine myoma were divided into two groups. Thirty patients of the study group received combined therapy plus general magnetotherapy (GMT). Patients of the control group received only combined treatment. Ultrasound investigation registered a reduction in the size of myoma nodes by 16.7% in the study group, while in the controls myoma size did not change (p < 0.05). 1-year follow-up data for the study group demonstrated no cases of the myoma growth while 16.6% of the controls showed growth of myoma nodes, in 6.6% of them supravaginal myoma amputation was made for rapidly growing myoma.
