Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2010 May-Jun;(3):32-5.
Correction of immune and mediator characteristics by low-frequency magnetotherapy in children who frequently fall ill.
[Article in Russian]
[No authors listed]
The objective of this work was to compare characteristics of clinical
condition and immune status of children with repeated respiratory
diseases of different clinical and nosological forms after standard
treatment and magnetotherapy. It was shown that magnetotherapy produces
well-apparent immunocorrective effects in children with the affected
upper and lower respiratory tracts including patients with bronchial
obstruction syndrome. Positive changes of both cellular and humoral
immunity characteristics were documented coupled to the improvement of
serum cortisol levels. Results of the study give reason to recommend
inclusion of magneotherapy in the combined treatment of children with
repeated respiratory diseases.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2007 Sep-Oct;(5):24-6.
Infitatherapy of children with bronchial asthma
[Article in Russian]
Konova OM, Markarov GS, Zaslavski? AIu.
Use of nonmedicamental methods of treatment assists to improve the
control of children’s bronchial asthma clinical course. Pulsed
low-frequency electromagnetic field regulates the state of central and
vegetative nervous system and improves psychological status of child.
Inphytotherapy has bronchial spasmolytic and immune correction effects.
Electromagn Biol Med. 2007;26(4):311-3.
Utilization of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields in chronic disease; five years experience: three case reports.
Mancuso M, Ghezzi V, Di Fede G.
Institute of Biological Medicine, Milano, Italy.
We present three examples of the use of ELF magnetic therapy, two
cases of multiple sclerosis and one of chronic pulmonary disease. In
each of the two MS cases the Seqex device was applied as an adjunct to
antioxidant medication two times a week for six weeks. Radiological and
MRI examination indicated improvement in the two MS patients and
stabilization in the patient with obstructive pulmonary disease
following merely five treatments.
Probl Tuberk Bolezn Legk. 2007;(4):8-10.
Impact of various millimeter-range electromagnetic radiation
schedules on immunological parameters in patients with respiratory
[Article in Russian]
Borisov SB, Shpykov AS, Terent’eva NA.
The paper analyzes the impact of various millimeter-range
electromagnetic radiation schedules on immunological parameters in 152
patients with new-onset respiratory sarcoidosis. It shows that the
immunomodulatory effect of millimeter-range therapy depends on the
treatment regimen chosen. There is evidence for the advantages of
millimeter-range noise electromagnetic radiation.
Acta Physiol Hung. 2003;90(4):327-34. |
The effect of the pulsatile electromagnetic field in children suffering from bronchial asthma.
Sadlonova J, Korpas J, Salat D, Miko L, Kudlicka J.
Ist Internal Clinic, Teaching Hospital Martin, Martin, Slovakia. sadlonova@jfmed.uniba.sk
From the bibliography it is well known that pulsatile electromagnetic
field has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It causes
vasodilatation, myorelaxation, hyper-production of connective tissue and
activation of the cell membrane. Therefore our aim was to study the
possible therapeutic effect of pulsatile electromagnetic field in
asthmatic children. Forty-two children participating in this study were
divided in two groups. The 1st group consisting of 21 children (11
females, 10 males, aged 11.8 +/- 0.4 yr) was treated by pulsatile
electromagnetic field and pharmacologically. The 2nd group served as
control, consisting also of 21 children (11 females, 10 males, aged 11.7
+/- 0.3 yr) and was treated only pharmacologically. Therapeutic effect
of the pulsatile electromagnetic field was assessed on the basis of
pulmonary tests performed by means of a Spirometer 100 Handi (Germany).
The indexes FVC, IVC, ERV, IRV, FEV1, FEV1/FVC%, MEF75,50,25, PEF, PIF
and the changes of the flow-volume loop were also registered. The
pulsatile electromagnetic field was applied by means of the device MTU
500H, Therapy System (Brno, Czech Republic) for 5 days, two times daily
for 30 minutes (magnetic induction: 3 mT, frequency: 4 Hz as recommended
by the manufacturer). The results in children of the 1st group showed
an improvement of FVC of about 70 ml, IVC of about 110 ml, FEV1 of about
80 ml, MEF75 of about 30 ml, PEF of about 480 ml, PIF of about 550 ml.
The increases of ERV, IRV and FEV1/FVC and decreases of MEF25,50 were
statistically insignificant. The results in the 2nd group were less
clear. The flow-volume loop showed a mild improvement in 14 children.
This improvement in the 2nd group was less significant. The clinical
status of children and their mood became better. We believe that the
pulsatile electro-magnetotherapy in children suffering from asthma is
effective. On the basis of our results we can recommend it as a
complementary therapy.
Bratisl Lek Listy. 2002;103(7-8):260-5.
The effect of the pulsatile electromagnetic field in patients
suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial
Sadlonova J, Korpas J, Vrabec M, Salat D, Buchancova J, Kudlicka J.
Department of Internal Medicine, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Martin, Slovakia. sadlonova@jfmed.uniba.sk
Pulsatile electromagnetotherapy (PETh) stimulates biological tissues
and processes; it modulates ion exchange across cell membranes and thus
regulates the tone of smooth muscles. On the basis of these effects we
hypothetized that PETh might treat COPD and bronchial asthma. We
examined 117 (61 females, 56 males) adult patients who were decided in 4
groups. The 1st consisted of 16 patients with COPD who were treated by
PETh and pharmacologically. The 2nd group (control) consisted of 24
patients with COPD who were treated only with medicaments. The 3rd group
consisted of 37 asthmatics, treated by PETh and medicaments. The 4th
group (control) consisted of 40 asthmatics treated only with
medicaments. The effectiveness of PETh was assessed by lung function
tests, which were performed using a Spirometer 100 Handi (Germany). We
measured FVCex, FEV1, percentage of FEV1/FVCex, MEF25, 50, 75, PEF and
registered the flow-volume loops. PETh was applied by apparatus MTU 500H
(Therapy System, Czech Republic). It was administered 10 doses; once
daily for 20 min, with a frequency of 4.5 Hz and a magnetic induction 3
T. The initial 3 doses were about 25% lower then the later doses. PETh
was very effective in patients with COPD. The measured indexes improved
about 200-660 ml or ml x s(-1), except FVC. PETh was less effective in
asthmatics. Most indices improved without statistical significance,
about 50-620 ml or ml x s(-1). The indices of FEV1/FVC and MEF25
deteriorated. The changes in controls without PETh were very small.
(Tab. 2, Fig. 1, Ref. 19.)
Bratisl Lek Listy. 2000;101(2):71-7. |
The sensitivity of tussiphonography for assessing the effectiveness of treatment.
Korpas J, Salat D, Sadlonova J, Vrabec M, Kudlicka J.
Department of Pathophysiology, Jessenius Medical School Martin, Slovakia.
Our previous studies have demonstrated that tussiphonogram is
suitable not only for the detection of pathological condition in the
respiratory tract but also for treatment effectiveness assessment. The
purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibilities of
tussiphonography in detection of already little pathological changes in
the airways and lungs. Therefore the changes of voluntary cough sound
indexes were compared with pulmonary function tests in selected group of
asthmatics before and after a pulsatile electromagnetic therapy in
which the effect of therapy on pulmonary function tests was minimal.
After magnetotherapy in 18 patients with increased expiratory forced
lung capacity by 7.3% and increased peak inspiratory flow by 31.7% in
average the voluntary cough sound intensity decreased by 37.8%, the
sound duration shortened by 11% and the sound pattern showed the
tendency to normalization. The improvement of mentioned cough indexes
was absent in 17 patients who were treated by magnetotherapy too, but at
the same time suffered from respiratory viral infection and in 22
patients treated only with climatotherapy and antiasthmatics. Changes of
flow-volume loops in patients were not in the close relation to other
followed indices. The correlation analysis showed a functional
connection in relative differences of cough sound indices and some
pulmonary function tests. The results confirmed the suitability of
tussiphonography to indicate even mild pathological changes in
respiratory tract. (Fig. 4, Ref. 21.)
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1997 Nov-Dec;(6):14-5. |
The use of a pulsed traveling magnetic field in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis.
[Article in Russian]
Achkasov VV.
A course treatment with pulse running magnetic field generated by
ALIMP-1 unit of patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis provides a
subjective response, higher exercise tolerance due to improved function
of the external respiration. The inductors-solenoids are fixed
tangentially on the chest by means of the jacket.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1996 Mar-Apr;(2):13-5.
The rehabilitative treatment of children with bronchial asthma.
[Article in Russian]
Alymkulov DA, To?chieva FM, Saralinova GM, Le?kina LF.
Staged regimen of decimetric wave electromagnetic therapy and
microclimate of high altitude salt mines were used in sanatorium
treatment of children with bronchial asthma. Pretreatment with the above
magnetic field induced positive changes in the reflex-segmental zone
which reflected in better adaptation to the high altitude climate. The
latter promoted beneficial rearrangement of respiratory function and
cardiovascular system.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1995 May-Jun;(3):12-4. |
An evaluation of the effect of magnetic-laser therapy on external
respiratory function in complicated forms of acute pneumonia in
[Article in Russian]
Gaidashev EA, Lebedev KN, Khristoforov VN, Biriukov VV, Gatkin EIa.
The authors studied the effects of magnetic laser therapy (MLT) on
external respiration, blood transport of gas and clinical course of
acute destructive pneumonia in children aged 1-12 years. It was
established that energy of infrared laser combined with magnetic field
reduces the severity of acute respiratory insufficiency, treatment
course, prevents destructive complications in children with infiltrative
acute destructive pneumonia.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1995 Nov-Dec;(6):16-8.
The efficacy of using an electromagnetic field of extremely high
frequency (54-78 GHz) in treating patients with chronic nonspecific lung
[Article in Russian]
Danilenko SR, Shatrov AA, Gerasimovich OI.
After a trial of the therapeutic complex including extra high
frequency electromagnetic field in 154 patients with chronic bronchitis
and bronchial asthma high efficacy of EHF-therapy was stated in the
above diseases.
Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1995 Nov-Dec;(6):11-5. |
Effectiveness of local magnetic field of the acoustic frequency of patients with acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx.
[Article in Russian]
Tarasov DI, Nikolaev MP, Aliev MA.
The authors have tried alternative magnetic field of sound frequency
in patients with acute inflammatory diseases of the larynx. The above
modality proved highly efficient in view of its bacteriological,
immunomodulating and detoxication actions at cellular level, which make
the method promising in physiotherapy of acute inflammation.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1994 May-Jun;(3):6-10.
A validation for the combined transcerebral exposure to a UHF field
and to decimeter waves in the area of the splenic projection in
bronchial asthma.
[Article in Russian]
Maliavin AG, Rychkova MA, Nikoda NV.
Thirty patients with bronchial asthma of moderate severity in
unstable remission were treated with transcerebral UHF electric field
and decimeter waves on the spleen region. Clinical and laboratory
postexposure findings provided evidence in favour of the regimens used.
Tolerance of the procedures, comparative efficacy regarding the
clinico-pathogenetic variant, probable mechanisms of therapeutic action
are discussed.
Voen Med Zh, 3, 1989, . 35-36.
The Efficacy of the Use of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Chronic Bronchitis
Iurlov VM, Eksareva TA, Dolodarenko VF.
Low frequency electromagnetic field therapy and treatment with pulsed
electromagnetic fields were effective in patients suffering from
chronic bronchitis in combined treatment with drug therapies in this
double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Magnetic field therapy consisted
of a total of 15, 15 to 20 minute daily exposures.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2005 Jan-Feb;(1):19-22. |
Physiotherapy with rotating pulse magnetic field in combined therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
[Article in Russian]
Lobanov AIu, Gilinskaia NIu, Chereiskaia NK.
Rationale and technique are proposed and clinical trial has been made
of efficacy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) treatment
with impacts of rotating impulse magnetic field (RIMF) from the device
Polyus-VIEM (two fields, induction 48-72 mTe, reversive rotation, 4-6 s
reversion duration, 20-30 Hz, 7-10 min exposure of each field, 7-10
procedures). The addition of RIMF in combined treatment of COPD improves
treatment and shortens its duration.
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1995 May-Jun;(3):12-4. |
An evaluation of the effect of magnetic-laser therapy on external
respiratory function in complicated forms of acute pneumonia in
[Article in Russian]
Gaidashev EA, Lebedev KN, Khristoforov VN, Biriukov VV, Gatkin EIa.
The authors studied the effects of magnetic laser therapy (MLT) on
external respiration, blood transport of gas and clinical course of
acute destructive pneumonia in children aged 1-12 years. It was
established that energy of infrared laser combined with magnetic field
reduces the severity of acute respiratory insufficiency, treatment
course, prevents destructive complications in children with infiltrative
acute destructive pneumonia.
Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1994 Mar-Apr;(2):27-31. |
The clinico-immunological assessment of the efficacy of magnetic-laser therapy in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis.
[Article in Russian]of
Nikolaev MP, Prozorovskaia KN, Skriabin AS, Popov VV.
Magneto-laser therapy (80 Hz, 0.01 mW/cm2, 12 min) consisting of 10
sessions was performed in patients with maxillary sinusitis (MS).
Therapeutic action on the sinus mucosa was conducted through the sinus
anterior wall. The magneto-optic attachment coupled with semiconductor
laser in the Uzor apparatus was tightly pressed to the facial skin in
the sinus projection area. Positive clinical responses associated with
stimulation of neutrophil phagocytic activity and with a rise in the
portion of rosette-forming neutrophils and Ig A were achieved in 90% of
the patients with catarrhal MS and in 83% of those with purulent MS. A
1.5-2-year follow-up registered the effect persistence in 80% and 69% of
them, respectively. Compared to standard methods (microwave therapy),
magneto-laser treatment was superior both in short-term and long-term
effects obtained in purulent MS. The method can be applied in mono- and
Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1991 May-Jun;(3):60-3. |
Clinical effectiveness of magnetolaser therapy of vasomotor rhinitis.
[Article in Russian]
Mamedov AF.
Magnet-laser therapy was used to treat vasomotor rhinitis in 90
patients. A constant magnet of 50 mT was applied to the exterior of the
nose, and an infrared laser beam was applied via a light-guide to the
reflexogenic zones of concha inferior. The radiation power density was 5
mW/cm2. The magnetic exposure time was 6-10 min and the laser exposure
time was 3-5 min for each half of the nose. The therapeutic course was
8-12 sessions. The therapeutic results depended on the type of vasomotor
rhinitis, clinical disorders, and duration of the disease. Good results
were seen in 84 (93.3%) patients out of 90 cases. Stable remission was
recorded in 61.1% patients, significant improvement of clinical
manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis was observed in 32.2% cases. Best
results were reported in patients with autonomic forms of vasomotor
rhinitis who suffered from short-term disease and vasodilation
Wiad Lek. 2003;56(9-10):434-41. |
Application of variable magnetic fields in medicine–15 years experience.
[Article in Polish]
Sieron A, Cieslar G.
Katedra i Klinika Chorob Wewnetrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej SAM, ul. Batorego 15, 41-902 Bytom. sieron@mediclub.pl
The results of 15-year own experimental and clinical research on
application of variable magnetic fields in medicine were presented. In
experimental studies analgesic effect (related to endogenous opioid
system and nitrogen oxide activity) and regenerative effect of variable
magnetic fields with therapeutical parameters was observed. The
influence of this fields on enzymatic and hormonal activity, free oxygen
radicals, carbohydrates, protein and lipid metabolism, dielectric and
rheological properties of blood as well as behavioural reactions and
activity of central dopamine receptor in experimental animals was
proved. In clinical studies high therapeutic efficacy of magnetotherapy
and magnetostimulation in the treatment of osteoarthrosis, abnormal
ossification, osteoporosis, nasosinusitis, multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson’s disease, spastic paresis, diabetic polyneuropathy and
retinopathy, vegetative neurosis, peptic ulcers, colon irritable and
trophic ulcers was confirmed.
Lik Sprava. 2004 Oct-Nov;(7):41-6.Links
Effect of magnetic and ultrasound therapy on clinical manifestations
and general parameters of efficiency in the treatment of pulmonary
[Article in Ukrainian]
Savchenko VI, Samosiuk IZ.
The authors have analized general efficiency coefficients of the
treatment of 117 patients with the first diagnized pulmonary
tuberculosis. The patients were divided into a control and main group.
61 patients of the main group at the initial stage of complex treatment
in addition to a standard chemotherapy have recieved magnetic and
ultrasound therapy. During the treatment the patients underwent complex
clinical and X-ray examination. The patients of the main group have been
detected to have better signs of recovering compared with the control
group. The signs were the following: more rapid disappearing of main
clinical symptoms, radiological marks of tuberculosis such as focal and
infiltrative alterations and decay cavity closing, cessation of
Probl Tuberk. 2001;(2):11-2.
Very high frequency electromagnetic irradiation in multimodal
treatment of patients with disseminated infiltrative pulmonary
[Article in Russian]
Iakovleva LP, Lineva ZE, Mozhokina GN.
Multimodality treatment involving very high-frequency electromagnetic
radiation (VHFER) in combination with the antioxidants alpha-tocopherol
and sodium thiosulfate, which had been performed in 27 patients with
disseminated infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, was effective. As
compared to patients receiving chemotherapy in combination with
electromagnetic radiation (n = 29) and routine chemotherapy alone (n =
29), these patients had more benefits from the multimodality treatment
in terms of bacterial isolation cessation and reduced hospital stay by
1.5-2 months, minimal pneumofibrotic changes occurred in 63% of the
patients. Combined VHFER and antioxidative therapy were found to exert a
normalizing effect on lipid peroxidation and immunity.
Probl Tuberk. 2000;(2):18-21. |
Magnetic laser therapy in combination with lymphotropic drugs
administration in treating teenagers with common forms of tuberculosis.
[Article in Russian]
Ovsiankina ES, Dobkin VG, Kobulashvili MG, Rusakova LI, Gubkina MF.
The paper shows the efficiency of combined use of magnetic laser
therapy (MLT) and lymphotropic drug therapy in 40 teenagers with common
forms of tuberculosis. The use of laser makes it possible to modify
methods of regional lymphotropic therapy, to prolong its use and
increase indications for it. MLT in combination with lymphotropic drug
therapy accelerates positive changes and hence enhances the efficiency
of tuberculosis treatment.
Probl Tuberk. 1999;(6):30-2.
Impact of combined magnetic and laser radiation of regional
pulmonary blood flow in patients with destructive pulmonary
[Article in Russian]
Iakubenia ON, Tostik SI, Iakubenia GI.
Rheopulmonography was used to study regional pulmonary blood flow in
30 patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis before and after
combined magnetic and laser radiation (an experimental group) and in 28
patients receiving the routine chemotherapy (a control group). The use
of combined exposure of a constant magnetic field and laser radiation
was found to promote pulmonary vascular tone, better microcirculatory
blood flow, and increased pulse blood filling in the affected portion of
the lung.
Probl Tuberk. 1997;(6):50-3.Links
Use of centimetric range microwave therapy in multimodality treatment of patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis.
[Article in Russian]
Savula MM, Kravchenko NS.
Centimeter microwave therapy (CMWT) was employed in the multimodality
treatment of 50 patients with destructive pulmonary tuberculosis. Its
results were compared with a matched control group comprising 43
patients. CMWT increased the rate of decay cavity closure, improved
bronchial patency and prevented its deterioration. This was followed by
improved lipid peroxidation, antioxidative activity, and an
immunological responsiveness of the body.
Probl Tuberk. 1995;(6):17-20.
Significance of the functional state of blood phagocytes in the
choice of optimal regime of EHF therapy of patients with pulmonary
[Article in Russian]
Novikova LN, Kaminskaia GO, Efimova LN.
A trial entered 136 patients with active tuberculosis of the lungs.
86 patients received conventional chemotherapy and a course of microwave
therapy. Control patients received chemotherapy alone. Phagocyte cell
viability and NB-test served as assessment laboratory criteria.
Millimetric waves in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis potentiate
the treatment efficacy documented as more rapid infiltration resolution
and cavern closure through the mechanism of normalization of phagocyte
cell function. The choice of wave length is principal: 5.6 mm waves
affect phagocyte function negatively, 6.4 mm waves produce more
significant positive effect in young patients with new local lesions
while 7.1 mm waves in older patients and in severe involvement. In vitro
radiation of the patients’ blood using different wave lengths and
subsequent performance of NB-test provides objective information for
choice of optimal treatment regimen.
Probl Tuberk. 1994;(4):2-4.
Effectiveness of chemotherapy combined with ultrahigh-frequency
electromagnetic radiation for the treatment of patients with pulmonary
[Article in Russian]
Khomenko AG, Chukanov VI, Novikova LN.
A procedure was developed to determine the optimum wavelength used
for each patient individually. Ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic
radiation was studied in 54 patients with various pulmonary tuberculosis
forms for its impact on the course of the disease. Treatment was
performed by using a YAVOR device at 6.4 and 7.1 mm. Is was found that
following 10 sessions of UHF therapy used in combination with specific
chemicals, caverns were closed in 50% of patients 2-3 months after
therapy and in the controls 5-6 months later. Infiltrates in the lesion
areas were resolved 2-3 weeks after UHF exposure, whereas in the
controls 1-2 months following drug therapy alone.