
J Physiol Pharmacol.  2012 Sep;63(4):397-401. Pulsating electromagnetic field stimulation of urothelial cells induces apoptosis and diminishes necrosis: new insight to magnetic therapy in urology. Juszczak K, Kaszuba-Zwoinska J, Thor PJ. Source Department of Pathophysiology, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Cracow, Poland. Abstract The evidence of electromagnetic therapy (EMT) efficacy in stress and/or urge urinary incontinence, as well as in detrusor overactivity is generally lacking in the literature. The potential EMT action of neuromuscular tissue depolarization has been described. Because there is no data on the influence of pulsating electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on the urothelium, we evaluated the effect of PEMF stimulation on rat urothelial cultured cells (RUCC). In our study 15 Wistar rats were used for RUCC preparation. RUCC were exposed to PEMF (50 Hz, 45±5 mT) three times for 4 hours each with 24-hour intervals. The unexposed RUCC was in the same incubator, but in a distance of 35 cm from the PEMF generator. Annexin V-APC (AnV+) labelled was used to determine the percentage of apoptotic cells and propidium iodide (PI+), as standard flow cytometric viability probe to distinguish necrotic cells from viable ones. The results are presented in percentage values. The flow cytometric analysis was carried out on a FACS calibur flow cytometer using Cell-Quest software. In PEMF-unstimulated RUCC, the percentage of AnV+, PI+, and AnV+PI+ positive cells were 1.24±0.34%, 11.03±1.55%, and 12.43±1.96%, respectively. The percentages of AnV+, PI+, and AnV+PI+ positive cells obtained after PEMF stimulation were 1.45±0.16% (p=0.027), 7.03±1.76% (p<0.001), and 9.48±3.40% (p=0.003), respectively. The PEMF stimulation of RUCC induces apoptosis (increase of AnV+ cells) and inhibits necrosis (decrease of PI+ cells) of urothelial cells. This leads us to the conclusion that a low-frequency pulsating electromagnetic field stimulation induces apoptosis and diminishes necrosis of rat urothelial cells in culture. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2005 Jan-Feb;(1):26-8.

Efficacy of general magnetotherapy in conservative therapy of uterine myoma in women of reproductive age.

[Article in Russian]

Kulishova TV, Tabashnikova NA, Akker LV.

Sixty women of the reproductive age with uterine myoma were divided into two groups. Thirty patients of the study group received combined therapy plus general magnetotherapy (GMT). Patients of the control group received only combined treatment. Ultrasound investigation registered a reduction in the size of myoma nodes by 16.7% in the study group, while in the controls myoma size did not change (p < 0.05). 1-year follow-up data for the study group demonstrated no cases of the myoma growth while 16.6% of the controls showed growth of myoma nodes, in 6.6% of them supravaginal myoma amputation was made for rapidly growing myoma.

Urologiia. 2004 Mar-Apr;(2):20-2.

Combined therapy of interstitial cystitis using the “Aeltis-Synchro-02-Iarilo” device.

[Article in Russian]

Kalinina SN, Molchanov AV, Rutskaia NS.

Multiple modality therapy of interstitial cystitis (IC)–the disease characterized by nicturia, pelvic pains, imperative pollakiuria–is considered. As IC nature is not well known, its treatment remains empiric. Among the underlying causes, most probable are autoimmune, allergic, infectious, neurological, vascular. Therefore, the treatment should be multi-modality. Most usable now is combined chemotherapy. Perspective is also IC treatment with medicines in combination with physiotherapy (electromagnetolaser AELTIS-SYNCHRO-02-YARILO”). Endovesical electrophoresis can be also applied.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1996 Sep-Oct;(5):22-5.

The effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on the clinico-immunological indices of patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the organs of the female genital system.

[Article in Russian]

Markina LP, Iarustovskaia OV, Alisultanova LS, Derevnina NA, Gontar’ EV.

Low-frequency magnetic field generated by the vaginal inductor used in 120 females with chronic genital inflammation promoted a decrease in leukocytosis, elevation of total population of T-lymphocytes, inhibition of high proliferative activity in PHA test. However, marked immunocorrection was not reached.

Eur J Surg Suppl. 1994;(574):83-6.

Electrochemical therapy of pelvic pain: effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on tissue trauma.

Jorgensen WA, Frome BM, Wallach C.

International Pain Research Institute, Los Angeles, California.

Unusually effective and long-lasting relief of pelvic pain of gynaecological origin has been obtained consistently by short exposures of affected areas to the application of a magnetic induction device producing short, sharp, magnetic-field pulses of a minimal amplitude to initiate the electrochemical phenomenon of electroporation within a 25 cm2 focal area. Treatments are short, fasting-acting, economical and in many instances have obviated surgery. This report describes typical cases such as dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, ruptured ovarian cyst, acute lower urinary tract infection, post-operative haematoma, and persistent dyspareunia in which pulsed magnetic field treatment has not, in most cases, been supplemented by analgesic medication. Of 17 female patients presenting with a total of 20 episodes of pelvic pain, of which 11 episodes were acute, seven chronic and two acute as well as chronic, 16 patients representing 18 episodes (90%) experienced marked, even dramatic relief, while two patients representing two episodes reported less than complete pain relief.

Urol Nefrol (Mosk). 1996 Sep-Oct;(5):10-4.

Magnetic-laser therapy in inflammatory and postraumatic lesions of the urinary system.

[Article in Russian]

Loran OB, Kaprin AD, Gazimagomedov GA.

The authors discuss disputable problem of renal and ureteral tissue after trauma or inflammation. These cause irreversible morphological changes in the tissue. Poor results of the standard therapy urged the authors to try magnetic-laser therapy in urological clinic. The technique has been developed on experimental animal models. The resultant morphological characteristics of ureteral wall and parenchyma support the validity of magnetic-laser therapy in urological practice.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1996 Nov-Dec;(6):21-4.

A permanent magnetic field in the combined treatment of acute endometritis after an artificial abortion.

[Article in Russian]

Strugatskii VM, Strizhakov AN, Kovalenko MV, Istratov VG, Iakubovich DV.

117 patients with acute endometritis after induced abortion were examined using markers of wound process phases and treated according to the original method. This consists in combination of constant magnetic field with other modalities. Application of the constant magnetic field produced a significant clinical response and reduced the hospital stay through positive effect on healing of the endometrial wound.