Erectile Dysfunction – Impotence

Urologiia. 2009 Nov-Dec;(6):17-21.

Nonpharmacological treatment of erectile dysfunction in obese patients.

[Article in Russian]

glybochko PV, Shaplygin LV, Ra?gorodski? IuM, Spirin PV, Alise?ko SV, Tverdokhleb SA.


An original combined treatment of obese patients with erectile dysfunction including transcranial magnetotherapy and transabdominal electrostimulation in the region of fat deposit for 6 months reduces body weight by up to 17% and elevates testosterone by up to 29%. Erectile function improved to normal in 31.8% patients. This method is pathogenetically sound in minimal use of medicines and low risk of cardiovascular disorders.

Adv Ther. 2002 Jan-Feb;19(1):53-60

Impulse magnetic-field therapy for erectile dysfunction: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

Pelka R. Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen, Neubiberg/Munich, Germany.

This double-blind, placebo-controlled study assessed the efficacy of 3 weeks of pulsing magnetic-field therapy for erectile dysfunction (ED). In the active-treatment group, all efficacy endpoints were significantly improved at study end (P < or = .01), with 80% reporting increases in intensity and duration of erection, frequency of genital warmth, and general well-being. Only 30% of the placebo group noted some improvement in their sexual activity; 70% had no change. No side effects were reported.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1999 Mar-Apr;(2):25-7.

Physical factors in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with chronic prostatitis complicated by impotence.

[Article in Russian]

Karpukhin IV, Bogomol’nyi VA.

103 patients with chronic prostatitis complicated by erectile impotence were given combined treatment including shock-wave massage, mud applications, local vacuum magnetotherapy. This combination was found to stimulate copulative function, urodynamics of the lower urinary tracts, to produce an antiinflammatory effect. These benefits allow to recommend the above physical factors for management of chronic prostatitis patients with copulative dysfunction.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1997 Jul-Aug;(4):24-5.

The sequential use of local vacuum magnetotherapy and papaverine electrophoresis with sinusoidal modulated currents in impotence.

[Article in Russian]

Karpukhin IV, Bogomol’nyi VA.

105 patients with chronic nonspecific prostatitis were examined and treated with papaverin electrophoresis using sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC) and local vacuum magnetotherapy (LVMT). Papaverin SMC electrophoresis and LVMT stimulated cavernous circulation. The highest stimulation was achieved at successive use of LVMT and the electrophoresis. LVMT followed by the electrophoresis maintained good cavernous circulation for 5-6 hours after the procedure in the course of which several spontaneous erections were observed.

Int J Neurosci. 1999 Aug;99(1-4):139-49.

AC pulsed electromagnetic fields-induced sexual arousal and penile erections in Parkinson’s disease.

Sandyk R.

Department of Neuroscience at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Services, Touro College, Bay Shore, NY 11706, USA.

Sexual dysfunction is common in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) since brain dopaminergic mechanisms are involved in the regulation of sexual behavior. Activation of dopamine D2 receptor sites, with resultant release of oxytocin from the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus, induces sexual arousal and erectile responses in experimental animals and humans. In Parkinsonian patients subcutaneous administration of apomorphine, a dopamine D2 receptor agonist, induces sexual arousal and penile erections. It has been suggested that the therapeutic efficacy of transcranial administration of AC pulsed electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the picotesla flux density in PD involves the activation of dopamine D2 receptor sites which are the principal site of action of dopaminergic pharmacotherapy in PD. Here, 1 report 2 elderly male PD patients who experienced sexual dysfunction which was recalcitrant to treatment with anti Parkinsonian agents including selegiline, levodopa and tolcapone. However, brief transcranial administrations of AC pulsed EMFs in the picotesla flux density induced in these patients sexual arousal and spontaneous nocturnal erections. These findings support the notion that central activation of dopamine D2 receptor sites is associated with the therapeutic efficacy of AC pulsed EMFs in PD. In addition, since the right hemisphere is dominant for sexual activity, partly because of a dopaminergic bias of this hemisphere, these findings suggest that right hemispheric activation in response to administration of AC pulsed EMFs was associated in these patient with improved sexual functions.

Lik Sprava. 1995 Mar-Apr;(3-4):95-7.

The use of magnetic devices in treating sexual disorders in men.

[Article in Russian]

Gorpinchenko II.

An effect was studied of appliances for magnetotherapy, such as <<Biopotenzor>>, <<Eros>>, <<Bioskan-1>>, on sexual function of 105 men presenting with sexual problems. A total of 96 sexological patients were examined according to a general programme, to study placebo-effect. The magnetic field beneficial effect was recordable in 70-80 % of the patients, that of placebo in 33 % men. It is suggested that augmentation of sexual activity is associated with an increase in cavernous bloodflow.

Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi. 2001 Dec;18(4):658-60.

The development of clinical application of the rejuvenator and a study of its mechanism for the treatment of functional erectile dysfunction.

[Article in Chinese]

Meng Z, Zou Y, Luo E, Zou L.

Andrology Laboratory, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710038.

In this paper, we describe the development and clinical application of the Rejuvenator and report the result of our study on its mechanism for the treatment of functional erectile dysfunction (FED). The Rejuvenator, which can be used both at home and in hospitals to treat patients with FED, was developed on the basis of our clinical practice in the light of the modern theory of traditional Chinese medicine and by integrating multiple techniques of engineering science. It works by means of the paraoral use of the special herbal medicine, electro-magnetic effects, thermal moxibustion and drug-ingression. 2250 patients with FED received the treatment. Using combined electro-neurophysiological techniques, pulsed ultrasound Doppler and microcomputer image-scanning, we further studied the mechanism of the Rejuvenator for the treatment of FED. The total effective rate was 92%. The clinical data and result of study indicate that the Rejuvenator for the patients with functional erectile dysfunction is a safe, effective and scientific new method.