Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide. Available treatments are associated with numerous side effects and only a low percentage of patients achieve complete remission. Therefore, there is a strong need for new therapeutic strategies. In this regard, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy presents several potential advantages including non‐invasiveness, safety, lack of toxicity for non‐cancerous cells, and the possibility of being combined with other available therapies. Indeed, PEMF stimulation has already been used in the context of various cancer types including skin, breast, prostate, hepatocellular, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, bladder, thyroid, and colon cancer in vitro and in vivo. At present, only limited application of PEMF in cancer has been documented in humans. In this article, we review the experimental and clinical evidence of PEMF therapy discussing future perspectives in its use in oncology.Keywords: Cancer, electromagnetic therapy, oncology, pulsed electromagnetic fields, tumor‐specific frequenciesGo to:
Cancer is one of the most common causes of death worldwide and accounted for 8.2 million deaths in 2012 1. The number of cancer‐related deaths is predicted to increase to over 11 million by 2030 2. The types of cancer with the highest incidence are lung (1.59 million people), liver (745,000), stomach (723,000), colon and rectum (694,000), breast (521,000), and esophagus (400,000) 1. In oncology, the selection of correct treatment strategy, in early disease stages, is crucial to increase the probability of remission and improve survival. Available cancer treatments include chemotherapy, immunotherapy or antibody‐based therapy, radiation therapy, and surgery 3. The therapeutic strategy is chosen taking into account the individual patient’s medical assessment, type of cancer, location, and disease stage 4. Multimodal treatments are often required to reduce the therapy‐induced side effects 5 related to pharmacological as well as other approaches including surgery 6. Chemotherapy‐induced side effects depend on various variables such as the drug employed, its dosage, and treatment duration. These side effects include pain, fatigue, throat and mouth sores, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and blood disorders. Side effects affecting the nervous system are commonly experienced with chemotherapy and include cognitive dysfunction, headache, dizziness, vision loss and vision disturbances such as blurred or double vision, changes in learning and memory, sexual dysfunction, ataxia, and peripheral neuropathy 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Rashes, fever, hypotension, colitis or other gastrointestinal problems, and thyroid dysfunctions are immunotherapy‐related side effects 12. The main radiotherapy‐induced side effects are dry mouth and gum sores, jaw stiffness, nausea, lymphedema, swallowing difficulties, shortness of breath, breast or nipple soreness, rectal bleeding, incontinence, bladder irritation, and pituitary dysfunction 13. Surgical techniques, such as minimally invasive surgery, also result in pain, fatigue, appetite loss, swelling and bruising around the site of surgery, bleeding, infection, lymphedema, and organ dysfunction 14. Numerous studies support the development of new treatments in oncology to be added to the traditional protocols to increase the effectiveness of available treatments, reducing side effect profile, and the patients’ quality of life 15, 16, 17, 18. Such resources include traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy 19. While complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is not generally considered part of conventional medicine, it has been widely used in the oncology field as an add‐on therapy to control patients’ symptoms and improve their quality of life 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. The beginning of the 20th century saw the first therapeutic applications of CAM therapies for cancer treatment; these therapies include acupuncture, chromotherapy, therapeutic touch (reiki), and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy 4, 15, 27, 28, 29, 30. In this review, we have focused on PEMF therapy, a noninvasive technique characterized by electromagnetic fields inducing microcurrents to the entire body or locally to target specific body tissues. Exposure to PEMFs in the 0–300 Hz range is a therapeutic tool extensively used for the treatment of several pathologies including osteoarthritis, Parkinson’s disease, postsurgical pain and edema, treatment of chronic wounds, and facilitation of vasodilatation and angiogenesis producing direct stimulation to excitable cells including nerve and muscle cells 31, 32, 33, 34. Stimulation with sufficient intensity and duration induces a current across targeted cell membranes, activating nerve cells or muscles to propagate action potentials 35, 36, 37. Indeed, PEMF therapy can be used as an adjuvant treatment to chemotherapy and radiotherapy with the aim of reducing their dosage, mitigating any harmful secondary side effects, and enhancing patient’s prognosis 15, 35, 38, 39, 40.
Aim and searching criteria
We reviewed in vitro, in vivo, and clinical studies employing PEMF therapy for cancer treatment published between 1976 and 2016. We searched Pubmed/Medline, Embase, Web of Science and Scopus using the keywords “PEMFs”, “cancer”, “magnet therapy”, “tumour specific frequencies” and “oncology” alone or combined. This review aims at describing the state of the art of PEMF therapy, discussing current understanding of the underlying mechanisms and outlining future therapeutic perspectives in oncology.Go to:
In Vitro Studies
PEMF therapy has been extensively studied in vitro using various human cancer cell lines, such as pheochromocytoma‐derived (PC12), breast cancer (e.g., MCF7, MDA‐MB‐231 and T47D), and colon cancer (SW‐480 and HCT‐116) 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. These studies have shown that PEMF therapy may exert proliferative inhibition and mitotic spindle disruption 18, 40, block the development of neovascularization required for tumor supply 46, 47, 48 and exacerbate an inherent or induced genetic instability by reducing the stringency of the late‐cycle (G2) checkpoint 49. While chemotherapy is not specific to cancer cells and targets all rapidly dividing cells 50, 51, 52, PEMFs exert selective cytotoxic effect on neoplastic cells 15, 40, 53, 54, 55 making this therapy a highly promising strategy.
In the next subparagraphs, we will review studies employing PEMF therapy in different cell lines as a model to study specific types of cancer (Table 1).
Table 1
In vitro studies of PEMF therapy in oncology
Author(s), year
Cell type
Main findings
Crocetti et al., 2013
Human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF7) and nontumorigenic cells (MCF10)
Daily 60‐min PEMF therapy session (20 Hz; 3 mT) for 3 days
PEMFs increased apoptosis in MCF7 cells but had no effect on MCF10 cells
Human breast cancer (MDA‐MB‐231) and colon cancer (SW‐480 and HCT‐116) cell lines
24 and 72 h exposure to PEMF therapy (50 Hz; 10 mT)
PEMFs increased apoptosis in MDA‐MB‐231 (55% and 20%), SW480 (11% and 6%), and HCT‐116 cell lines (2% and 3%) after 24 and 72 h exposure, respectively, compared with untreated control cancer cell lines
Undifferentiated PC12 pheochromocytoma cells and differentiated PC12 cells
Short PEMF therapy session (50 Hz, 0.1–1.0 mT) for 30 min, and long‐term PEMF session (50 Hz, 0.1–1.0 mT) for 7 days
30‐min PEMF session in undifferentiated PC12 cells increased ROS levels and decreased catalase activity. No change in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was observed. 7‐day PEMF therapy session in undifferentiated PC12 cells resulted in increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration and increased catalase activity. No significant findings were observed in differentiated PC12 cells
Studies of PEMF therapy in human breast cancer and colon cancer cell lines
A study by Crocetti and coworkers 38 investigated whether ultra‐low intensity and frequency PEMF therapy could induce apoptosis in human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF7). PEMF exposure was cytotoxic to MCF7 cells, but not to normal breast epithelial cells (MCF10). Both MCF7 and MCF10 cells were exposed to PEMF therapy and the cytotoxic indices were measured in order to design PEMF paradigms that could reduce selectively neoplastic cell proliferation. The PEMF parameters tested were: (1) frequency of 20 Hz, (2) intensity of 3 mT and (3) exposure time of 60 min/day for up to 3 days. Four independent methods of monitoring cancer‐induced apoptosis (trypan blue assay, apoptosis determination by DNA strand break detection, analysis of cellular electrical properties by means of impedance microflow cytometer, and apoptosis determination by Annexin V staining) showed that this specific set of PEMF parameters was cytotoxic to breast cancer cells. While this treatment selectively induced apoptosis of MCF7 cells, it had no effect on MCF10 cells that were more resistant to apoptosis in response to PEMFs. Although these results are encouraging, PEMF exposure was limited to 3 days. Long‐term PEMF exposure needs to be assessed in further studies based on the concept that PEMF effectiveness is strictly linked to the signal parameters, exposure magnitude, duration, signal shape, duration of treatment as well as the type of cells exposed to the magnetic field 56, 57.
The antineoplastic effect of PEMFs has also been investigated in human breast cancer MDA‐MB‐231, colon cancer SW‐480, and HCT‐116 cell lines. These cells were exposed to 50 Hz PEMFs for 24 and 72 h 58. PEMFs decreased the number of viable cells in all the cell lines tested, reaching 55% after 24 h and 20% after 72 h in the MDA‐MB‐231 cell line, 11% after 24 h and 6% after 72 h in the SW480 cell line, and 2% after 24 h and 3% after 72 h in the HCT‐116 cell line, compared with unexposed cancer cell lines used as controls, as assessed by a computer reaction‐diffusion model, a mathematical model widely employed to study cell proliferation and infiltration 59. The lower percentage inhibition of neoplastic cell proliferation was observed after 72 h, showing that PEMF therapy had antiproliferative activity which decreased over time. This action is exerted in vitro by interfering with microtubule spindle polymerization. Indeed, PEMF exposure reduces the fraction of polymerized microtubules, disrupts the mitotic spindle structure, inhibits cell division, thereby leading to chromosome mis‐segregation and cancer‐induced apoptosis 60. In summary, studies in human breast and colon cancer cell lines are promising and warrant further investigations.
Studies of PEMF therapy in pheochromocytoma‐derived cells
PEMF signal parameters have been extensively utilized on diverse cell types to determine in vitro effectiveness 61, 62. For example, Morabito and coworkers 41 investigated cell responsiveness and in vitro neuritogenesis following PEMF exposure. They specifically focused on PEMF ability to modify morphology, proliferation, and differentiation in PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. Furthermore, they assessed whether PEMFs can induce variable and species‐specific alterations in the oxidative stress pathway such as Ca2+‐dependent oxidative stress which enhances free radical production, particularly via the Fenton reaction, leading to apoptotic cell death 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69. Undifferentiated and differentiated [supplemented with 50 ng/mL of nerve growth factor (NGF)] PC12 cells were exposed to 50 Hz PEMF therapy (0.1–1.0 mT), and cell growth and viability were evaluated after immediate (30 min) or long‐term exposure (7 days), using colorimetric and morphological assays. The long‐lasting exposure to PEMFs did not affect the biological response in terms of proliferation and neuritogenesis. Thirty‐minute PEMF exposure at 1.0 mT in undifferentiated PC12 cells increased the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased catalase activity, an indicator of oxidative stress. Conversely, long‐term PEMF exposure of undifferentiated PC12 cells also increased catalase activity that could reflect the absence of ROS accumulation and a possible adaptation cell response to PEMFs. During immediate PEMF exposure in undifferentiated PC12 cells, no change in intracellular Ca2+ concentration was observed, while it increased after long‐term exposure. This enhanced calcium level could activate, through voltage‐gated (L‐type) calcium channels, signaling pathways and lead to the expression of genes modulating cell differentiation, survival, and apoptosis such as extracellular signal‐regulated kinases, c‐Jun N‐terminal protein kinase/stress‐activated protein kinase, and p38 70, 71, 72, 73. In particular, the undifferentiated PC12 cells were more sensitive to PEMFs exposure, while the differentiated PC12 cells were more stable and resistant to stress, probably due to the action of the cell surface NGF receptors such as p75NR 74.
Further studies are necessary to identify the ROS/intracellular Ca2+ cross‐talking pathway activated by PEMF therapy. However, the study by Morabito and coworkers supports the hypothesis that ROS and Ca2+ could be the cellular “primum movens” of PEMF therapy‐induced effects, as observed in pheochromocytoma cells.Go to:
In Vivo Studies
Several studies investigated the antineoplastic effect of PEMFs using widely employed animal models of several types of cancer, including breast cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and melanoma (Table 2) 4, 48, 75, 76, 77, 78.
Table 2
In vivo studies of PEMF therapy in oncology
Author(s), year
Animal model (number of animals, study design)
Route of administration
Main findings
Tatarov et al., 2011
12 T‐cell‐immunodeficient Swiss outbred female nude mice (Cr:NIH(S)‐nu/nu), divided into 4 groups (n = 3 each)
Orthotopic injection of metastatic mouse breast tumor cell line [EpH4‐MEK Bcl213 cells (1 × 106)] into the mammary fat pad
Group 1, 2 and 3 were exposed to PEMFs (1 Hz, 100 mT) daily for 60, 180, or 360 min, respectively, for 4 weeks; group 4 did not receive any treatment and was used as control
Mice exposed for 60 and 180 min daily showed a 30% and 70% tumor reduction, respectively, at week 4, if compared to baseline
60 rats (strain not reported) divided into 6 groups
Intraperitoneal administration of a carcinogenic agent, DEN
Group 1 (naive rats) received PEMF therapy (2‐3 Hz, 0.004 T) for 30 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 2 (naive rats) received PEMF therapy (<1 Hz, 0.6 T) 15 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 3 (naive rats) was left untreated; group 4 (HCC rats) received PEMF therapy (2‐3 Hz, 0.004 T) for 30 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 5 (HCC rats) received PEMF therapy (<1 Hz, 0.6 T) 15 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 6 (HCC rats) was left untreated.
A significant decrease in serum AFP level and a slight improvement in dielectric properties of liver tissues was observed in HCC rats treated with PEMFs. These results were confirmed by electron microscopy and histological analysis showing HCC regression. No changes in histopathology and dielectric properties of liver tissue were observed in naive rats exposed to PEMFs.
Single subcutaneous injection of B16 murine melanoma cells (1 × 105) on the dorsal side of the mouse ear
30‐min PEMF therapy session (0.5 Hz, 0.2 T) three times a day for 6 days
All mice exhibited significant pyknosis, shrinkage of the tumor cell nuclei by 54% within a few minutes after PEMF therapy and by 68% within 3 h and reduction in the blood flow in about 15 min following PEMF therapy
Four female immunodeficient, hairless, albino Nu/Nu mice
Single subcutaneous injection of murine melanoma cells (B16‐F10‐eGFP, 1 × 105) on the mouse skin
Daily 6‐min PEMF session (5–7 Hz, 0.2 T) for 10 days
Melanoma cells shrank within an hour post PEMF therapy, exhibiting pyknosis within 24 h post treatment. PEMFs‐treated mice showed complete remission of melanoma
PEMF therapy effectiveness in mouse models of breast cancer
PEMF therapy effectiveness on tumor growth and viability has been tested in mouse models of breast cancer. For example, xenograft mouse models are widely used to study breast cancer. This model is obtained by injection of human breast cancer cells including estrogen‐negative (MDA‐MB‐231) and estrogen‐positive (MCF7) breast carcinoma cell lines or mouse breast cancer cells including EpH4 mammary epithelial cells or mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MEK)‐transformed EpH4 cells subcutaneously, intravenously, intracardially, or orthotopically, four times every 5 days, into the mammary fat pad of immunocompromised mice 79, 80. The injected cells are highly invasive in vitro and tumorigenic when transplanted into the mammary fat pad. After a week from the last injection, the mouse is palpated biweekly for mammary tumors and the dimensions of tumors are measured using an external caliper daily. Mice are euthanized when the tumor size becomes ulcerated with macro‐metastases, mainly in liver, bone, and brain 81, 82, 83, 84. For example, EpH4‐MEK Bcl213 cells (1 × 106) transfected with a luciferase expression vector (pβP2‐PolII‐luciferase) were injected into the mammary fat pad in 12 T‐cell‐immunodeficient Swiss outbred female nude mice (Cr:NIH(S)‐nu/nu) 85. Mice were divided into four groups (n = 3 each). Group 1, 2, and 3 were exposed to PEMF therapy (1 Hz, 100 mT) daily for 60, 180, or 360 min, respectively, for 4 weeks, while group 4 did not receive PEMF therapy and was used as control. All mice were monitored for tumor growth by body bioluminescence imaging once every 2 to 4 days for 4 weeks. Then, all the mice were sacrificed and skin, liver, lung, and spleen samples were collected for histopathologic analysis. Mice exposed to PEMFs for 60 and 180 min daily showed a 30% and 70% breast tumor reduction, respectively, at week 4, if compared to baseline. Mice exposed to PEMFs for 360 min daily, showed a suppression of tumor growth at week 4. In summary, this study shows that the time of PEMF exposure is critical to determine its effectiveness. Mice exposed for longer duration (360 min daily for 4 weeks) showed a significant reduction in tumor size, due probabily to the inhibition of angiogenesis that may suppress the formation of blood vessels in tumor tissues, reducing the tumor growth.
Antineoplastic effect of PEMF therapy in rodent models of hepatocellular carcinoma
Chemically induced HCC is a widely used model of hepatocarcinogenesis that mimics the development of fibrosis and cirrhosis. This model is obtained by intraperitoneal administration of a carcinogenic agent, N‐diethylnitrosamine (DEN; 50–100 mg/kg mouse body weight) alone or followed by oral administration of a nongenotoxic liver tumor promoter [phenobarbital (PB)]. DEN induces damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids, leading to hepatocyte death 86. It is hydroxylated to α‐hydroxylnitrosamine, mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes which are primarily located in the centrilobural hepatocytes. Then, an electrophilic ethyldiazonium ion is formed and causes DNA damage by reacting with nucleophiles. Three to four weeks following the last injection, mice receive drinking water containing PB (0.07%) that increases the expression of cytochrome P450, inducing oxidative stress and resulting in HCC development after 6 months from PB administration 86, 87, 88, 89, 90. Emara and coworkers evaluated the safety and effectiveness of PEMFs with different intensity and frequency in a rat model of DEN‐induced HCC (75 mg/kg body weight, once a week for 3 weeks) 91. Sixty rats were divided into six groups: Group 1 (naive rats) received PEMF therapy (2‐3 Hz, 0.004 T) for 30 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 2 (naive rats) received PEMF therapy (<1 Hz, 0.6 T) 15 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 3 (naive rats) was left untreated; group 4 (HCC rats) received PEMF therapy (2‐3 Hz, 0.004 T) for 30 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 5 (HCC rats) received PEMF therapy (<1 Hz, 0.6 T) 15 min/day for 6 days/week for 4 weeks; group 6 (HCC rats) was left untreated. No changes in histopathology and dielectric properties of liver tissue were observed in naive rats exposed to PEMFs supporting its safety. In HCC rats exposed to PEMFs, a significant decrease in AFP level (AFP is a serum glycoprotein often elevated in HCC patients and used as a carcinoma marker in the clinic) was reported together with a slight improvement in dielectric properties of liver tissue. These results were confirmed by electron microscopy and histological analysis showing HCC regression. Altogether this evidence supports the antineoplastic activity of PEMF therapy in the rat model of DEN‐induced HCC and warrants further investigations.
PEMF therapy effectiveness in murine melanoma models
The most frequently used murine melanoma model is the syngeneic B16 model. It is obtained by a single subcutaneous injection of 1 × 105 B16 murine melanoma cells on the dorsal side of the mouse ear. Melanoma nodules 5–6 mm in diameter develop 7 days post‐injection 92, 93, 94. The melanoma model in SKH‐1 hairless mice has been used to investigate the effectiveness of PEMF therapy (0.5 Hz, 0.2 T, 30 min/day). Mice (n = 23) received 1–3 PEMF treatments daily for 6 days and were monitored for tumor growth, daily, by optical methods, such as transillumination and power Doppler ultrasound reconstructions that display blood flow images for each tumor 95. Then, all the mice were sacrificed and skin tissues were collected for histopathological analysis. All mice exposed to PEMFs exhibited significant pyknosis, shrinkage of the tumor cell nuclei by 54% within a few minutes after PEMF therapy and by 68% within 3 h and reduction in the blood flow in about 15 min following PEMF therapy. These effects may be due to PEMF therapy that stimulates murine melanoma to self‐destruct by triggering rapid pyknosis of tumor cell nuclei and reducing blood flow 96, 97, 98, 99. A further study 100 optimized the PEMF therapy parameters pulse number, amplitude, and frequency to completely suppress melanoma with a single treatment. In this study, four female immunodeficient, hairless, albino Nu/Nu mice received a single PEMF treatment for 6 min using the following parameters: 2.700 pulses, amplitude of 30 kV/cm and frequency of 5–7 Hz for 10 days. After 2–4 weeks, mice were sacrificed and skin samples were processed for histology. Melanoma cells shrank within an hour post PEMF therapy, exhibiting pyknosis within 24 h post PEMFs and showing a complete remission of melanoma in all the mice, as assessed by in vivo imaging (transillumination and photography). To evaluate the safety of PEMF therapy, the authors recorded the physiological parameters and introduced a miniature thermocouple into the tumor for simultaneous measurement of intratumoral temperature during PEMF treatment; body temperature and systolic blood pressure showed no significant changes, while the intratumoral temperature was ~6–7°C, evidencing that, by limiting the frequency to 7 Hz or less, it was possible to avoid heating the tumor to hyperthermia temperatures potentially leading to damage of the surrounding tissues. Evidence of efficacy of a single PEMF treatment on mouse skin cancer resulting in suppression of tumor growth and induction of apoptosis is promising for translational applications.Go to:
Clinical Studies
The use of PEMF therapy in oncology is still limited (Table 3) 4. The first study utilizing PEMF therapy was conducted by Barbault and coworkers who hypothesized that a combination of specific frequencies, defined tumor‐specific frequencies, may display therapeutic effectiveness for localized treatment of tumors 15. They identified a total of 1524 tumor‐specific frequencies, ranging from 0.1 to 114 kHz, consisting in the measurement of variations in skin electrical resistance, pulse amplitude, and blood pressure in 163 patients affected by different types of cancer including brain tumors, colorectal cancer, HCC carcinoma, pancreatic, colorectal, ovarian, breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, and bladder cancer and exposed to the radiofrequency system. Self‐administered PEMF therapy for 60 min, three times a day, for an average of 278.4 months was offered to only 28 patients with advanced cancer (breast cancer [n = 7], ovarian cancer [n = 5], pancreatic cancer [n = 3], colorectal cancer [n = 2], prostate cancer [n = 2], glioblastoma multiforme [n = 1], HCC carcinoma [n = 1], mesothelioma [n = 1], neuroendocrine tumor [n = 1], non‐small‐cell lung cancer [n = 1], oligodendroglioma [n = 1], small‐cell lung cancer [n = 1], sarcoma [n = 1] and thyroid tumor [n = 1]). None of the patients who received PEMF therapy reported any side effects; four patients presented stable disease for 3 years (thyroid cancer with biopsy‐proven lung metastases), 6 months (mesothelioma metastatic to the abdomen), 5 months (non‐small‐cell lung cancer), and 4 months (pancreatic cancer with biopsy‐proven liver metastases), respectively.
Table 3
Clinical studies of PEMF therapy in oncology
Author(s), year
Study design
Number of patients
Side effects
Barbault et al., 2009
Compassionate and investigational clinical trial
Glioblastoma multiforme, mesothelioma, oligodendroglioma, sarcoma, HCC and breast, colorectal, lung, neuroendocrine, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate and thyroid cancers
60‐min PEMF session (0.1 Hz–114 kHz, 1.5 T) three times a day for 278.4 months
One patient with thyroid cancer, one patient with mesothelioma metastatic to the abdomen, one patient with non‐small‐cell lung cancer and one patient with pancreatic cancer with biopsy‐proven liver metastases presented stable disease for 3 years, 6 months, 5 months and 4 months, respectively
A single‐group, open‐label, phase I/II clinical trial
Advanced HCC
Daily 60‐min PEMF session (100 Hz–21 kHz, 1.5 T) three times a day for 6 months
Five patients reported complete disappearance and two patients reported decrease in pain shortly after treatment. Four patients showed a partial response to treatment, while 16 patients had stable disease for more than 12 weeks
PEMF therapy has also been employed for the treatment of HCC. Therapies for this disease are needed, especially for patients at an advanced disease stage who cannot tolerate chemotherapy or intrahepatic interventions because of impaired liver function 101. The feasibility of PEMF therapy for treatment of HCC has also been investigated in a single‐group, open‐label, phase I/II clinical study 102. Forty‐one patients with advanced HCC received very low levels of PEMFs modulated at HCC‐specific frequencies (100 Hz–21 kHz) and received three‐daily 60 min outpatient treatments. No adverse reactions were observed during PEMF treatment. Five patients reported complete disappearance and two patients reported decrease in pain shortly after beginning of treatment. Four patients showed a partial response to treatment, while 16 patients (39%) had stable disease for more than 12 weeks. This study shows that PEMF therapy provides a safe and well‐tolerated treatment, as well as evidence of antineoplastic effects in patients with HCC.
In summary, encouraging findings warrant randomized clinical studies to determine the effectiveness of amplitude‐modulated PEMF therapy that can delay cancer progression and increase overall survival in patients. The increased knowledge of tumor‐specific frequencies and the preliminary evidence that additional tumor‐specific frequencies may yield a therapeutic benefit provide a strong rationale for the novel concept that administration of a large number of these frequencies may result in successful long‐term disease management.Go to:
Discussion and Conclusions
In vitro studies support antineoplastic and antiangiogenic effects of PEMF therapy. Several mechanisms of PEMF therapy have been elucidated. For example, PEMFs inhibit cancer growth by disrupting the mitotic spindle in a process mediated by interference of spindle tubulin orientation and induction of dielectrophoresis. Furthermore, PEMF therapy modulates gene expression and protein synthesis interacting with specific DNA sequences within gene promoter regions 18, 38, 40, 41, 58, 103. In addition, PEMFs inhibit angiogenesis in tumor tissues, suppressing tumor vascularization and reducing tumor growth, as shown by in vivo studies 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104.
The specific claim, supported by the described in vivo studies, is that all treated groups showed slower tumor growth rate if compared with untreated control group, confirming that PEMF therapy can modulate the physiology and electrochemistry of cancer cells and influence cell membrane systems and mitosis. In addition, PEMFs induce some changes in membrane transport capacity through impacting the osmotic potential, ionic valves and leading to reduction in cellular stress factors, increase in the rate of DNA transcription, and modulation of immune response 105.
PEMFs have also an immunomodulatory effect, as supported by in vivo evidence showing an increase in tumor necrosis factor alpha levels that induce an anti‐tumoral response, leading to the activation of a proapoptotic pathway induced by caspase‐8 interaction with Fas‐associated death domain, in the spleen of the murine melanoma mouse model after a 16‐day therapy 78. Changes in blood pressure, skin electrical resistance, and pulse amplitude in 163 oncology patients exposed to tumor‐specific PEMF frequencies have also been reported suggesting that PEMF therapy does not only target neoplastic cells, but may also have systemic effects 15. However, long‐term PEMF treatment in HCC patients is not toxic, confirming the safety of PEMF therapy that employs 100,000 times lower frequencies if compared with radiofrequency ablation that is also employed for treatment of HCC 55.
In conclusion, only two clinical studies have used PEMF therapy for cancer treatment. These studies show that PEMF therapy is safe and promising compared to other available cancer therapies. In the future, PEMFs could be used not only as primary therapy but also in combination with other common antineoplastic therapies. Given that new portable and affordable PEMF devices are increasingly available on the market, future controlled clinical studies are expected to further determine the potential of PEMF therapy in oncology.Go to:
Conflict of Interest
The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.Go to:
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a Department of Mathematical and
Informatics Sciences , Physical Sciences and Earth Sciences of Messina
University , Messina , Italy.
e CISFA – Interuniversity Consortium
of Applied Physical Sciences (Consorzio Interuniversitario di Scienze
Fisiche Applicate) , Messina , Italy.
b Le Studium, Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, Orléans & Tours , Orléans , France.
c Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire
(CBM), rue Charles Sadron, Laboratoire Interfaces, Confinement,
Matériaux et Nanostructures (ICMN) – UMR 7374 CNRS , Université
d’Orléans , Orleans , France.
d Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica “F. Severi” – INDAM – Gruppo Nazionale per la Fisica Matematica – GNFM , Rome , Italy.
Samples of human hemoglobin, bovine
serum albumin, lysozyme and myoglobin were used as prototype of proteins
to investigate their response to exposure to high frequency
electromagnetic fields (HF-EMFs), in order to study possible application
to the treatment of cancer. To this aim, Fourier-transform infrared
spectroscopy was used in the infrared region. The most evident result
which appeared after 3 h exposure to HF-EMFs was a significant increase
in intensity of the Amide I band and of CH2 bending
vibrations, showing that the proteins aligned toward the direction of
the field. In addition, proteins’ unfolding and aggregation occurred
after exposure to HF-EMFs. These findings can be explained assuming a
resonance interaction between the natural frequencies of proteins and
HF-EMFs, which can induce iperpolarization of cells. Given that
cancerous tissues were found to have natural frequencies different from
natural frequencies of normal tissues, we can hypothesize to irradiate
cancerous tissues using EMFs at natural frequencies of cancer cells,
causing resonant interaction with cellular membrane channels, inducing
increasing of ions’ flux across cellular channels and damaging the
cellular functions of cancer cells.
Electromagnetic fields; FTIR spectroscopy; cancer treatment; membrane channel; proteins; resonanceIntegr Biol (Camb). 2017 Dec 11;9(12):979-987. doi: 10.1039/c7ib00116a.
High-frequency irreversible electroporation targets resilient tumor-initiating cells in ovarian cancer.
Rolong A1, Schmelz EM, Davalos RV.
Author information
Virginia Tech – Wake Forest University School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA.
We explored the use of irreversible
electroporation (IRE) and high-frequency irreversible electroporation
(H-FIRE) to induce cell death of tumor-initiating cells using a mouse
ovarian surface epithelial (MOSE) cancer model. Tumor-initiating cells
(TICs) can be successfully destroyed using pulsed electric field
parameters common to irreversible electroporation protocols.
Additionally, high-frequency pulses seem to induce cell death of TICs at
significantly lower electric fields suggesting H-FIRE can be used to
selectively target TICs and malignant late-stage cells while sparing the
non-malignant cells in the surrounding tissue. We evaluate the
relationship between threshold for cell death from H-FIRE pulses and the
capacitance of cells as well as other properties that may play a role
on the differences in the response to conventional IRE versus H-FIRE
treatment protocols.
Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 29;6:19451. doi: 10.1038/srep19451.
Constructal approach to cell membranes transport: Amending the ‘Norton-Simon’ hypothesis for cancer treatment.
Lucia U1, Ponzetto A2, Deisboeck TS3,4.
Author information
1Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy.
2Department of Medical Sciences, University of Torino, Corso A.M. Dogliotti 14, 10126 Torino, Italy.
3Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA 02129, USA.
4ThinkMotu LLC, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA.
To investigate biosystems, we propose a new thermodynamic concept
that analyses ion, mass and energy flows across the cell membrane. This
paradigm-shifting approach has a wide applicability to medically
relevant topics including advancing cancer treatment. To support this
claim, we revisit ‘Norton-Simon’ and evolving it from an already
important anti-cancer hypothesis to a thermodynamic theorem in medicine.
We confirm that an increase in proliferation and a reduction in
apoptosis trigger a maximum of ATP consumption by the tumor cell.
Moreover, we find that positive, membrane-crossing ions lead to a
decrease in the energy used by the tumor, supporting the notion of their
growth inhibitory effect while negative ions apparently increase the
cancer’s consumption of energy hence reflecting a growth promoting
impact. Our results not only represent a thermodynamic proof of the
original Norton-Simon hypothesis but, more concretely, they also advance
the clinically intriguing and experimentally testable, diagnostic
hypothesis that observing an increase in negative ions inside a cell in
vitro, and inside a diseased tissue in vivo, may indicate growth or
recurrence of a tumor. We conclude with providing theoretical evidence
that applying electromagnetic field therapy early on in the treatment
cycle may maximize its anti-cancer efficacy.
J Orthop Surg Res. 2015; 10: 104.
Published online 2015 Jul 7. doi: 10.1186/s13018-015-0247-z
PMCID: PMC4496869
Nanosecond pulsed electric field inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in human osteosarcoma
Xudong Miao,# Shengyong Yin,# Zhou Shao, Yi Zhang, and Xinhua Chen
The Department of Orthopedics, the Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310003 China
The Department of Hepatobiliary and
Pancreatic Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University,
Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis Treatment of Infectious
Diseases, 79 Qinchun Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 310003 China
The Department of Gynecology, The First
Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province 310000 China
Xinhua Chen, Phone: +86-571-87236570, Email: nc.ude.ujz@nehc_auhnix.
Recent studies suggest that
nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) is a novel minimal invasive and
non-thermal ablation method that can induce apoptosis in different
solid tumors. But the efficacy of nsPEF on bone-related tumors or bone
metastasis is kept unknown. The current study investigates antitumor
effect of nsPEF on osteosarcoma MG-63 cells in vitro.
MG-63 cells were treated with nsPEF
with different electric field strengths (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50
kV/cm) and different pulse numbers (0, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 pulses).
The inhibitory effect of nsPEF on the growth of MG-63 cells was measured
by Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay at different time points (0, 3,
12, 24, and 48 h post nsPEF treatment). The apoptosis was analyzed by
Hoechst stain, in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
(TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL), and flow cytometric
analysis. The expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG), receptor activator of
NF-kB ligand (RANKL), and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a) was examined
by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western
The CCK-8 assay showed that nsPEF
induced a distinct electric field strength- and pulse number-dependent
reduction of cell proliferation. For treatment parameter optimizing, the
condition 40 kV/cm and 30 pulses at 24 h post nsPEF achieved the most
significant apoptotic induction rate. Hoechst, TUNEL, and flow
cytometric analysis showed that the cell apoptosis was induced and cells
were arrested in the G0/G1 phase. PCR and western blot analysis
demonstrated that nsPEF up-regulated OPG expression had no effect on
RANKL, increased OPG/RANKL ratio.
NsPEF inhibits osteosarcoma growth,
induces apoptosis, and affects bone metabolism by up-regulating OPG,
indicating nsPEF-induced apoptosis in osteosarcoma MG-63 cells. NsPEF
has potential to treat osteosarcoma or bone metastasis. When nsPEF is
applied on metastatic bone tumors, it might be beneficial by inducing
osteoblastic differentiation without cancer proliferation. In the
future, nsPEF might be one of the treatments of metastatic bone tumor.Keywords: Osteosarcoma, MG-63 cells, Nanosecond pulsed electric field, Apoptosis
Osteosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor
with high occurrence in children and young adolescents. Retrospective
review showed that in the past 30 years, osteosarcoma had a poor
prognosis and there was no significant improvement of disease-free
survival and the stagnated situation has not improved even with the
aggressive use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy [1].
Patients did not benefit from overtreatment, and as a result, a high
rate of lung metastasis, recurrence, and pathological fracture
frequently occur, keeping osteosarcoma still one of the lowest survival
rates in pediatric cancers [2]. Thus, new therapeutic strategy needs to be developed.
Nanosecond pulsed electric field (nsPEF) is an innovative
electric ablation method based on high-voltage power technology, which
came into medical application in the last decade [3].
NsPEF accumulates the electric field energy slowly and releases it into
the tumor in ultra-short nanosecond pulses, altering electrical
conductivity and permeability of the cell membrane, causing both cell
apoptosis and immune reaction [4].Quite
different from any other traditional local ablation method, nsPEF
accumulate less Joule heating and showed no hyperthermic effects [5],
indicating unique advantage over other thermal therapies such as
radiofrequency, cryoablation, microwave, and interstitial laser; nsPEF
can be used alone and so avoid the side effect caused by chemotherapy or
percutaneous ethanol injection [6].
We have used nsPEF to ablate tumor and showed the equal outcome as the radical resection with proper indication [7].
Clinical trials and pre-clinical studies from different groups proved
that nsPEF has direct antitumor effects by inhibiting proliferation and
causing apoptosis in human basal cell carcinoma [8, 9], cutaneous papilloma, squamous cell carcinoma [10], melanoma [11, 12], hepatocellular tumor [13], pancreatic tumor [14], colon tumor [15, 16], breast cancer [17, 18], salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma [19], oral squamous cell carcinoma [20],
et al. Local ablation with nsPEF indicates the noticeable advantage of
not only eliminating original tumors but also inducing an immune
reaction, e.g., enhance macrophage [21] and T cell infiltration [22] and induce an immune-protective effect against recurrences of the same cancer [23]. The characteristic of electric field on bone metabolism [24] is extremely helpful for osteosarcoma patients with pathological fracture which leads to poor prognosis [25, 26].
Considering osteosarcoma is especially prevalent in children and young adults during quick osteoblastic differentiation [1, 2], unstable RB gene and p53 gene are commonly involved in this malignant transformation process [27];
we hypothesize that nsPEF affects osteosarcoma growth by targeting the
Wnt/?-catenin signaling pathway, a key signaling cascade involved in
osteosarcoma pathogenesis. Here, we investigate nsPEF-induced changes on
human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells to determine (1) the dose-effect
relationship and time-effect relationship of nsPEF on osteosarcoma cell
growth and apoptosis induction and (2) the nsPEF effect on the
osteosarcoma cell; osteoblast specific gene and protein expression
(receptor activator of NF-?B ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG))
were measured along with the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokine
tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a).
Materials and methods
Cell lines and cell culture
MG-63 human osteosarcoma cells were
purchased from the Cell Bank of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanghai,
China), cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM, Gibco
Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) supplemented with 10 % fetal bovine serum
(FBS, SAFC Biosciences, Lenexa, KS, USA), 100 units/mL penicillin, and
100 mg/mL streptomycin (Sigma, Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Cells were
kept in a humidified atmosphere of 5 % CO2 at 37 °C.
The nsPEF treatment and dose-effect exam
The nsPEF treatment system was made
by Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany, and an
nsPEF generator with duration of 100 ns was applied. Varied electric
fields were released in a cell treatment system from 10 to 60 kV/cm.
Waveforms were monitored with a digital phosphor oscilloscope (DPO4054,
Tektronix, USA) equipped with a high voltage probe (P6015A, Tektronix,
USA). MG-63 human osteosarcoma cells were harvested with trypsin and
resuspended in fresh DMEM with 10 % FBS to a concentration of 5.0 × 106
cells/mL. Five hundred microliters of cell suspension were placed into a
sterile electroporation cuvette (Bio-Rad, US, 0.1-cm gap). Cells were
exposed to 100 pulses at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 kV/cm electric
field strengths, respectively. Under the 50 kV/cm electric field
strength, the different pulse numbers were applied (0, 6, 12, 18, 24,
and 30 pulses). The experiments were repeated for three times. After
incubation for 24 h, cells were calculated by Cell Counting Kit-8
(CCK-8) assay (Dojindo Laboratories, Kumamoto, Japan).
Measurement of apoptosis with TUNEL assay, Hoechst stain, and flow cytometry
At different hours after nsPEF
treatment (40 kV/cm, 30 pulses), the treated cells were incubated for 0,
3, 12, 24, and 48 h to determine single-cell apoptosis using the assay
of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-end
labeling (TUNEL) with In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit (Millipore, USA)
and Hoechst stain kit (Beyotime, Shanghai, China) according to the
manufacturer’s instruction, as previously described [14].
Under different electric field strengths and with different pulses, the
treated cells were incubated for 24 h to detect cell apoptosis by
Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit (BD Biosciences). The cell cycle
was also analyzed as previously described [14].
Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction
Reverse-transcription polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed for assessing the expression of
OPG, RANKL, and TNF-a. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH),
a house keeping gene, was used as the internal control to calculate the
comparative expression. Total RNA was extracted using TRIzol reagent
(Sangon, Shanghai, China). The first strand cDNA synthesis from 1 mg of
RNA was performed using SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase
(Invitrogen) and Oligo dT primer (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. PCR was performed using the
oligunucleotides listed as the following. The specific primers were made
by Sangon, Shanghai, China, which were listed as the following: RANK:
min; 72 °C, 1 min; OPG (264 bp): F: AGTGGGAGCAGAAGACAT, R: TGGA
CCTGGTTACCTATC, 95 °C, 1 min; 57 °C, 1 min; 72 °C, 1 min; TNF-a: F:
min; 57 °C, 1 min; 72 °C, 1 min.
Western blotting analysis
MG-63 cells (5 × 105)
were plated and treated with different doses of nsPEF. Cells were then
lysed with a lysis buffer and then quantified. The equal amounts of
protein were loaded, and electrophoresis was applied on a 12 % sodium
dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis mini-gel. Proteins
were transferred to a PVDF membrane and blocked with casein PBS and 0.05
% Tween-20 for 1 h at room temperature. Membranes were incubated with
mouse monoclonal OPG, anti-OPG (1:500), RANKL (1:200), TNF-a (1:300),
GAPDH (1:1000) antibodies which were purchased from Santa Cruz (Santa
Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Horseradish
peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody was purchased from Zhongshan
(Zhongshan Golden Bridge, Beijing, China.). The protein expression was
visualized with enhanced chemiluminescence reagent (ECL kit, Amersham,
Statistical analysis
Statistical significance was determined using Student’s t test, using SPSS 13.0. P < 0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant result.
NsPEF parameter optimizing by CCK-8 and flow cytometry
CCK-8 assay was used to calculate
the IC50 values, and flow cytometry was used to detect apoptosis. There
were significant growth inhibition and apoptosis induction in a
dose-dependent manner following nsPEF treatment for 24 h. MG-63 cell
growth was inhibited in an electric field strength- and pulse
number-dependent manner. There was significant (P > 0.001) growth inhibition when electric field strength was 40–50 kV/cm (Fig. 1a) and when pulse number was 30 (Fig. 1d)
vs control. Cells were treated by nsPEF and then incubated for 24 h.
Apoptotic and dead cells were analyzed by flow cytometry using dual
staining with propidium iodide (PI) and Annexin V-FITC. NsPEF induced
viable apoptotic cells stained with Annexin. The apoptotic cell rate is
significantly increased when electric field strength was 40–50 kV/cm
(Fig. 1b, c) and when pulse number was 30 (Fig. 1e, f).
Fig. 1
NsPEF treatment parameter optimizing by CCK-8 and flow cytometry.
After 24 h post nsPEF, CCK-8 assay was used to calculate the IC50 values
under different electric field strengths (a) and different pulse numbers (d). The flow cytometry was used to detect …
Apoptosis induction at different times post nsPEF treatment
To determine the effects of nsPEF
on the induction of apoptosis in MG-63 cells, the Annexin V assay was
performed. After 40 kV/cm and 30 pulses of nsPEF treatment, the control
and treated cells were stained with Hoechst 33528 (Fig. 2a upper lane) and TUNEL (Fig. 2a lower lane). The statistical analysis of the positive apoptotic cells were counted and shown in Fig. 2b
at different hours (0, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h). Apoptotic cells induced by
nsPEF treatment were recognized by terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL), detecting DNA
fragmentation by labeling the terminal end of nucleic acids. The number
or percentages of apoptotic cells detected following nsPEF treatment
was shown in Fig. 2b.
The quantitative analysis showed the percentages of apoptotic cells
detected following nsPEF treatment which were 2.6 % (0 h), 8.8 % (3 h),
21 % (12 h), 42 % (24 h), and 15 % (48 h) without nsPEF treatment. The
apoptotic induction 12 and 24 h post nsPEF treatment showed significance
(P = 0.01243, 0.00081, respectively, vs control). The cell cycle was analyzed by flow cytometry (Fig. 2c) and statistically analyzed in Fig. 2d, which indicates that nsPEF arrest cells in the G0/G1 phase (Fig. 2d).
Fig. 2
Apoptosis induction at different times post nsPEF treatment. After
40 kV/cm and 30 pulses of nsPEF treatment, the control and treated cells
were stained with Hoechst 33528 (aupper lane) and TUNEL (alower lane). The statistical analysis of the positive …
The effect of nsPEF on OPG/RANKL, TNF-? gene, and protein expression
With 30 pulses, 24 h post
treatment, PCR and western blot were used to determine the different
electric field strengths on cell OPG/RANKL, TNF-? gene (Fig. 3a), and the corresponding protein expression (Fig. 3b). NsPEF significantly increased OPG transcription and protein expression at 20–50 kV/cm (Fig. 3a, c). RANKL was almost undetectable both in the control and nsPEF-treated MG-63 cells (Fig. 3a, c). NsPEF slightly down-regulated TNF-a (Fig. 3a, c).
The OPG is important in the regulation of bone formation. PCR results
showed that the nsPEF-treated cells demonstrated a significantly
up-regulation of OPG transcription. Western blot analysis confirmed that
nsPEF stimulated osteoprotegerin protein production in the MG-63 cells.
Fig. 3
The nsPEF effect on gene and protein expression. With 30 pulses, 24
h post treatment, PCR and western blot were used to determine the
different electric field strengths on cell OPG/RANKL, TNF-a gene (a), and protein expression (b). NsPEF significantly …
The primary bone malignancy osteosarcoma
is still a challenge for orthopedics. For patients who are not suitable
for radical resection, the minimal invasive ablation techniques can be
used as an alternative to surgery. NsPEF has been proved to be a novel
non-thermal ablation method which can activate a protection immune
response [21–23].
According to the Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology of the
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), local ablation can be used
for curative or palliative intent, either alone or in combination with
immunotherapy or chemotherapy [11]. The effect of systemic chemotherapy may be enhanced by the physiological changes produced by ablation [11]. Furthermore, ablation can sometimes be used as a complement to surgery [13].
A number of studies have demonstrated that local ablation is effective in osteosarcoma [28–30].
To our best knowledge, the application of nsPEF in osteosarcoma has
never been reported. The bone-related tumor study is extremely important
because many solid tumors tend to have metastasis in bones. The present
study applies a new ablation methodology in osteosarcoma and identifies
its molecular target. Our data suggest that nsPEF had direct effects on
osteosarcoma cells, including the inhibition of tumor cell
proliferation and induction of apoptosis. These results are consistent
with previous reports. NsPEF inhibits cell proliferation and induces
apoptosis in tumor cells [11, 16].
The development of osteoclasts is controlled by cytokine
synthesized by osteoblasts like receptor activator of NF-?B ligand
(RANKL), osteoprotegerin (OPG), and tumor necrosis factor ? (TNF-a) [31].The
extension of the current study is the investigation of nsPEF’s effect
on bone resorption when nsPEF is in its ablation dosage. OPG is a member
of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family. It has multiple
biological functions such as regulation of bone turnover. OPG can block
the interaction between RANKL and the RANK receptor [31].
NsPEF increased OPG expression in MG-63 in in vitro assays. Our data
indicate that nsPEF up-regulated the OPG expression. Bone remodeling can
be assessed by the relative ratio of OPG to RANKL [32].
NsPEF had no effect on RANKL expression. Defined as a potent
bone-resorbing factor, TNF-a is responsible for stimulating bone
resorption. TNF-? exerts its osteoclastogenic effect by activating NF-?B
with RANKL [33].
Our results show that in osteosarcoma MG-63, in addition to apoptosis
induction, nsPEF can regulate bone metabolism through adjusting
OPG/RANKL ratio.
TNF-a expression still needs further
investigation due to the weak expression. But, it is the key cytokine
that we assume which would change the local inflammatory
microenvironment in the ablation zone.
The limit of the current study
In this in vitro study, the MG-63
osteosarcoma cell line is used as a model system. Therefore, results
obtained from cultured cells only gave hints for the nsPEF treatment of
osteosarcoma. The current results need to be tested in an in vivo
osteosarcoma model, e.g., MG-63 cell xenografts.
NsPEF can be considered as a
potential therapeutic intervention to suppress bone remodeling and
osteoclast activity involved in osteosarcoma. Further in vivo studies
are required to optimize the dosing regimen of nsPEF to fully study its
antitumor potential in the bone microenvironment.
All authors acknowledge Dr.Karl H. Shoenbach, Dr. Stephen
Beebe, and Mr. Frank Reidy from Old Dominion University for their kind
Financial support
This research is supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 81372425 and
81371658), National S & T Major Project (No. 2012ZX10002017),
Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation (LY13H180003), and Xinjiang
Cooperation Project (2014KL002).
Xudong Miao and Shengyong Yin contributed equally to this work.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ contributions
XM and SY carried out the molecular
genetic studies and drafted the manuscript. ZS carried out the
immunoassays. YZ participated in the design of the study and performed
the statistical analysis. XC conceived of the study, participated in its
design and coordination, and helped draft the manuscript. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
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Low Intensity and Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Selectively Impair Breast Cancer Cell Viability
Sara Crocetti,1,2 Christian Beyer,3 Grit Schade,4 Marcel Egli,5 Jürg Fröhlich,3 and Alfredo Franco-Obregón2,6,*
Ilya Ulasov, Editor
1Department of Environmental Science, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
2Institute of Biomechanics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
3Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Electronics Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
4Amphasys AG, Technopark Luzern, Root D4, Switzerland
Center of Competence in Aerospace Biomedical Science and Technology,
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hergiswil, Switzerland
6Department of Surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore
University of Chicago, United States of America
* E-mail: hc.zhte.tseh@ocnarfCompeting Interests: One
of the authors, Grit Shade, is an employee of Amphasys, the company
that provided the authors with the prototype of the Impedance Flow
Cytometer utilized to conduct some of the experiments in the manuscript.
GS provided technical support only. There are no patents, products in
development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter the
authors’ adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and
and designed the experiments: AFO JF SC. Performed the experiments: SC.
Analyzed the data: AFO SC. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis
tools: ME JF GS. Wrote the paper: AFO SC CB. Realized PEMFs device and
provided technical support: JF CB. Provided IFC instrument, technical
support and help with analysis and interpretation of the IFC results:
Received November 27, 2012; Accepted July 22, 2013.
Copyright notice
is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
There is a growing interest in the use of electromagnetic fields as an anticancer treatment [1]–[5].
The search for new therapeutic strategies is particularly active in the
field of oncology where standard antineoplastic treatments, based on
chemotherapeutic drugs and/or radiotherapy, possess potentially
detrimental secondary effects and on their own often fall short of
providing a complete and resilient recovery. Fueling this recent
interest is the fact that extremely low-frequency and low-intensity
pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have been shown to be innocuous,
possibly even beneficial [4], [6]–[7],
to normal cell types. On the other hand, certain malignant cell classes
have been shown to be particularly vulnerable to their effects [5], [8]–[10].
A potential value of extremely low frequency PEMFs hence lies in their
use as an adjuvant treatment to more traditional chemo- and
radiotherapies with the aim of reducing their dosage, mitigating any
harmful secondary side effects and enhancing patient prognosis. Despite
recent successes, however, the types of signals applied and cancer
classes tested varied widely, producing a wide range of killing
efficiencies and succeeding in forestalling concurrence in this area of
research [1], [3]–[5].
A clear determination of the types of cancer most susceptible to PEMFs
and their subsequent optimization for targeted killing will be needed
before they can be used to selectively remove cancer cells from a
heterogeneous population of malignant and healthy cells.
Here we show
that the ability of ultra-low intensity and frequency PEMFs to
selectively kill breast cancer cells depends exquisitely on field
parameters. MCF-7 breast cancer cells are selectively vulnerable to
PEMFs within a discrete window of PEMF signal parameters and times of
exposure with resolutions of mTeslas and tens of minutes, respectively.
Using five independent means of monitoring cancer cell death we obtained
identical findings; selective killing of MCF7 cells was best achieved
with PEMFs of 3 mT peak-to-peak magnitude, at a pulse frequency of 20 Hz
and duration of exposure of only 60 minutes per day. By stark contrast,
this same pulsing paradigm (cytotoxic to MCF-7s) was innocuous to
normal MCF-10 breast cells. PEMF-based therapeutic strategies might thus
provide a manner to control certain classes of cancer while minimally
implicating healthy tissues.
Materials and Methods
Cell lines
adenocarcinoma MCF7 cells and human not tumorigenic MCF10 cells were
provided by ATCC (Manassas, VA, USA). MCF7 cells were grown in D-MEM
(Life Technologies Corporation, Gibco, Paisley, United Kingdom)
supplemented with fetal calf serum (10%) (Life Technologies
Corporation,Gibco, Paisley, United Kingdom), L-glutamine (1%) (Life
Technologies Corporation, Gibco, Paisley, United Kingdom) and
penicillin-streptomycin (1%) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). MCF10
cells were cultured in D-MEM/F12 (Life Technologies Corporation, Gibco,
Paisley, United Kingdom) supplemented with fetal calf serum (5%) (Life
Technologies Corporation, Gibco, Paisley, United Kingdom), EGF (0.02%)
(Peprotech, NJ, USA), hydrocortisone (0.05%) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,
MO, USA), insulin (0.1%) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and
penicillin-streptomycin (1%) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). The
cells were maintained at 37°C in a standard tissue culture incubator
(Vitaris AG, Baar, Switzerland) in an atmosphere of 95% humidity and 5%
PEMFs exposure system
The PEMF exposure setup, described in Text S1 and illustrated in Figure S1 A-C,
was housed inside a standard cell culture incubator (Vitaris AG, Baar,
Switzerland) providing a humidified environment at 37°C, but lacking CO2
regulation. The cells were exposed to an asymmetric pulsed magnetic
field while continuously monitoring the field strength and temperature.
The non-exposed (control) cells were placed within the same incubator
for identical periods, but shielded from the magnetic fields by a mu
metal enclosure surrounding the coils. Thus, all cells were exposed to
the same climate and temperature.
PEMFs treatment
MCF7 and MCF10 cells were seeded in T25 flasks (SPL Life Sciences, Korea) at concentrations of 6.5×105cells/ml and 6.7×105
cells/ml, respectively. After 24 hours of being plated the cells were
washed with PBS (Life Technologies Corporation, Gibco, Paisley, United
Kingdom), given fresh medium and exposed to PEMFs for the first of three
daily trials; media was not changed from this point onward. An
asymmetric pulsed magnetic field of 6 ms interval at a repetition rate
of 20 and 50 Hz were applied at flux densities of 2.0, 3.0 and 5.0 mT
(peak-to-peak) for 1 hour/day for three days. Whereas exposure to PEMFs
at a repetition rate of 20 Hz caused a significant increase in cancer
cells death that was dependent on PEMF amplitude, PEMFs applied at a
repetition rate of 50 Hz did not produce any noticeable effects over
cell viability and were not dealt with further in this manuscript (Figure S2 A-B).
To test for effects of different exposure durations, cells were exposed
to PEMFs of 3 mT magnitude and at a repetition rate of 20 Hz for 30, 60
or 90 minutes per days for one, two or three days. Cells were collected
and analyzed on the first, second or third day for analysis, depending
on the assay being conducted.
Trypan blue assay
a given PEMF exposure protocol, cells were detached, spun down at 1200
rcf for 5 min, resuspended in 1 ml of PBS and incubated in trypan blue
at 11
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). A homogeneous suspension of cells
was then deposited into a Burker chamber (BRAND GMBH + CO KG, Wertheim
Germany), viewed microscopically and counted. The percentage of dead
cells was obtained by calculating the ratio of trypan blue positive
cells in treated and untreated samples. In some cases cells were allowed
to recover for up to 48 hours after their last PEMF exposure. These
cells were then detached, stained with trypan blue (Sigma-Aldrich, St.
Louis, MO, USA) and the number of dead cells calculated relative to
Apoptosis determination by DNA strand break detection
was measured by means of an Apo-direct kit (BD biosciences, Allschwil,
Switzerland) that labels DNA strand breaks using FITC-dUTP. After each
treatment 5×105cells
were collected and then fixed and stained accordingly to the
manufacturer’s instructions. The assay was run on a FACS Calibur (BD
Biosciences, Allschwil, Switzerland) flow cytometer using the positive
and negative controls provided in the kit as well as an additional
positive (death) control given by exposing MCF7 or MCF10 cells to 1 mM H2O2 overnight. H2O2 applied in this manner resulted in 87% ± 2% (+/– SD, n=4) and 82% ± 3% (+/– SD, n=4)
lethality in MCF7 and MCF10 cells, respectively. The FITC fluorescence
(520 nm) was detected in the FL1 channel and quantifies the amount of
DNA strand breaks. For each measurement, 20,000 cells were acquired and
analyzed by Flow Jo software (vers. 7.6.5) (Tree Star Inc. ON, USA).
Analysis of cellular electrical properties by means of Impedance microflow cytometer
flow cytometry (IFC) was conducted on a prototype provided by Amphasys
AG (Root Längenbold (LU), Switzerland). Concisely, the apparatus
consists of a microfluidic chip, outfitted with a pair of
microelectrodes that measure changes of electrical impedance as cells
pass through dual interrogation points in response to an alternating
current at four user-defined frequencies in the mid frequency (MF) and
high frequency (HF) bands [11]–[15].
The obtained data (amplitude, phase and cell velocity) were
automatically converted into a standard FCS3 format and analyzed with
Flow Jo (vers. 7.6.5) (Tree Star Inc. ON, USA).
After treatment cells were collected, resuspended in PBS at a concentration of 4–5×106
cells/ml and pumped through the chip at a maximum velocity of 1 cm per
second, 500–1000 cells per second. For each measurement, 20,000 cells
were analyzed at a frequency of 0.5 MHz to monitor apoptosis [11]–[13], [15] or 9 MHz to determine metabolic status [11]–[14], [16]–[17].
Each sample was run in parallel with polystyrene beads (8 µm)
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) to obtain a standard signal response
over the entire frequency spectrum, establishing a set point.
Apoptosis determination by Annexin V staining
Annexin V/Propidium iodide (BD biosciences, Allschwil, Switzerland)
assay was used to monitor the progression of apoptosis at distinct
stages. Monitoring the dual staining pattern of Annexin V (FITC-
conjugated) and propidium iodide (PI) allowed for the identification of
early (Annexin V + and PI -) and late apoptosis as well as cells having
undergone necrosis (dead cells, Annexin V and PI +). After each
treatment, 3×105cells
were collected and stained as specified by the manufacturer’s
instructions. Staining was assayed on a FACS Calibur (BD Biosciences,
Allschwil, Switzerland), recording 20,000 cells for each measurement.
Fluorescence was detected in the FL1 and FL2 channels for FITC (Annexin
V) and PI, respectively. Data were acquired and analyzed by Flow Jo
software (vers. 7.6.5) (Tree Star Inc. ON, USA).
Statistical analyses
All histogram data were presented as mean ± SD (standard deviation) of at least 3 independent experimental runs (range=3
to 5) consisting of between 1 to 3 replicates for each biological
parameter analyzed. The exact number of measurements in each presented
data point is reported in the figure legend and is indicated in brackets
(n). Statistics were performed using the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test
(two-tailed) comparing each treated sample to relative control
(sham-exposed sample) for all the cell lines used. A p-value <0.05
was considered statistically significant (*) and a p-value < 0.005 was considered highly significant (**).
PEMFs increase breast cancer cell death as detected by Trypan Blue inclusion
objective was to devise a set of treatment protocols that could
potentially translate into the clinical arena to slow cancer growth,
while proving harmless to healthy tissues. We focused on a breast cancer
cell model given our previous success using PEMFs to slow their growth [8].
To ascertain the sensitivity of normal and cancer cells to PEMFs we
exposed MCF7 breast cancer cells and their normal breast epithelial
counterparts, MCF10s, to PEMFs of magnitudes between 2 mT and 5 mT and
at a repetition rate of 20 Hz for 1h per day for three days. Following
the last exposure (day 3) all samples were harvested and stained with
trypan blue to quantify cell death and compared to otherwise identically
treated control (non-exposed) cultures. A highly significant reduction
in the percentage of surviving MCF7 cells was observed in response to
exposure to 3 mT PEMFs. By contrast, exposure of identical MCF-7
cultures to PEMFs of either 2 mT or 5 mT amplitudes resulted in less
significant levels of cell death (Fig 1A).
On the other hand, exposure to 3 mT PEMFs, which proved the most
cytotoxic to MCF-7 cancer cells, was innocuous to “wild type” MCF10
cells (as were 2 and 5 mT PEMFs) and moreover, appeared to have even
accentuated their survival (mitigating resting levels of apoptosis)
relative to unexposed cells (also see Figure S5). We next sought to determine the best exposure interval to 3 mT PEMFs to kill breast cancer cells. Figure 1B
depicts cell death as a function of duration of exposure to 3 mT PEMFs
(20 Hz). Cells were exposed to 3 mT PEMFs for either 30, 60 or 90
minutes per day for 3 days before assaying for cell death. MCF7 cells
were most susceptible to PEMF exposures of 60 minutes duration, whereas
exposure times 50% shorter (30 minutes) or 50% longer (90 minutes) than
this resulted in significantly less amounts of cell killing (Fig 1B).
Once again, MCF10 cell viability was not compromised by PEMF exposure
of any duration. Indeed, PEMFs appeared to make MCF10 cells more
resistant to undergoing apoptosis, particularly in response to the
60-minute exposure regimen that proved most cytotoxic to MCF7 cells (Figure S5).
The data thus reveals a discrete set of PEMF parameters (magnitude,
frequency and duration of exposure) that are most cytotoxic to breast
cancer cells, whereas the identical set of PEMFs parameters were
apparently harmless to non-malignant cell types (also seeFigures S3 and S4).
Figure 1Trypan blue detection of dead cells after exposure to PEMFs for 3 consecutive days.
To ascertain
whether the PEMFs-induced cytotoxicity reported here is a cumulative
response or requires a threshold level of cellular insult to become
evident, we treated cells with 3 mT PEMFs for either 60 or 90 minutes
per day for 1, 2, or 3 days and next quantified the total number of dead
and living cells. Whereas in the unexposed cultures total cell number
steadily increased throughout the three days of trial, exposure to 60 or
90 minutes of PEMFs per day either totally abrogated or slowed the
increase in cell number, respectively (Fig 2).
On the other hand, the absolute number of dead (trypan blue positive)
cells did not scale down in proportion to the decrease in total cell
number as might be expected if cell proliferation was simply being
slowed, but instead, increased. Notably, on the third day, in response
to 60 minutes of daily exposure to PEMFs (3 mT), the total number of
cells in the culture decreased, whereas the total number of dead cells
increased, by –40% (+/–6% (SD); n=12) ((total cells in control sample – total cell in treated sample)/total cells in control sample)) and +20% (+/–13% (SD); n=12)
((dead cells in control sample – dead cell in treated sample)/dead
cells in control sample)), respectively, indicating heightened
cytotoxicity in response to PEMFs. Figure 3
shows that the increase in cell loss with time is greatest in cultures
treated for 60 minutes per day, rather than 90 minutes per day.
Figure 2Time course in the development of cell death in response to PEMF exposure.
Figure 3Box plots depicting the increase in cell death after 1, 2 or 3 days of consecutive PEMF treatment
Table 1Dead cells/total cells in MCF7 cells after 3 mT PEMFs treatment for 60 min/day for 3 days.
Table 2Dead cells/total cells in MCF7 cells after 3 mT PEMFs treatment for 90 min/day for 3 days.
Assessment of PEMF-induced apoptosis by detecting DNA strand breaks
Our Flow
Cytometric (FCM) determination of apoptosis was assayed with identical
PEMF parameters (days of consecutive exposure, durations of exposure,
field amplitudes and frequency) as those utilized for trypan blue
assessment of killing efficiency with identical results. Figure 4A
shows an overlay of MCF7 cells exposed to PEMFs of three distinct
intensities (2, 3 or 5 mT) for 60 minutes per day. A shift to the right
(greater FL1-H values) of a cell population reflects greater DNA damage.
As previously demonstrated, MCF7 cancer cells are particularly
vulnerable to 3 mT PEMFs. Figure 4B
shows the extent of 3 mT PEMF-induced DNA strand breaks following 30,
60 or 90 minutes exposures per day. Once again, 60 minutes of 3 mT PEMFs
for three consecutive days gave the greatest DNA damage in MCF7 cancer
cells. And, once again, stronger fields (5 mT) or longer exposures (90
minutes per day) were less cytotoxic to MCF7 cells (Fig 4A-D).
Further paralleling our trypan blue results, MCF10 normal breast
epithelial cells were not harmed by any of the PEMF paradigms tested,
particularly those observed to be especially cytotoxic to MCF7 cells.
Indeed, a slight protective effect (a leftward shift to lower FL1-H
values) was again discerned in MCF10 cells in response to the PEMF
parameters that were most cytotoxic to MCF7 breast cancer cells (Fig 4E; see also Figure S5).
To investigate if the previously described increase in DNA
fragmentation observed in MCF7 cells after 3 days of PEMF treatment was
cumulative with time, we stained cells after 1, 2 or 3 consecutive days
of exposure to either 60 or 90 minute of 3 mT PEMFs. Although
PEMF-induced DNA damage increased with time, it only really obtained
significance from control levels after the third day and was
particularly pronounced in response to 60-minute daily exposures (figure 5 A-D).
Our FCM analysis thus corroborates and strengthens our trypan blue
results, indicating that treatment with 3 mT PEMFs for 60 minutes per
day were most effective at killing MCF7 breast cancer cells while
leaving healthy cell classes (MCF10) unharmed.
Figure 4FCM determination of PEMF-induced DNA damage in MCF7 (cancer) and MCF10 (non-tumorigenic).
Figure 5Time course of apoptosis induction by PEMFs in MCF7 cells determined by FCM.
Determination of PEMF-induced apoptosis by Impedance Flow Cytometry
Impedance Flow Cytometry (IFC) assesses real-time cell viability by monitoring cellular electrical properties in behaving cells [11]–[13], [15].
In the dot plot generated from monitoring the entire cell population’s
electrical characteristics at a scan frequency of 0.5 MHz dead cells
reside in the far lower left quadrant (low impedance phase and magnitude
values). PEMFs produced a shift in MCF7 cells to the lower left
quadrant, particularly in response to 3 mT PEMFs, which gave the
greatest separation between living (right) and dying (left) cells (Fig 6A). Figure 6B
shows the results of MCF7 cells exposed to 3 mT PEMFs for either 30, 60
or 90 minutes per day for three days. In agreement with our previous
trypan blue and FCM assessment of apoptosis, cells exposed to 60 minutes
of 3 mT PEMFs per day exhibited the greatest percentage of dead cells
as detected by IFC (Fig 6 C-D).
In stark contrast, yet in further confirmation of our previous results,
MCF10 cells were slightly benefitted by these same PEMF parameters (Fig 6E, see also Figure S5).
Figure 6Post-PEMF apoptosis determination by impedance flow cytometry (IFC) at 0.5 MHz.
Assessment of cell metabolic status after PEMF treatment with IFC
At higher scan frequencies the IFC discerns metabolic status [11]–[14], [16].
At a scan frequency of 9 MHz the IFC detects two populations of cells,
the right-most population (higher phase values) reflects cells
experiencing the initial stages of metabolic stress [11]–[14], [16]–[17].
After three days of exposing MCF7 cells to PEMFs the magnitude of
right-most population augmented, the greatest right-shift coinciding
exactly with those parameters (3 mT, 20 Hz, for 60 min/day for 3 days)
producing the greatest cell death in response to PEMFs (Fig 7 A-D). And, once again, MCF10 normal breast cells were apparently benefitted by PEMFs as determined by IFC analysis at 9 MHz (Fig 7 D, see also Figure S5).
Due to the relatively broad scope of the phenotype (metabolic stress)
the effect is the largest we have measured in response to PEMFs (see
next, see also Figure S5).
Figure 7MCF7 and MCF10 cell metabolic status analyzed by IFC at 9 MHz.
To independently
validate that IFC effectively detects apoptosis and metabolic status in
our cell system we treated MCF7 cancer and MCF10 normal cells with 1 mM H2O2 to evoke cell death to an extent of 87% ± 2% (+/– SD, n=4) and 82% ± 3% (+/– SD, n=4), respectively. When analyzed by IFC at a scan frequency of 0.5 MHz cells treated with H2O2 were displaced to the far lower left quadrant (Fig 8A; cf Fig 6A-D).
Also, confirming that a cell population undergoing the initial stages
of metabolic stress is indeed shifted to the right (in IFC scans at 9
MHz) we obtained an analogous right-shift in MCF7 cells after overnight
exposure to 1 mM H2O2 (Fig 8B; cf Fig 7A-D). Hence, IFC does appear to be a viable method to monitor cancer cell viability.
Figure 8Independent corroboration that IFC detects impaired cells at 0.5 MHz and 9 MHz.
Assessment of PEMF-induced apoptosis by Annexin V staining
To further
corroborate our trypan blue, FCM and IFC data demonstrating the
induction of apoptosis in MCF7 cancer cells in response to PEMF
exposure, we performed Annexin V/PI assays, discriminating cells in
early apoptosis (Annexin V+/PI-) from dead and damaged cells (propidium
iodide +). MCF7 (cancer) and MCF10 (normal) cells were directly exposed
to the PEMFs paradigms we previously found to be most cytotoxic to MCF7
cells, 3 mT for 60 minutes per day. Figure 9A
shows that PEMF treatment resulted in a 13% increase in Annexin V+ MCF7
cells relative to control, quantitatively agreeing with our other
PEMF-induced cytotoxic assessments assayed with trypan blue (treated –
control: 11% dead cells), FCM (treated – control: 14% dead cells), IFC
at scan frequency of 0.5 MHz (treated – control: 16% dead cells) and IFC
at scan frequency of 9 MHz (treated – control: 25%). As previously
demonstrated with all the other apoptosis assays we performed, MCF10
cells were not adversely affected by these same PEMF parameters (Fig 9B) (also see Figure S5).
Figure 9Assessment of PEMF-induced apoptosis by Annexin V assay.
Motivated by studies demonstrating the safety of very low frequency and intensity PEMFs [4], [6] and extending from our previous work [8],
demonstrating that MCF7 cancer cells are selectively vulnerable to 20
Hz pulsed electromagnetic fields, we investigated the effects of PEMFs
on human breast epithelial cells of malignant (MCF7) and non-malignant
(MCF10) phenotypes. Cytotoxic sensitivity to certain PEMFs parameters
was entirely restricted to the malignant phenotype and exhibited a clear
dependency on the duration, frequency and intensity of the PEMFs
employed. Specifically, breast cancer cells of the MCF7 lineage were
most vulnerable to PEMFs of 3 mT magnitude, at a repetition rate of 20
Hz and for an exposure interval of 60 minutes per day (Fig 1 A-C).
These same PEMF parameters, although cytotoxic to MCF7 cells, were
slightly protective to non-malignant breast epithelial cells of an
identical host lineage, MCF10 (see Figure S5).
For these experiments we limited our analysis to within three days of
exposure to remain within the realm of a clinically feasible therapeutic
strategy. Three days was also chosen as an appropriate end point to our
analysis as it avoided the overgrowth of control cells. In a tissue
culture paradigm such as ours, staying below cell confluence would
minimize the potential contributions of cell density/contact-induced
changes in biochemical status or nutrient deprivation to our measured
differences. The possibility hence remains, that increasing the number
of days of exposure to PEMFs may enhance the specificity and efficiency
of cancer cell killing. The design of longer time course experiments
will be the focus of our future studies. Nonetheless, our results,
although relatively modest are sufficiently provocative (in terms of
their reproducibility and selectivity) to merit future studies aimed at
further evolving this approach and yet, are consistent with previous
studies demonstrating that sensitivity to electromagnetic fields depends
on the signal parameters used as well as the type of cells exposed to
the fields [5], [7], [9], [18]–[19].
For this study we focused our attention on PEMF parameters that: 1) could practically translate into the clinical arena with reference to duration of exposure and 2)
were innocuous to healthy cell classes collaterally exposed to PEMFs
during clinical treatment. Our results are notable given that: 1)
our most effective exposure time to induce cancer cell (MCF7) death was
only one hour per exposure rather than 3–72 hours as previously
reported [5],[20]–[21] and; 2)
the field paradigms we designed were apparently innocuous to normal
cells (MCF10). As of yet, we have not achieved complete “selective”
killing with PEMFs. Although this objective might be achieved with
further fine-tuning of the PEMF parameters (exposure magnitude,
duration, signal shape, number of days of treatment) we cannot then
exclude the possibility that other tissues type might then be implicated
in the death pool. Quite notable, however, were the diametrically
opposed responses of MCF7 (cancer) and MCF10 (normal) cells to PEMFs,
widening the cytotoxic gap between exposed cancer and exposed normal
cells. Potentially, PEMFs might prove useful as a non-invasive adjuvant
treatment to be combined with other common anti-cancer therapies.
The selective killing of
cancer cells with PEMFs was corroborated by four independent
methodologies using five different analytical paradigms, covering the
full gambit of stages leading to ultimate cell death. Firstly, our
trypan blue results gave the number of cells in a late stage of cell
dying known as “postapoptotic necrosis” or “secondary necrosis” (Fig 1 A-B, 2 A-D and 3 A-B) [18], [22]–[23]. Secondly, our FCM analysis detected DNA breaks prior to cell death [17], [24] and occurring downstream of calcium-stimulated caspase activation (Fig 4 A-E and 5 A-D) [25].
Thirdly, we investigated the progression of apoptosis using Impedance
Flow Cytometry (IFC) that detects changes in the electrical properties
of cells reflecting physiological status [11]–[17], [24], [26]–[27] at two frequencies: 1) 0.5 MHz, to ascertain the number of cells having undergone apoptosis (Fig 6 A-E) [11]–[13], [15]and 2) 9 MHz, to monitor changes that coincide with the onset of cellular stress (Fig 7 A-E) [11]–[14], [16]–[17]. Several recent publications have supported the value of IFC to gauge cell viability [11]–[17], [27]. Finally, we employed an Annexin V/PI assay to distinguish early apoptotic cells from damaged or already dead cells (Fig 9 A-B) [28]–[29].
In all five assays of cell viability identical PEMF parameters produced
the greatest degree of cell damage to MCF-7 breast cancer cells, 3 mT
intensity for 60 minutes a day, demonstrating a clear and discrete
window of vulnerability of MCF7 cells to PEMFs of given characteristics.
Stronger fields, longer exposures, or higher frequencies to these
empirically determined values (3 mT, 20 Hz, 60 minutes exposures per
day) were less cytotoxic to MCF7 cells, clearly demonstrating the
importance of field optimization for the eventual killing of malignant
cell classes with PEMFs.
A clear window of vulnerability of cancer cells to PEMFs exists; more is not necessarily better.
That weaker fields, or less exposure to them, are less lethal, upon
first impression, might seem somewhat intuitive. However, the fact that
stronger, or longer, exposure to fields is less efficient at killing,
implies some specifically of biological action, rather than a
straightforward dose-dependent accumulation of generalized damage over a
susceptible cell status. The validity of the described window effect is
implicitly substantiated within the context of our data presented
herein, the fact that five independent assays (four distinct
methodologies) of measuring cell viability gave the identical result and
produced similar magnitudes of cell death (also see Figure S5).
The cytotoxic-dependency on exposure duration was so robust that it was
also apparent when examining the time course in the development of
cytotoxicity during three days of consecutive PEMF exposure. That is,
60-minute daily exposures to PEMFs gave greater ratios of cell death (figure 3) and greater amounts of DNA fragmentation (figure 5)
than 90 minutes of daily exposure. Moreover, the PEMF parameters that
were most cytotoxic to MCF7 breast cancer cells proved most beneficial
to MCF10 normal breast cells. Similar window effects have been reported
in the field of electromagnetics and have been openly discussed in the
literature, yet there are no accepted models to explain their existence [19], [30]–[31]. Within the Protection Guidelines Report of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation [30]
it is stated, “Interpretation of several observed biological effects of
AM (amplitude modulated) electromagnetic fields is further complicated
by the apparent existence of “windows” of response in both the power
density and frequency domains. There are no accepted models that
adequately explain this phenomenon, which challenges the traditional
concept of a monotonic relationship between the field intensity and the
severity of the resulting biological effects.”
At this juncture, however,
the relative contributions of an actual slowing of cell proliferation
and the induction of cell death to the overall effect of PEMFs is
unclear (cf figure 2),
as is the rate and extent of absorption of dead cells by the culture
after their demise. Therefore, although cell cycle withdrawal possibly
resulting from PEMFs may contribute to observations reported here, the
most directly measurable effect is that of induced apoptosis.
Nonetheless, the capacity of PEMFs to slow the proliferation of a cancer
cell class also would be positive clinical outcome and of relevance in
advancing PEMF-based anti-cancer therapies.
The molecular mechanisms
whereby cancerous (MCF7) cells are compromised yet, healthy (MCF10)
cells are not fully understood and yet, of utmost importance for the
ultimate development of PEMF-based strategies to combat cancer and will
be the focus of our future investigations. We speculate that the window
effect observed in this study results from changes in intracellular
calcium handling in response to PEMF exposure. Calcium signaling is
renowned for its multimodal effects relying on intracellular calcium
increments that: 1) result
from both calcium influx across the cell surface membrane and release
from intracellular membrane-delimited compartments; 2) are simultaneously coded in space, time and holding level; 3) exhibit negative- and positive-feedback regulatory mechanisms and; 4) are coordinated by dynamic changes in membrane organization [32]–[33]. As a commonly reported consequence of PEMF exposure is elevations of intracellular calcium level [34]
one possibility is that PEMFs mediate their effects via influencing
intracellular calcium signaling pathways. In the context of this report 3
mT PEMFs at a frequency of 20 Hz for 60 minutes per day would create
the “correct” combination of calcium signals that would most effectively
result in cell death. Indeed, it has been previously shown that
chelating or augmenting intracellular calcium accordingly spares or
compromises MCF7 survival, respectively [35]–[37]. The shift to the right observed at 9 MHz in IFC (Fig 4 A-D) likely reflects changes in membrane complexity and cytoplasmic reorganization (change in whole-cell capacitance) [11]–[14], [16]–[17]
that coincide with the establishment of cytomorphological features that
reflect the modulation of biochemical pathways that, in turn, regulate
the delicate balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis including,
modifications in mitochondrial metabolism downstream of changes in
intracellular calcium levels [16]–[17], [33], [38]. Future studies of ours will focus on the effects of PEMFs over cytosolic calcium increments.
MCF10 cells were unaffected, or even fortified, by the PEMF paradigms
producing the greatest damage in MCF7 cells, revealing another level of
specificity of action and supporting the possibility that it may be
ultimately feasible to selectively remove cancer cells from an organism
without implicating normal tissues in the death pool using PEMF-based
technologies (Figs 1 A-B, ?,4E,4E, ?,6E,6E, ?,7E,7E, ?,9B9B
and ). The immunity of MCF10 cells to PEMFs might suggest that their
endogenous calcium homeostatic mechanisms are capable of buffering, or
even exploiting, small increments in intracellular calcium
concentrations, whereas MCF7 cells are not able to withstand even modest
perturbations in cytosolic calcium levels, a supposition that is
supported by recently published studies[36]–[37].
In further support for such a calcium-dependent mechanism of
preferential killing of malignant cells it has been shown that
Panaxydol, a derivative of Panax ginseng that induces sustained
elevations in cytosolic calcium, preferentially induces apoptosis in
cancer cells (including MCF7s) but not normal cells [39].
Such a selective calcium-dependent mechanism of cancer cell killings
may eventually help in the refining of PEMF-based technologies to better
execute the preferential killing of breast cancer cells in clinical
Consistent diametrically
opposed responses of non-tumorigenic MCF10 and cancer MCF7 cells to PEMF
treatment observed across 5 different assays of cell viability.
Observed range of sample
responses in MCF7 cancer cells after exposure to the PEMF parameters
producing the greatest cytotoxicity (3mT, 20 Hz, 60 minutes per day for
three days).
We would like to acknowledge
Dr Malgorzata Kisielow and Ms Anette Schütz of the Flow Cytometry
Laboratory of the ETH and University of Zürich for expert technical
assistance during the FCM acquisition and analysis. Finally, we would
like to thank the Statistical Consulting group of the ETH for their
assistance in elaborating our statistical analysis.
Funding Statement
This study was partially supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (
under the mandate number 11.003272, “Effects of pulsed electromagnetic
fields on the proliferation of different mechano-sensitive cell types”.
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis,
decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. No additional
external funding received for this study.
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Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Feb;11(1):83-93.
Long term survival of mice with hepatocellular carcinoma after pulse power ablation with nanosecond pulsed electric fields.
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, Old Dominion
University, Norfolk Virginia, 4211 Monarch Way, Norfolk, Virginia 23508,
Novel therapies are needed for treating hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC) without recurrence in a single procedure. In this work we
evaluated anti-neoplastic effects of a pulse power ablation (PPA) with
nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs), a non-thermal, non-drug,
local, regional method and investigated its molecular mechanisms for
hepatocellular carcinoma tumor ablation in vivo. An ectopic tumor model
was established using C57BL/6 mice with Hepa1-6 hepatocellular carcinoma
cells. Pulses with durations of 30 or 100 ns and fast rise times were
delivered by a needle or ring electrode with different electric field
strengths (33, 50 and 68 kV/cm), and 900 pulses in three treatment
sessions (300 pulses each session) or a single 900 pulse treatment.
Treated and control tumor volumes were monitored by ultrasound and
apoptosis and angiogenesis markers were evaluated by
immunohistochemistry. Seventy five percent of primary hepatocellular
carcinoma tumors were eradicated with 900 hundred pulses at 100 ns
pulses at 68 kV/cm in a single treatment or in three treatment sessions
without recurrence within 9 months. Using quantitative analysis, tumors
in treated animals showed nsPEF-mediated nuclear condensation (3 h
post-pulse), cell shrinkage (1 h), increases in active executioner
caspases (caspase-3 > -7 > -6) and terminal deoxynucleotidyl
transferase dUTP nick-end-labeling (1 h) with decreases in vascular
endothelial growth factor expression (7d) and micro-vessel density
(14d). NsPEF ablation eliminated hepatocellular carcinoma tumors by
targeting two therapeutic sites, apoptosis induction and inhibition of
angiogenesis, both important cancer hallmarks. These data indicate that
PPA with nsPEFs is not limited to treating skin cancers and provide a
rationale for continuing to investigate pulse power ablation for
hepatocellular carcinoma using other models in pre-clinical applications
and ultimately in clinical trials. Based on present treatments for
specific HCC stages, it is anticipated that nsPEFs could be substituted
for or used in combination with ablation therapies using heat, cold or
Acc Chem Res. 2012 Apr 30. [Epub ahead of print]
Detecting and Destroying Cancer Cells in More than One Way with
Noble Metals and Different Confinement Properties on the Nanoscale.
Dreaden EC, El-Sayed MA.
Laser Dynamics Laboratory, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Georgia Institute of Technology , Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0400, United
Today, 1 in 2 males and 1 in 3 females in the United States will
develop cancer at some point during their lifetimes, and 1 in 4 males
and 1 in 5 females in the United States will die from the disease. New
methods for detection and treatment have dramatically improved cancer
care in the United States. However, as improved detection and increasing
exposure to carcinogens has led to higher rates of cancer incidence,
clinicians and researchers have not balanced that increase with a
similar decrease in cancer mortality rates. This mismatch highlights a
clear and urgent need for increasingly potent and selective methods with
which to detect and treat cancers at their earliest stages.
Nanotechnology, the use of materials with structural features ranging
from 1 to 100 nm in size, has dramatically altered the design, use, and
delivery of cancer diagnostic and therapeutic agents. The unique and
newly discovered properties of these structures can enhance the
specificities with which biomedical agents are delivered, complementing
their efficacy or diminishing unintended side effects. Gold (and silver)
nanotechnologies afford a particularly unique set of physiological and
optical properties which can be leveraged in applications ranging from
in vitro/vivo therapeutics and drug delivery to imaging and diagnostics,
surgical guidance, and treatment monitoring. Nanoscale diagnostic and
therapeutic agents have been in use since the development of micellar
nanocarriers and polymer-drug nanoconjugates in the mid-1950s, liposomes
by Bangham and Watkins in the mid-1960s, and the introduction of
polymeric nanoparticles by Langer and Folkman in 1976. Since then,
nanoscale constructs such as dendrimers, protein nanoconjugates, and
inorganic nanoparticles have been developed for the systemic delivery of
agents to specific disease sites. Today, more than 20 FDA-approved
diagnostic or therapeutic nanotechnologies are in clinical use with
roughly 250 others in clinical development. The global market for
nano-enabled medical technologies is expected to grow to $70-160 billion
by 2015, rivaling the current market share of biologics worldwide. In
this Account, we explore the emerging applications of noble metal
nanotechnologies in cancer diagnostics and therapeutics carried out by
our group and by others. Many of the novel biomedical properties
associated with gold and silver nanoparticles arise from confinement
effects: (i) the confinement of photons within the particle which can
lead to dramatic electromagnetic scattering and absorption (useful in
sensing and heating applications, respectively); (ii) the confinement of
molecules around the nanoparticle (useful in drug delivery); and (iii)
the cellular/subcellular confinement of particles within malignant cells
(such as selective, nuclear-targeted cytotoxic DNA damage by gold
nanoparticles). We then describe how these confinement effects relate to
specific aspects of diagnosis and treatment such as (i) laser
photothermal therapy, optical scattering microscopy, and spectroscopic
detection, (ii) drug targeting and delivery, and (iii) the ability of
these structures to act as intrinsic therapeutic agents which can
selectively perturb/inhibit cellular functions such as division. We
intend to provide the reader with a unique physical and chemical
perspective on both the design and application of these technologies in
cancer diagnostics and therapeutics. We also suggest a framework for
approaching future research in the field.
Biomed Eng Online. 2010; 9: 13.
Published online 2010 Feb 26. doi: [10.1186/1475-925X-9-13]
PMCID: PMC2839970
PMID: 20187951
A statistical model for multidimensional irreversible electroporation cell death in tissue
Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer
1Center for
Bioengineering in the Service of Humanity and Society, School of
Computer Science and Engineering, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat
Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
2Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Graduate Program in Biophysics, University of
California at Berkeley, Berkeley CA 84720, USA
Irreversible electroporation (IRE)
is a minimally invasive tissue ablation technique which utilizes
electric pulses delivered by electrodes to a targeted area of tissue to
produce high amplitude electric fields, thus inducing irreversible
damage to the cell membrane lipid bilayer. An important application of
this technique is for cancer tissue ablation. Mathematical modelling is
considered important in IRE treatment planning. In the past, IRE
mathematical modelling used a deterministic single value for the
amplitude of the electric field required for causing cell death.
However, tissue, particularly cancerous tissue, is comprised of a
population of different cells of different sizes and orientations, which
in conventional IRE are exposed to complex electric fields; therefore,
using a deterministic single value is overly simplistic.
We introduce and describe a new
methodology for evaluating IRE induced cell death in tissue. Our
approach employs a statistical Peleg-Fermi model to correlate
probability of cell death in heterogeneous tissue to the parameters of
electroporation pulses such as the number of pulses, electric field
amplitude and pulse length. For treatment planning, the Peleg-Fermi
model is combined with a numerical solution of the multidimensional
electric field equation cast in a dimensionless form. This is the first
time in which this concept is used for evaluating IRE cell death in
multidimensional situations.
We illustrate the methodology using
data reported in literature for prostate cancer cell death by IRE. We
show how to fit this data to a Fermi function in order to calculate the
critical statistic parameters. To illustrate the use of the methodology,
we simulated 2-D irreversible electroporation protocols and produced
2-D maps of the statistical distribution of cell death in the treated
region. These plots were compared to plots produced using a
deterministic model of cell death by IRE and the differences were noted.
In this work we introduce a new
methodology for evaluation of tissue ablation by IRE using statistical
models of cell death. We believe that the use of a statistical model
rather than a deterministic model for IRE cell death will improve the
accuracy of treatment planning for cancer treatment with IRE.
Electroporation is the physical
phenomenon in which the cell membrane becomes permeabilized when certain
electric fields are applied across the cell [1].
When cell membrane permeability increase is only temporary and the
resealing happens in the next step, reversible electroporation has
occurred [2–8]. Reversible electroporation has important applications in chemical treatment of tissues for drug delivery and gene therapy [9–11]
If permeability increase is sufficiently long to disrupt intracellular
homeostasis, irreversible electroporation has occurred and as a
consequence the cell dies [12].
Until recently, the main practical application of irreversible
electroporation was microbial inactivation in the food industry [13–15].
A summary of much of the current information on the use of IRE in the
food industry can be found in a recent book on this topic [15]. The use of irreversible electroporation in a non thermal mode for tissue ablation in the body in vivo is a new minimally invasive molecular selective surgical technique [16–21].
Tissue electroporation utilizes electrodes brought into contact with
tissues in the body to deliver electric pulses, which in turn induce
electroporation in a desired volume of tissue [22,23].
Non-thermal irreversible electroporation (NTIRE) is electroporation
delivered in such a way that the Joule heating induced temperature
elevation in tissue only reaches levels that are not harmful[24].
Therefore, only the cell membrane in the treated area is affected while
other molecular structures in the tissue are spared, effectively making
NTIRE molecular surgery[23,25]. One application of NTIRE is the treatment of cancerous tumors [16,17,20,23].
In a typical procedure, electrodes are inserted around the tumor and
pulses of specific amplitude and frequency are applied in the hope that
they will affect the entire area of the tumor and cause complete cell
death [16,17,20,23].
Treatment planning is important for NTIRE treatment success. In the
past, mathematical studies on electroporation in tissue used a
deterministic model to evaluate the electroporation events, i.e. it was
assumed that the event of electroporation is associated with a single
value of local electric field current and heat distribution during pulse
application[17,21,24–33]. Particular attention was paid to the electrode confirmation optimization [34,35] and the impact of tissue histology [36].
Nevertheless, assuming a deterministic effect of electroporation
parameters is correct only when the cell population is homogeneous and
uniform. In malignant tissues the cell population is at different stages
of development and is therefore not homogeneous. It has been known in
the field of irreversible electroporation since the 1960’s that in a
population of aging cells there is a statistical distribution which
correlates cell survival to electroporation parameters [37,38].
The outcome of the application of electric pulses across cells depends
on many parameters. These include field amplitude, polarity, number of
electric pulses, shape of pulses, length of pulse, interval between
pulses, and environmental temperature. Particularly relevant to tissue
are the additional parameters of cell type, morphology, age and size [2–8,26,37,38].
All these parameters determine if the cell membrane will undergo
reversible electroporation, irreversible electroporation or no
electroporation at all. When treating cancer cells with NITRE, it is
obviously important to deliver the electric pulses such that the
electric conditions that destroy cells are achieved throughout the
entire volume of targeted undesirable tissue. The use of NTIRE for
tissue ablation is complicated by the fact that the electric fields
which occur in the treated tissue are complex and vary in space as a
function of distance from the electrodes, tumor and electrode geometry
e.g [17,25].
Therefore, there is evident need for a mathematical methodology of
treatment planning which will ensure that the entire volume of
undesirable tissue undergoes electric conditions that destroy all the
The food industry, from which some of the first fundamental studies on IRE emerged [37,38]
has long recognized that electroporation is a statistical event in a
heterogeneous population of cells. In food processing, it is important
to completely destroy undesirable cells; as is in treatment of cancer.
Therefore, statistical models of cell destruction by irreversible
electroporation have been developed in the food industry for processing
planning. Our goal in this study is to show how these models can be used
in treatment planning for ablation of cancer cells in tissue.
The first mathematical models to describe pulsed electric
field induced cell death employed a first order inactivation kinetics
model and are given in equation (1), [39]
Where S is the survival ratio, k is the kinetic constant which depends of pulse strength and t is the total treatment time.
However, experimental studies show that cell death by
pulsed electric fields depends on more parameters than those included in
a first order kinetic model. Hülsheger and Niemann proposed a model
which is different from first order inactivated models and incorporates
more of the relevant pulsed electric field parameters, Equation (2), [40]:
Where be is a regression constant, which is bacteria and medium type dependent. E is the applied field and Ec is a cell size and pulse length dependent parameter, obtained by extrapolation to 100% survivals. Further model development [14,41,42]
have lead to the model in Equation 3, which also includes brings the
pulse length as a critical parameter in electric pulse field induced
cell death:
Where tc and Ec are microorganism and medium type dependent, E is the applied field and t is the treatment time.
Additional models were developed which take into account
the fact that the treated microorganisms population is not homogeneous,
hence each individual cell has its own resistance to the applied
treatment. Assuming a natural distribution among cells, the survival
curve can be described by a distribution function[43–45].
Peleg [46]proposed an inactivation model, Equation 4, based on Fermi function:
Where, Ec(n) is the field at which 50% of a population of cells are dead and A(n) are function of the number of pulses, n.
Recently, a Weibull distribution, function has been shown
to describe effectively several microbial inactivation curves, Equation
5, [44,45]:
Where n(E) and b(E) are constants and depend on microbial
and media type and treatment parameters (electric field and treatment
Several additional models have been reported in the literature [47–49]. San Martin et al [50] and Alvarez et al [51] made a comparison study of several proposed statistical models.
The statistical mathematical models used in the food
industry deal with one dimensional electric field. These models have
practical value in the food industry because the majority of the
geometrical configurations in which IRE is used in that industry are
one-dimensional. However, when irreversible electroporation is used for
medical treatment the electric fields that develop in the treated tissue
they are seldom one dimensional[17].
In developing NTIRE mathematical models for medicine it would be
beneficial to have a methodology that could predict the outcome of a
particular electroporation treatment in tissues made of a variety of
cells that experience multidimensional and complex electric fields at
complex electroporation protocols.
The goal of this study is to introduce such a methodology,
which will lead to the treatment planning according to parameters we
previously discussed. Specifically, we suggest combining a mathematical
model that calculates the multidimensional electric field in tissue with
a statistical and empirical model that predicts cellular damage as a
function of the local and temporal values of electric fields and the
electroporation protocols. Mathematical models that calculate the
multi-dimensional electric fields which occur during tissue
electroporation through the solution of the electric field equation have
been used successfully in the past for electroporation analysis and
research [22,52] as well as for treatment planning in NTIRE [17,20,53].
In the past these mathematical models of electric fields were combined
with a deterministic single valued evaluation of the electric field that
affects cell viability and the results were expressed as a demarcation
line which separates between cells that were electroporated and those
that are not. There has been no methodology introduced, up to our
knowledge, which evaluates the statistical distribution of
electroporated cells. Here we propose a second step after the electric
field calculations which consists of inserting the calculated local
value of the electric fields into a statistical empirical model of the
type derived in the food industry for estimate of local cell damage.
This analysis should produce a map of tissue damage in the treated
region for a certain electroporation protocol which is the goal of
treatment planning. We anticipated that the major difference in the
outcome of the analysis between the methodologies proposed in this study
and the mathematical methodology used in the past is the occurrence of a
domain in which there will be a transition between electroporated and
non-electroporated tissue, rather than a discrete demarcation line.
Knowing this transition zone is obviously important in treatment of
This study describes this mathematical
model of electroporation in tissue. Since we want to introduce a general
methodology, we will employ dimensionless analysis – which is basic in
fundamental engineering analysis. To illustrate the method we will use a
Peleg-Fermi type statistical model [46].
Because there is no good experimental data in the literature for IRE in
tissue and to nevertheless focus ideas we use and extrapolate limited
experimental data obtained for DU 145 prostate cancer cells in a
previously published work, based on in vivo experiments, by Canatella et al[54]. The experimental parameters in this specific study. which included field strength from 0.1 to 3.3 kV/cm, pulse length 50 ?sec -20 ms, number of pulses 1-10 [41], fall to the range of parameters used in vivo studies for the successful irreversible electroporation [16,20,22,53];
therefore, we applied these results for demonstration in the current 2D
treatment planning model application. In the investigated
electroporation study the pulse lengths were significantly longer than
the cell membrane charging time which is about 1 ?sec [55]
and thus a steady state DC analyses can be implemented. Obviously, for
this method to become practical much experimental research is needed to
obtain statistical data for cells in tissue.
To develop the methodology we will
employ a statistical empirical model of cell damage by electroporation
based on the Peleg-Fermi formulation[46].
The reason for choosing this model over others is related to recent
findings in the field of tissue NTIRE. These findings show that the
number of pulses is an important treatment parameter[16,26,56].
We chose to use the Peleg-Fermi model since it directly incorporates
the dependence of cell death on pulse number and field strength for the
given pulse length. Other models, for instance, Weibull function
parameters do not incorporate directly the pulse number and pulse length
as basic parameters and include only the effect of field amplitude and
total treatment time. Obviously the other models can be also used and it
is quite likely that new statistical models will be developed in the
future for treatment of tissue; however, this study should be viewed
primarily as a first attempt at introducing statistical modeling in the
analysis of tissue electroporation.
Peleg [46] depicts the dependence of the survival ratio S (S = N/No or the ratio of living cell count after IRE treatment (N) and before IRE treatment (No)) on the electric field that cells experience, E [V/m] and number of pulses, n, for various electroporation protocols.
The model is based on the Fermi equation of the form described in Equation 4.
The equation incorporates Ec(n) whose typical behavior is
Where Eco is the intersect of the curve with the y-axis
and is cell type and pulse type specific, n, is the number of pulses and
k1 is cell type and pulse type specific. The pulse type specificity
relates to all the other parameters of electroporation that are not
included explicitly in the equation (i.e. shape of pulse, length of
pulse, interval between pulses).
The equation for A(n), whose typical behavior is,
The electric field during the electroporative pulses application is obtained from the solution of the Equation 8,
where, ? [S] is the local conductivity and ?[V] is the local potential
To determine the electric potential in the analyzed region
Equation (8) is solved subject to the electroporation boundary
condition which are:
where ?1, ?2 are the geometrical locations of the electroporation electrode boundaries.
Boundary conditions that do not relate to the electrodes
are handled in a standard way, as insulating boundaries. A typical
example will be shown later in the results section.
Since we introduce here a general methodology we will
employ dimensionless analysis, as commonly done in engineering analysis.
We assume that the typical dimension of this problem is the distance L
, between the centers of gravity of the two electroporation
electrodes. We will non-dimensionalize space variables with respect to
the dimension, L, and electric field quantities with respect to Eco
which is a typical quantity with units of electric field and dependent
on the tissue type and electroporation protocol. Specifically:
The dimensionless form of Equations (4) and (6-11) becomes,
We anticipate that mathematical modeling
of IRE will be performed the following way. The experimental data,
gathered in preliminary experiments with tissues, will be cast in a
statistical model of cell death as a function of various electroporation
parameters rather than a deterministic model. It is quite possible that
the experimental studies will reveal other parameters of importance for
the statistical model; for instance, the effect of the variable
polarity, anisotropic properties in relation to the electric fields,
heterogeneity to mention a few. From the data gathered in the food
industry we have little doubt that in tissue the cell electroporation as
a function of electroporation parameters will have a statistical
distribution rather than be deterministic. Then the Laplace equation is
solved for the particular geometry and electroporation protocol and the
statistical model can be used as a survival look-up table with the
calculated local electric field to determine the transition region to
complete cell death. It should be emphasized that in other tissue
ablation techniques such as cryosurgery and thermal ablation this
statistically affected transition region has become an important
consideration in treatment planning.
Results and Discussion
The goal of this part of the study is to
illustrate the methodology with an example. Since there is no
experimental statistical data available for tissues we decided to
illustrate the concept using some limited data available from
experiments with prostate DU 145 cancer cells in the work by Canatella
et al[54],
which we extrapolate. The goal of this study was to introduce the idea
that electroporation effects on tissue should be analyzed as a
statistical, probabilistic event rather than as a deterministic event.
Tissues are obviously heterogeneous at the microscopic and macroscopic
scale and often anisotropic. Others and we have published, studies on
the effects of tissue heterogeneity on tissue electroporation and it is
substantial [27,30,36,57–60].
However, in order to single out the effect of a statistical
distribution of electroporation events on the outcome of
electroporation, we chose to model the tissue as homogeneous. This
approach to the analysis of a newly examined phenomenon is obviously
quite standard [22,33].
We could have used data from experiments with
micro-organisms from the food industry or just simple parametric
studies; however, we thought that although limited, the prostate cancer
cell data is somewhat more relevant. Obviously future experimental
studies on tissues are needed in this field.
The data of Canatella et al [54]gives the percentage cell survival as a function of applied field intensity for 1, 2, 4 and 10 pulses with pulse lengths of 50 ?sec, 100 ?sec, 1 msec and 10 msec.
We have curve fitted the data of Canatella et al. [54] to the Fermi type model of Peleg, Equation 1 [46], The curve fitted parameters Ec and A as a function of n were calculated from the experimental data and are shown in Figures ?Figures1A1A to ?to1D1D.
Dependence of Ec and A on the number of pulses as developed from the work of Canatella et al [54]. A. 50 ?sec pulse lenth. B.100 ?sec pulse length, C. 1 msec pulse length and D. 10 msec pulse length.
From the plots in Figures ?Figures1A1A to ?to1D1D we extrapolated to n = 0 to obtain the values of Eco and Ao for each electroporation protocol. The plots in Figures ?Figures1A1A to ?to1D1D were
non-dimensionalized as in Equations 16 and 17 and further extrapolated
to larger number of pulses than in the experiments of Canatlela et al[54]. These dimensionless representations are shown in Figures (2A, B, C and ?and2D).2D). It should be obvious that what we show is a general methodology and the particular use of the Canatella et al[54] data is to have some basis grounded on experimentation for the description of the methodology.
Dependance of Ec and A on the number of applied pulses, normalized to Eco. A. 50 ?sec pulse lenth. B.100 ?sec pulse length, C. 1 msec pulse length and D. 10 msec pulse length.
We will further illustrate the methodology by analyzing a
configuration that is typical to the NTIRE experiments described
Specifically, in those experiments two long 1 mm diameter cylindrical
electrodes are placed at a separation of 1 cm between them in a parallel
configuration. This situation is primarily two dimensional. For
simplicity we will assume that the tissue is isotropic (although the
method is obviously not restricted to these conditions) with ? = 0.42 S/m[62].
The electric field equation is solved using the finite
element method with Comsol Multiphysics (version 3.4). The paradigm of
the analysis is as follows. The field equation is solved for prescribed
voltage boundary conditions on the electrodes and insulating boundary
conditions on the outer edges of the domain, and then the curves in
Figure ?Figure22 are
used to evaluate the cell survival for each value of the local field
and the appropriate number of pulses and electroporation protocols. In a
typical parametric treatment study we have varied the C values
(dimensionless voltage on the electrodes) and treatment parameters
(number of pulses and length of pulses) and plotted from the electric
field data a spatial depiction of the cell survival. The calculated
dimensionless field distribution in the tissue is given in Figures 3(A-C) The cell survival 2D plots are shown in Figures 4(A-H).
Viability plots for IRE in prostate tissue in 2D
for different electroporation protocols that have various number of
pulses (n), voltages on the electrodes C, and pulse length, (t). A. n = 10 C = 1.5 t = 100 ?sec B. n = 50 C = 1.5 t = 100 ?sec C. n = 100 C = 1.5 t = 100 ?sec. D. n = 50 pulses, C = 0.5, t = 100 ?sec E. n = 50 pulses c = 1.5 t = 100 ?sec F. n = 50 pulses c = 2.5 t = 100 ?sec. G. n = 50 C = 1.5 t = 100 ?sec H. n = 50 C = 1.5 t = 1 msec.
Figures 4(A-H) show
the distribution of cells which survive IRE in relation to the location
of the electroporation electrodes for various electroporation
protocols. The depiction of the cell damage is obtained from the
calculation of the electric fields and the use of the Peleg-Fermi type
empirical data. The most important aspect of our findings is that around
the treated tissue there is a rim of tissue in which the NTIRE caused
damage is partial. The existence and the extent of regions in which only
part of the cells are ablated cannot be determined from the
deterministic cell death models which have been used before The shape of
the treated region is obviously a function of the electrical parameters
and the geometry of the probes. From the results it is evident that the
damaged region increases as a function of applied voltage, pulse number
and pulse length. Both regions of the sub-lethal injured and totally
inactivated cells are changing as a function of the applied protocol.
The general pattern is interesting: larger numbers of pulses increase
the region in which there is complete cell death (blue color) while
large field amplitude and longer pulse length increase both the region
in which there is complete cell death as well as the transition region
of partial cell injury (Figures 4(A-C)).
These findings further illustrate the importance of using a statistical
distribution model for a precise analysis of the effects of NTIRE. The
geometrical form of the treated area changes its shape with the
treatment parameters in a form similar to that observed in other studies
In this study we introduce a methodology for evaluating
cell death in a volume of tissue treated by IRE using a statistical cell
death model rather than the deterministic model for cell death used in
the past.
The examples shown in this study illustrate the
methodology for mathematical analysis of IRE for multidimensional
electroporation protocols from fundamental information on the empirical,
statistical relation between cell survival and electroporation
protocols in experiments and mathematical solution of the field
equation. For a desired region of tissue ablation it is possible to
employ this methodology for choosing the desirable electric pulse
protocol in terms of pulse amplitude, length, number of pulses and
intervals between the pulses. Because non-thermal irreversible
electroporation also requires pulses that do not produce thermal damage
future studies may also require solving this model of electric fields
together with thermal models dealing with temperature distributions as
well as thermal damage. While shown for irreversible electroporation
this mode of analysis could be employed in a similar form with
experimental curves for reversible electroporation. Obviously this is a
theoretical study whose goal it is to propose a statistical model for
IRE mathematical modeling. It should be empathized that the data used in
this work is for illustration purposes only and real curves and
parameters should be developed for each specific case. We performed the
simulations based on two assumptions. First, we extrapolated data from
in vitro experiment performed by Canatella et al. [54]
to an in vivo situation in tissue, second we used the Peleg-Fermi model
to extrapolate the effect of electric field delivered at a much larger
number of pulses than was reported by Canatella et al. [54].
Eventually, in order to use the theoretical methodology introduced in
this work in clinical applications experimental studies need to be
performed to develop real values for statistical analysis.
The results that were obtained show that
when a statistical model is used to predict cell destruction by IRE
there is a transition zone between complete cell destruction and
complete cell survival. In contrast, previous mathematical models of IRE
which employed deterministic models show a sharp transition line.
Obviously, knowing precisely the extent of complete tissue ablation is
important in treatment of cancer. The mode of analysis and treatment
planning design presented in this study may become important in attempts
to optimize the use of NTIRE in treatment of cancer.
This study has introduced a new
mathematical methodology for analysis of tissue ablation by irreversible
electroporation using statistical models of cell death. The methodology
was illustrated using data derived from single cell studies. Much
experimental work remains to obtain similar data for cells in tissue.
However, once the experimental data becomes available, the use of a
statistical model rather than a deterministic model for IRE cell death
will improve the accuracy of treatment planning for cancer treatment
with IRE.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ contributions
AG performed data collection
modeling and drafted the manuscript. BR conceived of the study and
drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final
This study was supported by the Israel Science Foundation grant # 403/06.
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Extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsed-gradient magnetic fields inhibit malignant tumour growth at different biological levels.
Zhang X, Zhang H, Zheng C, Li C, Zhang X, Xiong W.
Biomedical Physics Unit, Department of Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsed-gradient magnetic field (with
the maximum intensity of 0.6-2.0 T, gradient of 10-100 T.M(-1), pulse
width of 20-200 ms and frequency of 0.16-1.34 Hz treatment of mice can
inhibit murine malignant tumour growth, as seen from analyses at
different hierarchical levels, from organism, organ, to tissue, and down
to cell and macromolecules. Such magnetic fields induce apoptosis of
cancer cells, and arrest neoangiogenesis, preventing a supply developing
to the tumour. The growth of sarcomas might be amenable to such new
method of treatment.
Technol Health Care. 2011;19(6):455-67.
Solid Ehrlich tumor growth treatment by magnetic waves.
Ali FM, El Gebaly RH, El Hag MA, Rohaim AM.
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.
In this work the retardation of Ehrlich tumor growth implanted in
mice was studied by employing 4.5 Hz magnetic field. Eighty female
Balb/c mice were used, twenty as normal group; the other sixty mice were
inoculated with Ehrlich tumor, then they were divided equally into
three groups namely A, B and C. Group A (control group) animals were not
exposed to the magnetic field. The tumors in the thigh of the animals
of group B were exposed to 4.5 Hz, 2 Gauss square wave magnetic field by
using a small solenoid connected to a power square wave generator.
Group C animals were whole body exposed inside a large solenoid to 4.5
Hz, 2 Gauss square wave magnetic field. Both groups B and C were exposed
for a period of 2 weeks at a rate 2 hours per day. Tumor volume,
survival period, histological examination and dielectric relaxation of
the tumor were measured to investigate the activity of the tumor of the
exposed and the unexposed animals. The results indicated that exposing
the tumor tissue to 4.5 Hz square wave magnetic field for 2 weeks at a
rate 2 hours/day inhibited tumor growth and increased the survival
period of the animals. However, group B showed more improvements than
did group C. This was attributed to some distortions in the square
waveform in the large solenoid (group C). By comparing data from current
and previous work, it was concluded that the use of magnetic waves
showed better results over previously published work using amplitude
modulated electromagnetic waves with the same frequency.
Tumor treating fields: concept, evidence and future.
Pless M, Weinberg U.
Medical Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, and Tumor Center,
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Brauerstrasse, Switzerland.
INTRODUCTION: Local control is fundamental, both for the curative as
well as the palliative treatment of cancer. Tumor treating fields
(TTFields) are low intensity (1 2 V/cm), intermediate frequency (100 ?
200 kHz) alternating electric fields administered using insulated
electrodes placed on the skin surrounding the region of a malignant
tumor. TTFields were shown to destroy cells within the process of
mitosis via apoptosis, thereby inhibiting tumor growth. TTFields have no
effect on non-dividing cells.
AREAS COVERED: This article reviews in vitro and in vivo preclinical
studies, demonstrating the activity of TTFields both as a monotherapy as
well as in combination with several cytotoxic agents. Furthermore, it
summarizes the clinical experience with TTFields, mainly in two
indications: one in recurrent glioblastoma multiforme: in a large
prospective randomized Phase III trial TTFields was compared with best
standard care (including chemotherapy): TTFields significantly improved
median overall survival (OS) compared with standard therapy (7.8 vs 6.1
months) for the patients treated per protocol. Importantly, quality of
life was also better in the TTFields group. The second indication was a
Phase II study in second-line non-small cell lung cancer, where TTFields
was administered concomitantly with pemetrexed. This combination
resulted in an excellent median OS of 13.8 months. Interestingly, the
progression-free survival (PFS) within the area of the TTFields was 28,
however, outside the TTFields the PFS was only 22 weeks.
EXPERT OPINION: The proof of concept of TTFields has been well
demonstrated in the preclinical setting, and the clinical data seem
promising in various tumor types. The side effects of TTFields were
minimal and in general consisted of skin reaction to the electrodes.
There are a number of ways in which TTFields could be further evaluated,
for example, in combination with chemotherapy, as a maintenance
treatment, or as a salvage therapy if radiotherapy or surgery is not
possible. While more clinical data are clearly needed, TTFields is an
emerging and promising novel treatment concept.
Br J Cancer. Aug 23, 2011; 105(5): 640–648.
Published online Aug 9, 2011. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.292
PMCID: PMC3188936
Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low levels of amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields
Therapeutic options for patients
with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are limited. There is
emerging evidence that the growth of cancer cells may be altered by very
low levels of electromagnetic fields modulated at specific frequencies.
A single-group, open-label, phase
I/II study was performed to assess the safety and effectiveness of the
intrabuccal administration of very low levels of electromagnetic fields
amplitude modulated at HCC-specific frequencies in 41 patients with
advanced HCC and limited therapeutic options. Three-daily 60-min
outpatient treatments were administered until disease progression or
death. Imaging studies were performed every 8 weeks. The primary
efficacy end point was progression-free survival 6 months. Secondary efficacy end points were progression-free survival and overall survival.
Treatment was well tolerated and
there were no NCI grade 2, 3 or 4 toxicities. In all, 14 patients
(34.1%) had stable disease for more than 6 months. Median
progression-free survival was 4.4 months (95% CI 2.1–5.3) and median
overall survival was 6.7 months (95% CI 3.0–10.2). There were three
partial and one near complete responses.
Treatment with intrabuccally
administered amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields is safe, well
tolerated, and shows evidence of antitumour effects in patients with
advanced HCC.Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, phase II study, radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, tumour-specific modulation frequencies, 27.12MHz
Treatment of inoperable or metastatic
solid tumours is a major challenge in oncology, which is limited by the
small number of therapeutic agents that are both well tolerated and
capable of long-term control of tumour growth. Hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC) is the second most common cause of cancer death in men and the
sixth in women worldwide (Jemal et al, 2011).
Hepatocellular carcinoma is the most common tumour in certain parts of
the world, particularly in East Asia, Africa, and certain countries of
South America. This tumour is less frequent in Europe and in the United
States, but has become the fastest rising cancer in the United States (Jemal et al, 2011). In the United States alone, it is estimated that 24120 new cases were diagnosed and there were 17430 deaths from HCC in 2010 (Jemal et al, 2010), a 27% increase in the number of new cases since 2004 (Jemal et al, 2004). The prognosis of patients suffering from advanced HCC is poor with an average survival of fewer than 6 months (Kassianides and Kew, 1987; Jemal et al, 2011).
Therapies for HCC are limited. Resections of the primary
tumour or liver transplantation are the preferred therapeutic approaches
in patients who are surgical candidates (Bruix and Sherman, 2005).
Although these interventions result in long-term survival for some
patients, only a minority benefit from them because of limitations due
to tumour size, patient’s overall condition, and presence of hepatic
cirrhosis (Cance et al, 2000).
Only a small number of randomised trials show a survival benefit in the
treatment of HCC. Chemoembolisation has been shown to confer a survival
benefit in selected patients with unresectable HCC (Llovet et al, 2002).
Data from two phase III randomised placebo-controlled studies
demonstrate improved survival in patients with advanced HCC receiving
the multikinase inhibitor sorafenib (Llovet et al, 2008b; Cheng et al, 2009).
Additional therapies for this disease are sorely needed, especially for
the large number of patients with advanced disease who cannot tolerate
chemotherapy or intrahepatic interventions because of impaired liver
function (Thomas and Zhu, 2005).
The intrabuccal administration of low and safe
levels of electromagnetic fields, which are amplitude-modulated at
disease-specific frequencies (RF AM EMF) (Figure 1), was originally developed for the treatment of insomnia (Pasche et al, 1990).
The highest levels of EMFs encountered during treatment are found at
the interface between the tongue and the mouth probe and are compliant
with international safety limits (ICNIRP, 1998; Pasche and Barbault, 2003).
Tumour-specific modulation frequencies have been identified for several
common forms of cancer and one report suggests that this novel
therapeutic approach is well tolerated and may be effective in patients
with a diagnosis of cancer (Barbault et al, 2009).
However, the safety and potential efficacy of this treatment approach
in the treatment of advanced HCC are unknown. We designed this
single-group, open-label, phase I/II study to assess the feasibility of
this treatment in patients with advanced HCC and limited therapeutic
Figure 1
Delivery of HCC-specific modulation frequencies. (A) The generator of AM EMFs is a battery-driven RF EMF generator connected to a spoon-shaped mouthpiece. (B) Schematic description of AM EMFs. The carrier frequency (27.12MHz) is sinusoidally …Go to:
Patients and methods
The study was aimed at offering
treatment to patients with Child–Pugh A or B advanced HCC and limited
therapeutic options. Patients were classified as having advanced disease
if they were not eligible for surgical resection or had disease
progression after surgical or locoregional therapies or had disease
progression after chemotherapy or sorafenib therapy. Patients with
measurable, inoperable HCC were eligible for enrolment. Previous local
or systemic treatments were allowed as long as they were discontinued at
least 4 weeks before enrolment. Inclusion criteria included Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0, 1, or 2 and
biopsy-confirmed HCC. Also allowed were patients with no pathological
confirmation of HCC with a level of ?-fetoprotein higher than 400ngml?1
and characteristic imaging findings as assessed by multislice computer
tomography (CT) scan or intravenous contrast ultrasound (US). As per the
University of São Paulo Department of Transplantation and Liver Surgery
guidelines, liver biopsies are avoided in patients eligible for
transplant or with severely impaired liver function. Exclusion criteria
included confirmed or suspected brain metastasis, Child–Pugh C, previous
liver transplant, and pregnancy.
Study design
This was an investigator-initiated,
single centre, uncontrolled phase I/II trial in patients with advanced
HCC. The trial was approved by the local human investigation committee
and conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Written
informed consent was obtained from each patient. The protocol was
registered: identifier no. NCT00534664.
Administration of AM EMFs
The generator of AM EMFs consists of a battery-driven radiofrequency (RF) EMF generator connected to a 1.5m long 50? coaxial cable, to the other end of which a stainless-steel spoon-shaped mouthpiece is connected via an impedance transformer (Figure 1A). The RF source of the device corresponds to a class C amplifier operating at 27.12MHz. The carrier frequency is AM (Figure 1B)
with a modulation depth of 85±5%, whereas the modulation frequency is
generated by a digital direct synthesiser with a resolution of 10?7.
The treatment sequence is controlled by a microcontroller (Atmel
AT89S8252, Fribourg, Switzerland), that is, duration of session,
sequence of modulation frequencies and duration of each sequence can be
programmed via PC over a RS232 interface. The RF output is adjusted to
100mW into a 50? load, which results in an emitting power identical to that of the device used for the treatment of insomnia (Pasche et al, 1990; Reite et al, 1994; Pasche et al, 1996).
The United States Food and Drug Administration has determined that such
a device is not a significant risk device and it has been used in
several studies conducted in the United States (Reite et al, 1994; Pasche et al, 1996; Kelly et al, 1997).
A long-term follow-up survey of 807 patients who have received this
therapy in the United States, Europe and Asia showed that the rate of
adverse reactions was low and was not associated with increases in the
incidence of malignancy or coronary heart disease (Amato and Pasche, 1993). The maximum specific absorption rate (SAR) of the applied RF averaged over any 10g of tissue has been estimated to be less than 2Wkg?1,
and the maximum temperature increase is significantly lower than 1°C
anywhere in the body owing to RF absorption. The induced RF field values
within the primary and metastatic tumours are significantly lower. In
contrast, the RF fields induced during RF ablation of tumours cause
hyperthermia and result in SAR in the range of 2.4 × 105Wkg?1 (Chang, 2003), that is, more than 100000 times higher than those delivered by the device used in this study.
We have previously reported the discovery of HCC-specific
modulation frequencies in 46 patients with HCC using a patient-based
biofeedback approach and shown the feasibility of using AM EMFs for the
treatment of patients with cancer (Barbault et al, 2009). The treatment programme used in this study consisted of three-daily outpatient treatments of 1h duration, which contained HCC-specific modulation frequencies ranging between 100Hz and 21kHz administered sequentially, each for 3s (Figure 1C and Supplementary Table S1).
The treatment method consists of the
administration of AM EMFs by means of an electrically conducting
mouthpiece, which is in direct contact with the oral mucosa (Figure 1D).
The patients were instructed on the use of the device and received the
first treatment at the medical centre’s outpatient clinic. A device was
provided to each patient for the duration of the study. The patients
were advised to self-administer treatment three times a day. Treatment
was administered until tumour progression was objectively documented. At
that time, treatment was discontinued. Treatment compliance was
assessed at every return visit by recording the number of treatments
delivered in the preceding 2 months.
Efficacy end points and disease assessment
The primary end point of this trial
was the proportion of patients progression-free at 6 months. Secondary
end points were progression-free survival (PFS) (first day of treatment
until progression of disease or death) and overall survival (OS) (first
day of receiving treatment to death). Objective response was assessed
using the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours group
classification for patients with disease assessed by either helical
multiphasic CT (Therasse et al, 2000).
Whenever contrast-enhanced US radiological assessment was used, it was
performed and reviewed by the same radiologist specialised in HCC (MCC)
as this imaging modality is investigator dependent. Tumour measurements
were performed at baseline and every 8 weeks. Only patients with at
least one repeat tumour measurement during therapy were considered for
response analysis. Throughout the study, lesions measured at baseline
were evaluated using the same technique (CT or contrast-enhanced US).
Overall tumour response was scored as a complete response (CR), partial
response (PR), or stable disease (SD) if the response was confirmed at
least 4 weeks later. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels were measured every 8
weeks in all patients throughout the study, but changes in AFP were not
an end point for assessment of response. Pain was assessed according to
the NCI-CTCAE v.3.0 (
Statistical analyses and efficacy assessment
All eligible patients who began
treatment were considered assessable for the primary and secondary end
points. A Simon two-stage phase II minimax design was used (Simon, 1989)
to evaluate the rate of progression-free survival at 6 months. The
interim analysis was performed once enrolment into the first stage was
completed. In the first stage, 23 patients were observed. If two or
fewer patients had progression-free survival 6
months, the trial would be terminated early for lack of efficacy. If
the progression-free survival of 3 or more of the first 23 patients was
equal or greater than 6 months, then an additional 18 patients would be
enrolled to a maximum of 41 patients. If eight or more of the 41 had PFS
of at least 6 months, we would conclude that the treatment was
efficacious. This design had a Type I error rate of 5% and a Type II
error rate of 10% for the null hypothesis of a 6-month PFS rate of 10%
vs the alternative of 27.5%. Kaplan–Meier estimates of survival, PFS,
and duration of response were calculated with standard errors based on
Greenwood’s formula. These calculations were performed using the Proc
Lifetest in SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
Patient recruitment and follow-up
From October 2005 to July 2007, 267 patients were assessed for eligibility (Figure 2).
In all, 43 patients with advanced HCC and Child–Pugh A or B were
enrolled in this study. The date of last patient follow-up is 9 June
2011. Of these, 20 patients (46.5%) had histological confirmation of
HCC; 23 patients (53.5%) were diagnosed based on elevated levels of ?-fetoprotein
and characteristic imaging findings such as vascular invasion and
characteristic differences in tumour blood flow. One patient was
excluded because liver biopsy established the diagnosis of metastatic
breast cancer. Another patient was excluded because of severely impaired
liver function (Child–Pugh C11). These two patients who did not meet
the inclusion criteria were registered as screening failures. Hence, a
total of 41 patients were eligible to receive experimental therapy (Figure 2).
Two patients were lost to follow-up as they did not come
back for their scheduled appointments. Repeated efforts were made to
reach the patients and their families. The date of death of only one
patient is known, and no information on response to treatment is
available for either patient. Four patients withdrew consent while
receiving therapy after 8.0, 9.3, 20.3, and 21.0 months, respectively (Figure 2).
One patient elected to receive chemotherapy, one patient had poor
treatment compliance as defined by administration of less than 50% of
planned treatments at two consecutive return visits, one patient elected
to enrol in another experimental protocol, and one patient requested to
be considered for liver transplantation as part of an extended
indication, which does not fulfil the Milan criteria (Mazzaferro et al, 1996).
This latter patient experienced disease progression and was ultimately
not eligible for liver transplantation. Of the 35 patients who
discontinued experimental therapy, four died of gastrointestinal
bleeding, three of sepsis, three of hepatic failure, one of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, two of chemotherapy- and
chemoembolisation-related complications, and one of myocardial
infarction (Figure 2).
The remaining 24 patients discontinued because of disease progression
assessed by imaging or significant clinical deterioration as assessed by
the investigator (Figure 2).
Estimated 60-day mortality was 27.8% seven of 10 deaths were directly
related to progression of disease. They were caused by liver failure in
association with significant hepatic tumour involvement, without other
cause of death, other than tumour involvement. Two deaths were secondary
to gastrointestinal bleeding. One death was due to liver failure.
A total of 31 patients (75.6%) had
radiological evidence of disease progression at the time of enrolment as
defined by comparison of baseline imaging studies, with imaging studies
obtained within the previous 6 months; 34 (82.9%) patients had received
therapy before enrolment, five (14.6%) of them systemic chemotherapy or
sorafenib (Table 1).
Seven (17.1%) patients had not received therapy before enrolment for
the following reasons: (1) severely impaired liver function in five
cases; and (2) two patients refused to receive chemotherapy for
metastatic disease. As shown in Table 2,
the majority of patients had severely impaired liver function as
demonstrated by the fact that 22 (53.7%) patients had Child–Pugh B
disease and 35 (85.4%) BLCL stage C disease.
Table 1Treatments received by patients with advanced HCC before enrolment (n=41)
Six of the first 23 patients (26.1%) had progression-free survival 6 months, which led us to continue enrolling patients up to the preplanned total of 41 patients (Figure 2).
In total, 14 patients (34.1%) had SD for more than 6 months, which met
our preplanned primary efficacy end point. Median progression-free
survival was 4.4 months (95% CI 2.1–5.3) and median OS was 6.7 months
(95% CI 3.0–10.2) (Figure 3A and B). One patient, previously enrolled in the SHARP study (Llovet et al, 2008b)
and with evidence of disease progression at the time of enrolment,
remains on therapy with a near complete response for 58 months (Figure 3C).
Estimated survival at 12, 24 and 36 months is 27.9% (s.e.=7.1%), 15.2%
(s.e.=5.7%), and 10.1% (s.e.=4.8%), respectively. Subset analyses by
Child-Pugh stage and accompanying figures are reported in Supplementary
Figure 3
Progression-free and overall survival. (A) Median progression-free survival was 4.4 months (95% CI 2.1–5.3). (B) Median overall survival was 6.7 months (95% CI 3.0–10.2). (C) Long-term partial response in a patient with …
A total of 28 patients were evaluable for tumour response (Figure 2). Four (9.8%) patients had a partial response assessed with CT with or without contrast-enhanced ultrasound (Table 3).
All partial responses were independently reviewed by two authors (MSR
and DM). Three patients had biopsy-confirmed HCC and three had
radiological evidence of disease progression at the time of enrolment (Table 4).
Two patients had Child–Pugh A, one Child–Pugh B disease, and one had no
cirrhosis. One of these patients without biopsy-proven disease
subsequently withdrew consent after 4.9 months to undergo liver
transplantation. The patient died of progression of disease 9.4 months
later before undergoing liver transplantation. One patient with
Child–Pugh B disease had a partial response lasting 11.7 months and died
of gastrointestinal bleeding. One patient died of disease progression
at 44.6 months. Overall, there were six long-term survivors with an OS
greater than 24 months and four long-term survivors with an OS greater
than 3 years. Importantly, five of the six (83%) long-term survivors had
radiological evidence of disease progression at the time of study
enrolment (Table 4).
Two of three patients with the longest survival (44.6 and +58 months)
had radiological evidence of disease progression at the time of
enrolment, BLCL stage C disease, as well as portal vein thrombosis,
three predictors of short survival (Llovet et al, 2003). Serial AFP measurements, which predict radiological response and survival in patients with HCC (Chan et al, 2009; Riaz et al, 2009), were available for 23 patients. AFP decreased by 20% or more in four (9.8%) patients following initiation of therapy (Table 5). Figure 3D
shows the time course of a 37-fold decrease in AFP in a patient who had
a long-lasting (11.7 months) partial response as assessed by CT.
Table 3Independently reviewed best response (N=41)
Table 4Characteristics of patients with either PR and/or long-term survival in excess of 24 months
In all, 11 patients reported pain before
treatment initiation, 3 patients reported grade 3, 5 patients reported
grade 2, and 3 patients grade 1. Five patients reported complete
disappearance of pain and two patients reported decreased pain shortly
after treatment initiation. Two patients reported no changes and two
patients reported increased pain. There were no treatment-related grade
2, 3, or 4 toxicities. The only treatment-related adverse events were
grade 1 mucositis (one patient) and grade 1 somnolence (one patient)
over a total of 266.8 treatment months.Go to:
Treatment with AM EMFs did not show any
significant toxicity despite long-term treatment. The lack of toxicity
experienced by the 41 patients presented in this report as well as the
28 patients from our previous report (Barbault et al, 2009) can be readily explained by the very low and safe levels of induced RF EMFs, which are more than 100000 times lower than those delivered during RF ablation procedures (Chang, 2003).
Hence, the putative mechanism of action of this novel therapeutic
approach does not depend on temperature changes within the tumour.
These data are comparable to recent phase II studies
evaluating the effectiveness of standard chemotherapy as well as novel
targeted therapies in HCC (Abou-Alfa et al, 2006; Boige et al, 2007; Chuah et al, 2007; Cohn et al, 2008; Dollinger et al, 2008; Siegel et al, 2008).
In a large phase II study assessing the effects of sorafenib in
patients with HCC and Child–Pugh A and B who had not received previous
systemic treatment, Abou-Alfa et al (2006)
observed partial responses using the WHO criteria in 2.2% of patients.
Investigator-assessed median time to progression was 4.2 months, and
median OS was 9.2 months. Of note, all 137 patients from that study had
evidence of disease progression after 14.8 months (Abou-Alfa et al, 2006),
whereas, at the same time point, four (9.8%) of the patients enrolled
in this study did not have evidence of disease progression. These
findings suggest that RF AM EMF may increase the time to radiological
progression in advanced HCC.
The majority of patients enrolled in this study had either
failed standard treatment options or had severely impaired liver
function that limited their ability to tolerate any form of systemic or
intrahepatic therapy. Indeed, 16 patients (39.0%) had Child–Pugh B8 or
B9 disease. Among these patients, the median progression-free survival
was 4.4 months (95% CI 1.6–7.6 months), which is identical to that of
the entire group. Five of these 16 patients (31.3%) received therapy for
more than 7.5 months, which indicates that this therapy is well
tolerated even in patients with severely impaired liver function.
Previous treatment with standard chemotherapy or sorafenib
does not seem to impact the effectiveness of AM EMFs in the treatment
of HCC. Indeed, three of the four patients who had a partial response
while receiving AM EMFs had received previous systemic therapies
(chemotherapy and sorafenib) and one had received intrahepatic therapy
with 131I-lipiodol.
Tumour shrinkage as assessed by radiological imaging as
well as changes in AFP levels were documented in patients with advanced
HCC receiving RF EMF modulated at HCC-specific frequencies administered
by an intrabuccal probe. Antitumour activity in patients with advanced
HCC was exemplified by partial responses observed in four patients
(9.8%) and decreases in AFP levels greater than 20% in four patients. A
total of 18 patients (43.9%) either had objective response or SD 6 months.
Importantly, this therapeutic approach has long-lasting
therapeutic effects in several patients with metastatic cancer. Two of
these patients, one with recurrent thyroid cancer metastatic to the
lungs (Figure 4) enrolled in our feasibility study (Barbault et al, 2009) and the patient shown in Figure 3C,
are still receiving treatment without any evidence of disease
progression and without side effects almost 5 years after being enrolled
in these studies. These findings suggest that, in some patients, this
therapeutic approach may achieve permanent control of advanced cancer
with virtually no toxicity.
Figure 4
A 70-year-old man with recurrent thyroid cancer metastatic to the
lungs: stable disease at 57.5 months. Long-term stable disease in a
70-year-old man with recurrent biopsy-proven thyroid carcinoma
metastatic to the lungs enrolled in the previously published…
Our phase I/II study has several limitations. First, only
19 of the 41 patients had biopsy-proven HCC, and the others were
diagnosed by clinical criteria, an approach similar to that used in a
recently reported phase II trial evaluating the clinical and biological
effects of bevacizumab in unresectable HCC (Siegel et al, 2008).
Importantly, analysis restricted to these 19 patients shows rates of
progression-free survival at 6 months, median progression-free survival
and OS that are similar to those without biopsy-proven HCC
(Supplementary Figures 1C and D). Furthermore, three of the four partial
responses were observed in patients with biopsy-proven HCC. Hence,
these findings strongly suggest that treatment with AM EMFs yields
similar results in patients with and without biopsy-confirmed HCC.
Another potential limitation of our study consists in the use of
contrast-enhanced ultrasound for the monitoring of some patients with
HCC. It should be pointed out that recent studies indicate that the use
of this imaging technique is comparable to that of CT scan with respect
to the measurement of HCC tumours (Choi, 2007; Maruyama et al, 2008).
Antitumour response is considered the
primary end point for phase II studies to proceed to further
investigations. Studies applying Cox proportional hazards analysis
indicate that this end point is consistently associated with survival in
trials of locoregional therapies for HCC (Llovet et al, 2002)
and a recent consensus article suggests that randomised studies are
necessary to capture the true efficacy of novel therapies in HCC (Llovet et al, 2008a).
In summary, the encouraging findings from this study warrant a
randomised study to determine the impact of AM EMFs on OS and time to
symptomatic progression.
We thank Drs Al B Benson III, Northwestern University and
Leonard B Saltz, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for reviewing
the manuscript.
AB and BP have filed a patent related to the use of
electromagnetic fields for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. AB and
BP are founding members of TheraBionic LLC.
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Electromagn Biol Med. 2010 Dec;29(4):132-43.
Bioelectromagnetic field effects on cancer cells and mice tumors.
Berg H, Günther B, Hilger I, Radeva M, Traitcheva N, Wollweber L.
We present possibilities and trends of ELF bioelectromagnetic effects
in the mT amplitude range on cancer cells and on mice bearing tumors.
In contrast to invasive electrochemotherapy and electrogenetherapy,
using mostly needle electrodes and single high-amplitude electropulses
for treatment, extremely low-frequency (ELF) pulsating electromagnetic
fields (PEMF) and sinusoidal electromagnetic fields (SEMF) induce tumor
cell apoptosis, inhibit angiogenesis, impede proliferation of neoplastic
cells, and cause necrosis non invasively, whereas human lymphocytes are
negligibly affected. Our successful results in killing cancer
cells-analyzed by trypan blue staining or by flow cytometry-and of the
inhibition of MX-1 tumors in mice by 15-20?mT, 50?Hz treatment in a
solenoid coil also in the presence of bleomycin are presented in
comparison to similar experimental results from the literature. In
conclusion, the synergistic combinations of PEMF or SEMF with
hyperthermia (41.5°C) and/or cancerostatic agents presented in the
tables for cells and mice offer a basis for further development of an
adjuvant treatment for patients suffering from malignant tumors and
metastases pending the near-term development of suitable solenoids of
45-60?cm in diameter, producing >20?mT in their cores.
Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi. 2010 Oct;27(5):1128-32.
Focusing properties of picosecond electric pulses in non-invasive cancer treatment.
[Article in Chinese]
Long Z, Yao C, Li C, Mi Y, Sun C.
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment
& System Security and New Technology, Chongqing University,
Chongqing 400044, China.
In the light of optical theory, we advanc an
ultra-wideband impulse radiating antenna (IRA) which is composed of an
ellipsoidal reflector and a cone radiator. The high-intensity
ultra-short electric pulses radiated by IRA can be transferred into the
deep target in tissue non-invasively and be focused effectively. With
the focused picosecond electric pulses, the organelles (mitochondria)
transmembrane potential shall change to collapse under which the tumor
cells will be targetly induced to apoptosis, so the method of
non-invasive treatment of tumors would be achieved. Based on the
time-domain electromagnetic field theory, the propagation
characteristics of picosecond electric pulses were analyzed with and
without the context of biological tissue, respectively. The results show
that the impulse characteristics of input pulse were maintained and the
picosecond electric pulses can keep high resolution in target areas.
Meanwhile, because of the dispersive nature of medium, the pulse
amplitude of the pulses will attenuate and the pulse width will be
BMC Cancer. 2010 Apr 24;10:159.
Anti-proliferative effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic field on preneoplastic lesions formation in the rat liver.
Department of Physics Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, Mexico.
BACKGROUND: Recently, extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
(ELF-EMF) have been studied with great interest due to their possible
effects on human health. In this study, we evaluated the effect of 4.5
mT-120 Hz ELF-EMF on the development of preneoplastic lesions in
experimental hepatocarcinogenesis.
METHODS: Male Fischer-344 rats were subjected to the modified
resistant hepatocyte model and were exposed to 4.5 mT – 120 Hz ELF-EMF.
The effects of the ELF-EMF on hepatocarcinogenesis, apoptosis,
proliferation and cell cycle progression were evaluated by
histochemical, TUNEL assay, caspase 3 levels, immunohistochemical and
western blot analyses.
RESULTS: The application of the ELF-EMF resulted in a decrease of
more than 50% of the number and the area of gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase-positive preneoplastic lesions (P = 0.01 and P = 0.03,
respectively) and glutathione S-transferase placental expression (P =
0.01). The number of TUNEL-positive cells and the cleaved caspase 3
levels were unaffected; however, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen,
Ki-67, and cyclin D1 expression decreased significantly (P < or =
0.03), as compared to the sham-exposure group.
CONCLUSION: The application of 4.5 mT-120 Hz ELF-EMF inhibits
preneoplastic lesions chemically induced in the rat liver through the
reduction of cell proliferation, without altering the apoptosis process.
Cell Biochem Biophys. 2009;55(1):25-32. Epub 2009 Jun 18.
Evaluation of the potential in vitro antiproliferative effects of
millimeter waves at some therapeutic frequencies on RPMI 7932 human skin
malignant melanoma cells.
Beneduci A.
Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria, Via P. Bucci, Cubo 17/D, Arcavacata di Rende (CS),
The potential antiproliferative effects of low power millimeter waves
(MMWs) at 42.20 and 53.57 GHz on RPMI 7932 human skin melanoma cells
were evaluated in vitro in order to ascertain if these two frequencies,
comprised in the range of frequency used in millimeter wave therapy,
would have a similar effect when applied in vivo to malignant melanoma
tumours. Cells were exposed for 1 h exposure/day and to repeated
exposure up to a total of four treatments. Plane wave incident power
densities <1 mW/cm(2) were used in the MMWs-exposure experiments so
that the radiations did not cause significant thermal effects. Numerical
simulations of Petri dish reflectivity were made using the equations
for the reflection coefficient of a multilayered system. Such analysis
showed that the power densities transmitted into the aqueous samples
were < or = 0.3 mW/cm(2). Two very important and general biological
endpoints were evaluated in order to study the response of melanoma
cells to these radiations, i.e. cell proliferation and cell cycle.
Herein, we show that neither cell doubling time nor the cell cycle of
RPMI 7932 cells was affected by the frequency of the GHz radiation and
duration of the exposure, in the conditions above reported.
— ————————————————————————————
Bioelectrochemistry. 2010 Oct;79(2):257-60. Epub 2010 Mar 10.
Electroporation and alternating current cause membrane permeation of
photodynamic cytotoxins yielding necrosis and apoptosis of cancer
Traitcheva N, Berg H.
Institute of Plant Physiology “M. Popov,” Bulgarian Acad. of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
In order to increase the permeability of cell membranes for low doses
of cytostatic drugs, two bioelectrochemical methods have been compared:
(a) electric pore formation in the plasma membranes by single electric
impulses (electroporation), and (b) reordering of membrane structure by
alternating currents (capacitively coupled). These treatments were
applied to human leukemic K-562 cells and human lymphoma U-937 cells,
yielding apoptotic and necrotic effects, determined by flow cytometry.
Additional cell death occurs after exposure to light irradiation at
wavelengths lambda > 600 nm, of cells which were electroporated and
had incorporated actinomycin-C or daunomycin (daunorubicin). It is
observed that drug uptake after an exponentially decaying
electroporation pulse of the initial field strength Eo=1.4 kV/cm and
pulse time constants in the time range 0.5-3 ms is faster than during
PEMF-treatment, i.e., application of an alternating current of 16 kHz,
voltage U<100 V, I=55 mA, and exposure time 20 min. However, at the
low a.c. voltage of this treatment, more apoptotic and necrotic cells
are produced as compared to the electroporation treatment with one
exponentially decaying voltage pulse. Thus, additional photodynamic
action appears to be more effective than solely drugs and
electroporation as applied in clinical electrochemotherapy, and more
effective than the noninvasive pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs),
for cancer cells in general and animals bearing tumors in particular.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 2010 May;497(1-2):82-9. Epub 2010 Mar 24.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields stimulate apoptosis without
release of pro-apoptotic factors from mitochondria in B16f10 melanoma.
Ford WE, Ren W, Blackmore PF, Schoenbach KH, Beebe SJ.
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23508, USA.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) eliminates B16f10 melanoma
in mice, but cell death mechanisms and kinetics of molecular events of
cell death are not fully characterized. Treatment of B16f10 cells in
vitro resulted in coordinate increases in active caspases with YO-PRO-1
uptake, calcium mobilization, decreases in mitochondria membrane
potential with decreases in forward light scatter (cell size), increases
in ADP/ATP ratio, degradation of actin cytoskeleton and membrane
blebbing. However, there was no mitochondrial release of cytochrome c,
AIF or Smac/DIABLO or generation of reactive oxygen species.
Phosphatidylserine externalization was absent and propidium iodide
uptake was delayed in small populations of cells. The results indicate
that nsPEFs rapidly recruit apoptosis-like mechanisms through the plasma
membrane, mimicking the extrinsic apoptosis pathway without
mitochondrial amplification yet include activation of initiator and
executioner caspases. nsPEFs provide a new cancer therapy that can
bypass cancer-associated deregulation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis
in B16f10 melanoma.
J Physiol Pharmacol. 2010 Apr;61(2):201-5.
Pulsating electromagnetic field stimulation prevents cell death of puromycin treated U937 cell line.
Kaszuba-Zwoinska J, Wojcik K, Bereta M, Ziomber A, Pierzchalski P, Rokita E, Marcinkiewicz J, Zaraska W, Thor P.
Department of Pathophysiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland.
Aim of study was to verify whether pulsating electromagnetic field
(PEMF) can affect cancer cells proliferation and death. U937 human
lymphoid cell line at densities starting from 1 x 10(6) cells/ml to
0.0625 x 10(6) cells/ml, were exposed to a pulsating magnetic field 50
Hz, 45+/-5 mT three times for 3 h per each stimulation with 24 h
intervals. Proliferation has been studied by counting number of cells
stimulated and non-stimulated by PEMF during four days of cultivation.
Viability of cells was analyzed by APC labeled Annexin V and 7-AAD
(7-amino-actinomycin D) dye binding and flow cytometry. Growing
densities of cells increase cell death in cultures of U937 cells. PEMF
exposition decreased amount of cells only in higher densities.
Measurement of Annexin V binding and 7-AAD dye incorporation has shown
that density-induced cell death corresponds with decrease of
proliferation activity. PEMF potentiated density-induced death both
apoptosis and necrosis. The strongest influence of PEMF has been found
for 1 x 10(6)cells/ml and 0.5 x 10(6) cells/ml density. To eliminate
density effect on cell death, for further studies density 0.25 x 10(6)
cells/ml was chosen. Puromycin, a telomerase inhibitor, was used as a
cell death inducer at concentration 100 microg/ml. Combined interaction
of three doses of puromycin and three fold PEMF interaction resulted in a
reduced of apoptosis by 24,7% and necrosis by 13%. PEMF protects U937
cells against puromycin- induced cell death. PEMF effects on the human
lymphoid cell line depends upon cell density. Increased density induced
cells death and on the other hand prevented cells death induced by
Int J Radiat Biol. 2010 Feb;86(2):79-88.
Growth of injected melanoma cells is suppressed by whole body
exposure to specific spatial-temporal configurations of weak intensity
magnetic fields.
Hu JH, St-Pierre LS, Buckner CA, Lafrenie RM, Persinger MA.
Department of Biology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
PURPOSE: To measure the effect of exposure to a specific
spatial-temporal, hysiologically-patterned electromagnetic field
presented using different geometric configurations on the growth of
experimental tumours in mice.
METHODS: C57b male mice were inoculated subcutaneously with B16-BL6
melanoma cells in two blocks of experiments separated by six months (to
control for the effects of geomagnetic field). The mice were exposed to
the same time-varying electromagnetic field nightly for 3 h in one of
six spatial configurations or two control conditions and tumour growth
RESULTS: Mice exposed to the field that was rotated through the three
spatial dimensions and through all three planes every 2 sec did not
grow tumours after 38 days. However, the mice in the sham-field and
reference controls showed massive tumours after 38 days. Tumour growth
was also affected by the intensity of the field, with mice exposed to a
weak intensity field (1-5 nT) forming smaller tumours than mice exposed
to sham or stronger, high intensity (2-5 microT) fields. Immunochemistry
of tumours from those mice exposed to the different intensity fields
suggested that alterations in leukocyte infiltration or vascularisation
could contribute to the differences in tumour growth.
CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to specific spatial-temporal regulated
electromagnetic field configurations had potent effects on the growth of
experimental tumours in mice.
Melanoma Res. 2009 Aug 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Histopathology of normal skin and melanomas after nanosecond pulsed electric field treatment.
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital
Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China bFrank
Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics cDepartment of Biological
Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) can affect the
intracellular structures of cells in vitro. This study shows the direct
effects of nsPEFs on tumor growth, tumor volume, and histological
characteristics of normal skin and B16-F10 melanoma in SKH-1 mice. A
melanoma model was set up by injecting B16-F10 into female SKH-1 mice.
After a 100-pulse treatment with an nsPEF (40-kV/cm field strength;
300-ns duration; 30-ns rise time; 2-Hz repetition rate), tumor growth
and histology were studied using transillumination, light microscopy
with hematoxylin and eosin stain and transmission electron microscopy.
Melanin and iron within the melanoma tumor were also detected with
specific stains. After nsPEF treatment, tumor development was inhibited
with decreased volumes post-nsPEF treatment compared with control tumors
(P<0.05). The nsPEF-treated tumor volume was reduced significantly
compared with the control group (P<0.01). Hematoxylin and eosin stain
and transmission electron microscopy showed morphological changes and
nuclear shrinkage in the tumor. Fontana-Masson stain indicates that
nsPEF can externalize the melanin. Iron stain suggested nsPEF caused
slight hemorrhage in the treated tissue. Histology confirmed that
repeated applications of nsPEF disrupted the vascular network. nsPEF
treatment can significantly disrupt the vasculature, reduce subcutaneous
murine melanoma development, and produce tumor cell contraction and
nuclear shrinkage while concurrently, but not permanently, damaging
peripheral healthy skin tissue in the treated area, which we attribute
to the highly localized electric fields surrounding the needle
Cancer Biol Ther. 2009 Sep;8(18):1756-62. Epub 2009 Sep 17.
Static magnetic fields impair angiogenesis and growth of solid tumors in vivo.
Strelczyk D, Eichhorn ME, Luedemann S, Brix G, Dellian M, Berghaus A, Strieth S.
Walter-Brendel-Center for Experimental Medicine (WBex), Campus Grosshadern, University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany.
Exposure to static magnetic fields (SMFs) results in a reduced blood
flow in tumor vessels as well as in activation and adherence of
platelets. Whether this phenomenon may have a significant functional
impact on tumors has not been investigated as yet. The aim of our study
was to evaluate the effects of prolonged exposure to SMFs on tumor
angiogenesis and growth. Experiments were performed in dorsal skinfold
chamber preparations of Syrian Golden hamsters bearing syngenic A-Mel-3
melanomas. On 3 d following tumor cell implantation one group of animals
was immobilized and exposed to a SMF of 586 mT for three h. Control
animals were immobilized for the same duration without SMF exposure.
Using in vivo-fluorescence microscopy the field effects on tumor
angiogenesis and microcirculation were analyzed for seven days. Tumor
growth was assessed by repeated planimetry of the tumor area during the
observation period. Exposure to SMFs resulted in a significant
retardation of tumor growth ( approximately 30%). Furthermore,
histological analysis showed an increased peri- and intratumoral edema
in tumors exposed to SMFs. Analysis of microcirculatory parameters
revealed a significant reduction of functional vessel density, vessel
diameters and red blood cell velocity in tumors after exposure to SMFs
compared to control tumors. These changes reflect retarded vessel
maturation by antiangiogenesis. The increased edema after SMF exposure
indicates an increased tumor microvessel leakiness possibly enhancing
drug-uptake. Hence, SMF therapy appears as a promising new anticancer
strategy-as an inhibitor of tumor growth and angiogenesis and as a
potential sensitizer to
J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2009 Apr 14;28:51.
Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of
cancer: discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a
novel therapeutic approach.
Barbault A, Costa FP, Bottger B, Munden RF, Bomholt F, Kuster N, Pasche B.
Cabinet Médical, Avenue de la Gare 6, Lausanne, Switzerland.
PURPOSE: Because in vitro studies suggest that low levels of
electromagnetic fields may modify cancer cell growth, we hypothesized
that systemic delivery of a combination of tumor-specific frequencies
may have a therapeutic effect. We undertook this study to identify
tumor-specific frequencies and test the feasibility of administering
such frequencies to patients with advanced cancer.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We examined patients with various types of
cancer using a noninvasive biofeedback method to identify tumor-specific
frequencies. We offered compassionate treatment to some patients with
advanced cancer and limited therapeutic options.
RESULTS: We examined a total of 163 patients with a diagnosis of
cancer and identified a total of 1524 frequencies ranging from 0.1 Hz to
114 kHz. Most frequencies (57-92%) were specific for a single tumor
type. Compassionate treatment with tumor-specific frequencies was
offered to 28 patients. Three patients experienced grade 1 fatigue
during or immediately after treatment. There were no NCI grade 2, 3 or 4
toxicities. Thirteen patients were evaluable for response. One patient
with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to the adrenal gland
and bones had a complete response lasting 11 months. One patient with
hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to liver and bones had a
partial response lasting 13.5 months. Four patients had stable disease
lasting for +34.1 months (thyroid cancer metastatic to lung), 5.1 months
(non-small cell lung cancer), 4.1 months (pancreatic cancer metastatic
to liver) and 4.0 months (leiomyosarcoma metastatic to liver).
CONCLUSION: Cancer-related frequencies appear to be tumor-specific
and treatment with tumor-specific frequencies is feasible, well
tolerated and may have biological efficacy in patients with advanced
J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Jun 22;123(2):293-301. Epub 2009 Mar 24.
Induction of apoptosis in human hepatocarcinoma SMMC-7721 cells in vitro by flavonoids from Astragalus complanatus.
Hu YW, Liu CY, Du CM, Zhang J, Wu WQ, Gu ZL.
Department of Pharmacology, Medical College of Soochow University, 199 RenAi Road, Suzhou 215123, PR China.
AIM OF THE STUDY: Flavonoids extracted from the seeds of Astragalus
complanatus R.Br. reduce the proliferation of many cancer cells. The
present study was carried out to evaluate the effects of these
flavonoids from Astragalus complanatus (FAC) on human hepatocarcinoma
cell viability and apoptosis and to investigate its mechanisms of action
in SMMC-7721 cells.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cell viability was measured using the MTT
assay. To detect apoptotic cells, SMMC-7721 cells treated with FAC were
stained with Hoechst 33258 and subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis.
Quantitative detection of apoptotic cells was performed by flow
cytometry. The effects of FAC on apoptosis and cell cycle regulatory
genes and proteins in SMMC-7721 cells were examined using an S series
apoptosis and cell cycle gene array and Western blot analysis.
RESULTS: The growth of SMMC-7721 and HepG2 cells was inhibited by
treatment with FAC. Cell death induced by FAC was characterized by
nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation. Moreover, the cell cycle was
arrested in the G0/G1 and S phases in FAC-treated SMMC-7721 cells. A
sub-G1 peak with reduced DNA content was also formed. The activity of
caspase-3 was significantly increased following FAC treatment.
Microarray data indicated that the expression levels of 76 genes were
changed in SMMC-7721 cells treated with FAC: 35 genes were up-regulated
and 41 were down-regulated. Western blot analysis showed that caspase-3,
caspase-8, Bax, P21, and P27 protein levels in SMMC-7721 cells were
increased after 48 h of FAC treatment, while cyclinB1, cyclinD1, CDK1,
and CDK4 protein levels were decreased.
CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that FAC may play an important
role in tumor growth suppression by inducing apoptosis in human
hepatocarcinoma cells via mitochondria-dependent and death
receptor-dependent apoptotic pathways.
J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2009; 28(1): 51.
Published online Apr 14, 2009. doi: 10.1186/1756-9966-28-51
PMCID: PMC2672058
electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of
tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic
Alexandre Barbault,1,2 Frederico P Costa,3 Brad Bottger,4 Reginald F Munden,5 Fin Bomholt,6 Niels Kuster,7 and Boris Pasche
1,81Cabinet Médical, Avenue de la Gare 6, Lausanne, Switzerland
2Rue de Verdun 20, Colmar, France
3Sirio-Libanes Hospital, Oncology Center, São Paulo, Brazil
4Radiology Associates, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CT, USA
5Department of Radiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, Birmingham, AL, USA
6SPEAG AG, Zurich, Switzerland
7IT’IS, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
8Division of Hematology/Oncology,
Department of Medicine, The University of Alabama at Birmingham and UAB
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Birmingham, AL, USA
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Because in vitro studies
suggest that low levels of electromagnetic fields may modify cancer cell
growth, we hypothesized that systemic delivery of a combination of
tumor-specific frequencies may have a therapeutic effect. We undertook
this study to identify tumor-specific frequencies and test the
feasibility of administering such frequencies to patients with advanced
Patients and methods
We examined patients with various
types of cancer using a noninvasive biofeedback method to identify
tumor-specific frequencies. We offered compassionate treatment to some
patients with advanced cancer and limited therapeutic options.
We examined a total of 163 patients
with a diagnosis of cancer and identified a total of 1524 frequencies
ranging from 0.1 Hz to 114 kHz. Most frequencies (57–92%) were specific
for a single tumor type. Compassionate treatment with tumor-specific
frequencies was offered to 28 patients. Three patients experienced grade
1 fatigue during or immediately after treatment. There were no NCI
grade 2, 3 or 4 toxicities. Thirteen patients were evaluable for
response. One patient with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic
to the adrenal gland and bones had a complete response lasting 11
months. One patient with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to
liver and bones had a partial response lasting 13.5 months. Four
patients had stable disease lasting for +34.1 months (thyroid cancer
metastatic to lung), 5.1 months (non-small cell lung cancer), 4.1 months
(pancreatic cancer metastatic to liver) and 4.0 months (leiomyosarcoma
metastatic to liver).
Cancer-related frequencies appear to
be tumor-specific and treatment with tumor-specific frequencies is
feasible, well tolerated and may have biological efficacy in patients
with advanced cancer.
Trial registration identifier NCT00805337
We have previously shown that the
intrabuccal administration of low and safe levels of electromagnetic
fields, amplitude-modulated at a frequency of 42.7 Hz by means of a
battery-powered portable device modifies the electroencephalographic
activity of healthy subjects [1,2], and is associated with subjective and objective relaxation effects [3].
We have also shown that sequential administration of four
insomnia-specific frequencies, including 42.7 Hz, results in a
significant decrease in sleep latency and a significant increase in
total sleep time in patients suffering from chronic insomnia [4,5]. This approach has been termed Low Energy Emission Therapy (LEET)[4].
Dosimetric studies have shown that the amount of electromagnetic fields
delivered to the brain with this approach is 100 to 1000 times lower
than the amount of electromagnetic fields delivered by handheld cellular
phones and does not result in any heating effect within the brain [6].
The U.S. FDA has determined that such a device is not a significant
risk device. A long-term follow-up survey of 807 patients who have
received this therapy in the U.S., Europe and Asia revealed that the
rate of adverse reactions were low and were not associated with
increases in the incidence of malignancy or coronary heart disease [7].
While many discoveries in medicine have evolved from a scientific rationale based on in vitro and in vivo findings,
several seminal discoveries are the results of biological effects first
observed in humans. For example, the development of modern cancer
chemotherapy can be traced directly to the clinical observation that
individuals exposed to mustard gas, a chemical warfare agent, had
profound lymphoid and myeloid suppression. These observations led
Goodman and Gilman to use this agent to treat cancer[8]. Given the advantageous safety profile of athermal, non-ionizing radiofrequency electromagnetic fields[7] and the emerging evidence that low levels of electromagnetic or electric fields may modify the growth of tumor cells [9–11],
we hypothesized that the growth of human tumors might be sensitive to
different but specific modulation frequencies. We tested this hypothesis
through examination of a large number of patients with biopsy-proven
cancer. Using a patient-based biofeedback approach we identified
strikingly similar frequencies among patients with the same type of
cancer and observed that patients with a different type of cancer had
biofeedback responses to different frequencies. These findings provided
strong support for our initial hypothesis. Following identification of
tumor-specific frequencies in 163 patients with a diagnosis of cancer,
we offered compassionate treatment to 28 patients with advanced cancer
and limited palliative therapeutic options. We are reporting the results
of our frequency discovery studies as well as the results of a
feasibility study making use of Low Energy Emission Therapy in the
treatment of cancer.
Frequency discovery consists in the
measurement of variations in skin electrical resistance, pulse amplitude
and blood pressure. These measurements are conducted while individuals
are exposed to low and safe levels of amplitude-modulated frequencies
emitted by handheld devices. Exposure to these frequencies results in
minimal absorption by the human body, which is well below international
electromagnetic safety limits [12,13].
Patients are lying on their back and are exposed to modulation
frequencies generated by a frequency synthesizer as described below.
Variations in the amplitude of the radial pulse were used as the primary
method for frequency detection. They were defined as an increase in the
amplitude of the pulse for one or more beats during scanning of
frequencies from 0.1 to 114,000 Hz using increments of 100 Hz. Whenever a
change in the amplitude of the pulse is observed, scanning is repeated
using increasingly smaller steps, down to 10-3 Hz.
Frequencies eliciting the best biofeedback responses, defined by the
magnitude of increased amplitude and/or the number of beats with
increased amplitude, were selected as tumor-specific frequencies.
During our initial search for frequencies in patients with
a diagnosis of cancer, we identified frequencies in the 1,000 to 15,000
Hz range. The range of these frequencies was higher than the
frequencies previously identified in patients with insomnia (< 300
Hz). To enable the administration of well defined signals at these
higher frequencies, the signal synthesizer used in the insomnia studies
was redesigned and its accuracy verified at the laboratories of the
Foundation for Research on Information Technology in Society (IT’IS,
Zurich, Switzerland). The Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) based
synthesizer AD9835 (Analog Devices, Norwood, MA) with a frequency
precision of 10-7 was used for frequency detection in
patients with a diagnosis of cancer. Subsequently, the same frequency
synthesizer was used for treatment administration. The concept of this
novel device is depicted in Figure ?Figure11.
Generation of amplitude-modulated
electromagnetic fields: the device consists of a battery-driven
radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic field generator connected to a 1.5
meter long 50 Ohm coaxial cable, to the other end of which a
spoon-shaped mouthpiece made of steel is connected with the inner
conductor. The RF source of the device corresponds to a high-level
amplitude-modulated class C amplifier operating at 27.12 MHz. The
modulation frequency can be varied between 0.01 Hz and 150 kHz with a
modulation depth of 85 ± 5%. The output signal is controlled by a
microcontroller AT89S8252 (Atmel, Fribourg, Switzerland), i.e. duration
of a session, sequence of modulation frequencies, and duration of each
sequence are programmed prior to the treatment with a PC connected to
the panel of the device. The RF output is adjusted to 100 mW into a 50
Ohm load using a sinusoidal modulated test signal, which results in an
emitting power identical to that of the device used in the treatment of
insomnia [4,5].
Compassionate treatment
Following a period of search and
discovery of novel tumor-specific frequencies, outpatient treatment of
patients with advanced cancer was initiated in Switzerland and Brazil on
a compassionate basis, free of charge. Patients self-administered
treatment for 60 min, three times a day. Oral informed consent was
provided by seven patients. All other patients signed a written informed
consent approved by a local human subject committee in compliance with
the Helsinki declaration and the protocol was registered, identifier # NCT00805337. All patients had
histologically confirmed diagnosis of cancer. Except for patients with a
diagnosis of ovarian cancer, measurable disease was required. For
patients with ovarian cancer, CA 125 level was used as a surrogate
marker of measurable disease and a 50% increase in baseline level
considered evidence of disease progression. All anticancer therapies had
to be discontinued for at least one month prior to treatment
initiation. Other eligibility criteria included an Eastern Cooperative
Group performance status (PS) of 0 to 2 and an estimated life expectancy
of at least 3 months.
Disease assessment
Objective response in patients with
measurable disease was assessed using the Response Evaluation Criteria
in Solid Tumors group classification [14]. Two of us (B.B. and R.F.M.) independently reviewed all imaging studies.
Toxicity assessment
Patients were evaluated for
treatment-related toxicity at a minimum every two months as per the
National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria version 2.0. The
worst grade of toxicity per patient was recorded.
Patients characteristics
A total of 115 patients were examined in Switzerland, 48 in Brazil (Table ?(Table1).1).
There were 76 females and 87 males. The median age was 59 years (range
19 – 84). The most common tumor types were hepatocellular carcinoma
(46), breast cancer (32), colorectal cancer (19), and prostate cancer
Table 1
Frequency discovery in 163 patients with a diagnosis of cancer
Compassionate treatment with tumor-specific frequencies was offered to 28 patients (Table ?(Table2).2).
Twenty six patients were treated in Switzerland and two patients were
treated in Brazil. All patients were white, and 63% (n = 17) were
female. Patients ranged in age from 30 to 82 years (median, 61 years)
and 75% (n = 21) had PS of 1 (vs 0 or 2). Seventy-nine percent
(n = 22) of patients had received at least one prior systemic therapy,
57% (n = 17) had received at least two prior systemic therapies (Table ?(Table22).
Table 2
Characteristics of patients treated with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields
Once disease progression was observed,
most patients elected to resume or initiate chemotherapy and/or targeted
therapy. Seven (25%) patients requested to continue experimental
treatment in combination with chemotherapy. Continuation of experimental
treatment was allowed if desired by the patient and approved by the
patient’s oncologist.
Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies
The exact duration of each examination
was not recorded but lasted on average three hours. Each patient was
examined an average of 3.3 ± 3.4 times (range 1 – 26). Frequency
discovery was performed in patients with disease progression, stable
disease or partial response. In general, we found more frequencies in
patients with evidence of disease progression and large tumor bulk than
in patients with stable disease, small tumor bulk or evidence of
response. When we restrict the analysis of patients examined in 2006 and
2007, i.e. at a time when we had gathered more than 80% of the common
tumor frequencies, we found that patients with evidence of disease
progression had positive biofeedback responses to 70% or more of the
frequencies previously discovered in patients with the same disease.
Conversely, patients with evidence of response to their current therapy
had biofeedback responses to 20% or less of the frequencies previously
discovered in patients with the same disease. We also observed that
patients examined on repeated occasions developed biofeedback responses
to an increasing number of tumor-specific frequencies over time whenever
there was evidence of disease progression. Whenever feasible, all
frequencies were individually retested at each frequency detection
session. These findings suggest that a larger number of frequencies are
identified at the time of disease progression.
A total of 1524 frequencies ranging from
0.1 to 114 kHz were identified during a total of 467 frequency detection
sessions (Table ?(Table1).1).
The number of frequencies identified in each tumor type ranges from two
for thymoma to 278 for ovarian cancer. Overall, 1183 (77.6%) of these
frequencies were tumor-specific, i.e. they were only identified in
patients with the same tumor type. The proportion of tumor-specific
frequencies ranged from 56.7% for neuroendocrine tumors to 91.7% for
renal cell cancer. A total of 341 (22.4%) frequencies were common to at
least two different tumor types. The number of frequencies identified
was not proportional to either the total number of patients studied or
the number of frequency detection sessions (Table ?(Table11).
Treatment with tumor-specific amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields
Twenty eight patients received a total
of 278.4 months of experimental treatment. Median treatment duration was
4.1 months per patient; range 1 to +50.5. Patients treated in
Switzerland were re-examined on average every other month for frequency
detection; patients treated in Brazil were only examined once. Novel
frequencies discovered upon re-examination were added to the treatment
program of patients receiving experimental treatment. The first
treatment programs consisted of combinations of less than ten
frequencies while the most recent treatment programs exceed 280
frequencies (Figure ?(Figure22).
Figure 2Compassionate treatment of a 51 year old patient with
ovarian cancer FIGO IIIC with extensive peritoneal carcinomatosis since
October 1997. The patient received paclitaxel and cisplatin from March 97, then docetaxel and carboplatin, doxorubicin, and gemcitabine. …
The evolution of treatment programs through incremental
addition of tumor-specific frequencies is illustrated by the case of a
51 year old woman with ovarian cancer. This patient was diagnosed with
FIGO stage III (G2–G3) ovarian cancer in October 1997 and had received
multiple courses of palliative chemotherapy until 2005. As seen on
Figure ?Figure2,2,
the initial treatment consisting of 15 frequencies did not yield any
response. Upon re-examination, 11 additional frequencies (total of 26)
were added to the treatment program in August 05. Because of disease
progression, treatment with single agent bevacizumab was initiated in
November 05. Interestingly, the CA 125 level had decreased by 200 units
between October and November 2005, prior to the initiation of
bevacizumab. Combined treatment with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic
fields and bevacizumab resulted in a decrease in CA 125 level from 2140
to 540 in May 06. Treatment was supplemented with cyclophosphamide from
March to September 07. The patient was hospitalized with pneumonia and
elected to only receive amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields since
September 07. As of April 1, 2009 the patient has stable disease and is
asymptomatic. She has been receiving experimental treatment without
interruption for a total of +50.5 months.
This case provides empirical evidence that adding
tumor-specific frequencies may yield disease stabilization in patients
with evidence of disease progression. However, addition of frequencies
over time does not appear to be a requirement for therapeutic efficacy.
This is illustrated by the case of a 59 yo postmenopausal female with
ER/PR positive, ERBB2 negative breast cancer with biopsy confirmed
metastasis to the left ischium and right adrenal gland (Figure ?(Figure3A,3A, Figure ?Figure3C,3C, Figure ?Figure3D).3D).
She had been previously treated with radiation therapy to the left
ischium, had received five different hormonal manipulations (tamoxifen,
anastrozole, exemestane, fulvestran and megestrol). She had also
received capecitabine, which had been discontinued because of
gastrointestinal side effects. The patient was examined only once. In
June 2006, at the time of treatment initiation, the patient complained
of severe left hip pain, which was limiting her mobility despite the
intake of opioids. Within two weeks of experimental treatment initiation
with breast cancer-specific frequencies, the patient reported complete
disappearance of her pain and discontinued the use of pain medications.
She also reported a significant improvement in her overall condition. As
seen on Figure ?Figure3B3B and ?and3E,3E,
PET-CT obtained three months after treatment initiation showed complete
disappearance of the right adrenal and left ischium lesions. The
complete response lasted 11 months. Intriguingly, the patient had
developed intermittent vaginal spotting in the months preceding
experimental treatment initiation. A minimally enhancing uterine lesion
was observed on PET-CT prior to treatment initiation. Upon follow-up,
FDG uptake increased significantly (Figure ?(Figure3B)3B)
and the patient was diagnosed with uterine cancer by hysteroscopy. The
patient underwent hysterectomy, which revealed endometrial
adenocarcinoma. Hence, while treatment with breast cancer specific
frequencies resulted in a complete response, it did not affect the
growth of endometrial adenocarcinoma. This observation suggests that
breast cancer frequencies are tumor-specific as a response of the
metastatic breast cancer was observed while a uterine tumor progressed.
Figure 359 yo postmenopausal female with ER/PR positive, ERBB2
negative breast cancer with biopsy confirmed metastasis to the left
ischium and right adrenal gland. A) Baseline PET MIP image demonstrates metastatic disease of the right adrenal gland (small arrow) …
As seen in Table ?Table3,3,
sixteen patients were evaluable for response by RECIST criteria. A
complete response was observed in a patient with hormone-refractory
breast cancer metastatic to the adrenal gland and bone (Figure ?(Figure3),3),
which lasted 11 months. A partial response was observed in a patient
with hormone-refractory breast cancer metastatic to bone and liver,
which lasted 13.5 months. Five patients had stable disease for +34.1
months (thyroid cancer with biopsy-proven lung metastases), 6.0 months
(mesothelioma metastatic to the abdomen), 5.1 months (non-small cell
lung cancer), and 4.1 months (pancreatic cancer with biopsy-proven liver
metastases). As of April 1, 2009 two patients are still receiving
experimental treatment and four patients are alive.
Table 3
Independent review of best response (N = 16) according to RECIST criteria
Adverse and beneficial reactions
No patients receiving experimental
therapy reported any side effect of significance and no patient
discontinued treatment because of adverse effects. Three patients
(10.7%) reported grade I fatigue after receiving treatment. One patient
(3.6%) reported grade I mucositis after long-term use (26 months) of the
experimental device and concomitant chemotherapy. Two patients with
severe bony pain prior to initiation of experimental treatment reported
significant symptomatic improvement. Both patients had breast cancer
metastatic to the skeleton.
In this report we describe the discovery
of tumor-specific amplitude modulation frequencies in patients with a
diagnosis of cancer using noninvasive biodfeedback methods. Our approach
represents a significant departure from the development of novel forms
of chemotherapy and targeted therapy, which commonly rely on in vitro and
animal experiments, followed by phase I studies to assess tolerability.
Given the absence of theoretical health risks related to the
administration of very low level of electromagnetic fields and the
excellent safety profile observed in patients suffering from insomnia
treated for up to several years [7],
our approach was entirely patient-based. This allowed us to examine a
large number of patients with tumor types commonly encountered in
Switzerland and Brazil. It also allowed us to examine the same patients
on multiple occasions, which decreased the variability inherent to a
single frequency detection session.
Examination of patients with cancer led to the
identification of frequencies that were either specific for a given
tumor type or common to two or more tumor types. We observed that most
frequencies were tumor-specific. Indeed, when the analysis of
frequencies is restricted to tumor types analyzed following a minimum of
60 frequency detection sessions (breast cancer, hepatocellular
carcinoma, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer), at least 75% of
frequencies appear to be tumor-specific. Some frequencies such as
1873.477 Hz, 2221.323 Hz, 6350.333 Hz and 10456.383 Hz are common to the
majority of patients with a diagnosis of breast cancer, hepatocellular
carcinoma, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer. The small number of
frequency detection sessions conducted in patients with thymoma,
leiomyosarcoma, and bladder cancer constitutes a limitation of our study
and an accurate estimate of tumor-specific versus nonspecific
frequencies cannot yet be provided for these tumor types. Only one
patient with thyroid cancer metastatic to the lung was examined 14 times
over the course of the past three years and this led to the discovery
of 112 frequencies, 79.5% of which were thyroid cancer-specific. These
combined findings strongly suggest that many tumor types have a
proportion of tumor-specific frequencies of more than 55%. The high
number of frequencies observed in patients with ovarian cancer may be
due to the various histologies associated with this tumor type.
We observed excellent compliance with this novel treatment
as patients were willing to self-administer experimental treatment
several times a day. The only observed adverse effects in patients
treated with tumor-specific frequencies were grade I fatigue after
treatment (10.6%) and grade I mucositis (3.6%). Fatigue was short-lived
and no patient reported persistent somnolence. Of note, mucositis only
occurred concomitantly with the administration of chemotherapy. The
frequency and severity of adverse effects is analogous to what was
observed in patients treated with insomnia-specific frequencies [5] and confirm the feasibility of this therapeutic approach and its excellent tolerability.
We did not observe any untoward reaction in patient
receiving either chemotherapy or targeted therapy in combination with
amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields. While these latter findings
are limited to 7 patients, they are consistent with the lack of
theoretical interaction between very low level of electromagnetic fields
and anticancer therapy. Furthermore, one patient received palliative
radiation therapy concomitantly with experimental therapy without any
adverse effects. These findings provide preliminary data suggesting that
amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields may be added to existing
anticancer therapeutic regimens.
The objective responses observed suggest that
electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies
may have a therapeutic effect. Of the seven patients with metastatic
breast cancer, one had a complete response lasting 11 months, another
one a partial response lasting 13.5 months. These data provide a strong
rationale to further study this novel therapy in breast cancer. The
increased knowledge of tumor-specific frequencies and the preliminary
evidence that additional tumor-specific frequencies may yield a
therapeutic benefit (Figure ?(Figure2)2)
provides a strong rationale for the novel concept that administration
of a large number of tumor-specific frequencies obtained through the
follow-up of numerous patients may result in long-term disease control.
This hypothesis is partially supported by two long-term survivors
reported in this study, a patient with thyroid cancer metastatic to the
lung with stable disease for +34.1 months and a heavily pretreated
patient with ovarian carcinoma and peritoneal carcinomatosis with stable
disease for +50.5 months. Additional support for this hypothesis stems
from the observation that four patients with advanced hepatocellular
carcinoma in a follow-up phase II study by Costa et al had a partial
response, two of them lasting more than 35 months[15].
These exciting results provide hope that this novel therapeutic
approach may yield long-term disease control of advanced cancer.
Kirson et al have recently reported the use of continuous wave (CW) electric fields between 100 KHz to 1 MHz [10,11].
These fields were CW, applied at relative high field strengths but
lower frequencies than the fields used in our study. These frequencies
were found to be effective when applied by insulating external
electrodes to animal cancer models and patients with recurrent
glioblastoma. In contrast to our approach, the electric fields applied
to cancer cells and patients did not include any amplitude modulation.
Hence, it is likely that these two different therapeutic modalities have
different mechanisms of action.
Computer simulation studies have shown
that the specific absorption rate (SAR) in the head resulting from the
use of intrabuccally-administered amplitude-modulated electromagnetic
fields is in the range of 0.1–100 mW/kg[1].
Hence, the SAR outside the head is substantially below 0.1 mW/kg. We
had previously hypothesized that the mechanism of action of
electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at insomnia-specific
frequencies was due to modification in ions and neurotransmitters[6], as demonstrated in animal models[16],
as such biological effects had been reported at comparable SARs.
However, this hypothesis does not provide a satisfactory explanation for
the clinical results observed in patients with advanced cancer. First,
the levels of electromagnetic fields delivered to organs such as the
liver, adrenal gland, prostate and hip bones, are substantially lower
than the levels delivered to the head. Second, there is currently no
acceptable rationale for a systemic anti-tumor effect that would involve
subtle changes in neurotransmitters and ions within the central nervous
system. Consequently, we hypothesize that the systemic changes (pulse
amplitude, blood pressure, skin resistivity) observed while patients are
exposed to tumor-specific frequencies are the reflection of a systemic
effect generated by these frequencies. These observations suggest that
electromagnetic fields, which are amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific
frequencies, do not act solely on tumors but may have wide-ranging
effects on tumor host interactions, e.g. immune modulation. The exciting
results from this study provide a strong rationale to study the
mechanism of action of tumor-specific frequencies in vitro and in animal models, which may lead to the discovery of novel pathways controlling cancer growth.
Competing interests
AB and BP have filed a patent
related to the use of electromagnetic fields for the diagnosis and
treatment of cancer. AB and BP are founding members of TheraBionic LLC.
Authors’ contributions
BP and AB conceived and designed
the study. FB and NK designed the device and performed the EM dosimetry.
AB, BP and FC collected and assembled the data. BB and RF independently
reviewed the imaging studies. AB, BP and FC analyzed and interpreted
the data. BP wrote the manuscript. All co-authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
The authors would like to thank Al
B. Benson, III, Northwestern University and Leonard B. Saltz, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for providing insightful comments and
reviewing the manuscript. Neither of them received any compensation for
their work. Presented in part: abstract (ID 14072) ASCO 2007; oral
presentation (29th Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics
Society, Kanazawa, Japan, 2007). Funding: study funded by AB and BP. The
costs associated with the design and engineering of the devices used in
this study were paid by AB and BP. BB and RM did not receive any
compensation for their independent review of the imaging studies.
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miscellaneous disorders. By Louis S. Goodman, Maxwell M. Wintrobe,
William Dameshek, Morton J. Goodman, Alfred Gilman and Margaret T.
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It has been proven that steep pulsed electric field (SPEF) can
directly kill tumor cells and plays an important role in anticancer
treatment. The biorheological mechanisms, however, that destroy tumor
cells are almost unknown. To resolve this issue, here, an SPEF generator
was used to assess the effects of high- and low-dose SPEF on the
proliferation of human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells by MTT assay, and on the
viscoelasticity, adhesion of SMMC-7721 cells to endothelial cells by
micropipette aspiration technique. Viability and proliferation of
SPEF-treated SMMC-7721 cells were significantly inhibited. Cell cycle
analysis indicated that SPEF arrested the cell cycle progression of
SMMC-7721 cells at the G0/G1 transition to the S-phase. Viscoelastic
data fitted by a standard linear solid model showed that viscoelasticity
of SMMC-7721 cells changed after treatment with SPEF. Moreover, the
adhesive force of low-dose SPEF-treated SMMC-7721 cells to endothelial
cells markedly decreased compared to that of control cells. These
results suggest that the suppressant effects of SPEF on the
proliferation of SMMC-7721 cells appeared to be mediated, at least in
part, through arresting cell cycle progression and altering the
viscoelastic and adhesive properties of the cells, which provides a
novel biorheological mechanism for the antitumor therapy of SPEF.
The Effect of Intense Subnanosecond Electrical Pulses on Biological Cells
Schoenbach, K.H. Shu Xiao Joshi, R.P. Camp, J.T. Heeren, T. Kolb, J.F. Beebe, S.J.
Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk;
This paper appears in: Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date: April 2008
Volume: 36, Issue: 2, Part 1
On page(s): 414-422
Location: Eindhoven, Netherlands,
ISSN: 0093-3813
INSPEC Accession Number: 9921271
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/TPS.2008.918786
Current Version Published: 2008-04-08
AbstractNanosecond electrical pulses
have been successfully used to treat melanoma tumors by using needle
arrays as pulse delivery systems. Reducing the pulse duration of intense
electric field pulses from nanoseconds into the subnanosecond range
will allow us to use wideband antennas to deliver the electromagnetic
fields into tissue with a spatial resolution in the centimeter range. To
explore the biological effect of intense subnanosecond pulses, we have
developed a generator that provides voltage pulses of 160 kV amplitude,
200 ps rise time, and 800 ps pulse width. The pulses are delivered to a
cylindrical Teflon chamber with polished flat electrodes at either end.
The distance between the electrodes is variable and allows us to
generate electric fields of up to 1 MV/cm in cell suspensions. The
pulses have been applied to B16 (murine melanoma) cells, and the plasma
membrane integrity was studied by means of trypan blue exclusion. For
pulse amplitudes of 550 kV/cm, approximately 50% of the cells took up
trypan blue right after pulsing, whereas only 20% were taking it up
after 1 h. This indicates that the plasma membrane in a majority of the
cells affected by the pulses recovers with a time constant of about 1 h.
The cells that show trypan blue uptake after this time suffer cell
death through apoptosis. Evaluation of the experimental results and
molecular dynamics modeling results indicate that with a pulse duration
of 800 ps, membrane charging and nanopore formation are the dominant
bioelectric effects on B16 cells. This information has been used in a
continuum model to estimate the increase in membrane permeability and,
consequently, the increase in pore size caused by repetitive pulsing.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008;2008:1044-7.
Experiment and mechanism research of SKOV3 cancer cell apoptosis induced by nanosecond pulsed electric field.
Yao C, Mi Y, Hu X, Li C, Sun C, Tang J, Wu X.
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System
Security and New Technology, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044,
This paper studies the apoptosis of human ovarian carcinoma cell Line
(SKOV3) induced by the nanosecond pulsed electric field (10kV/cm,
100ns, 1 Hz) and its effect on intracellular calcium concentration
([Ca2+]i). These cells were doubly marked by Annexin V-FITC/PI, and the
apoptosis rate was analyzed with flow cytometry. After AO/EB staining
the morphological changes were observed under fluorescent microscope,
and their ultrastructural changes were observed under scanning electron
microscope (SEM). With Fluo-3/AM as calcium fluorescent marker, laser
scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) was used to detect the effect of
nsPEF on [Ca2+]i and the source of Ca2+. The results showed that the
early apoptosis rate of the treatment group was (22.21+/-2.71)%,
significantly higher than that of the control group (3.04+/-0.44)%
(P<0.01). The typical features of apoptotic cell have been observed
by fluorescent microscope and SEM. It is proved that nsPEF can induce
apoptosis of SKOV3 cells and result in distinct increase in [Ca2+]i
(P0.01), which was independent of extracellular calcium concentration
(P>0.05). Since nsPEF can penetrate cell membrane due to its high
frequency components, one of the mechanisms of nsPEF-induced apoptosis
may be that activating intracellular calcium stores can increase the
[Ca2+]i, and consequently, the apoptotic signal pathway can be induced.
Apoptosis. 2007 Sep;12(9):1721-31.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields induce apoptosis in p53-wildtype and p53-null HCT116 colon carcinoma cells.
Hall EH, Schoenbach KH, Beebe SJ.
Center for Pediatric Research, Children’s Hospital of the King’s
Daughters, Department of Physiological Sciences, Eastern Virginia
Medical School, PO Box 1980, Norfolk, VA 23501-1980, USA.
Non-ionizing radiation produced by nanosecond pulsed electric fields
(nsPEFs) is an alternative to ionizing radiation for cancer treatment.
NsPEFs are high power, low energy (non-thermal) pulses that, unlike
plasma membrane electroporation, modulate intracellular structures and
functions. To determine functions for p53 in nsPEF-induced apoptosis,
HCT116p53(+/+) and HCT116p53(-/-) colon carcinoma cells were exposed to
multiple pulses of 60 kV/cm with either 60 ns or 300 ns durations and
analyzed for apoptotic markers. Several apoptosis markers were observed
including cell shrinkage and increased percentages of cells positive for
cytochrome c, active caspases, fragmented DNA, and Bax, but not Bcl-2.
Unlike nsPEF-induced apoptosis in Jurkat cells (Beebe et al. 2003a)
active caspases were observed before increases in cytochrome c, which
occurred in the presence and absence of Bax. Cell shrinkage occurred
only in cells with increased levels of Bax or cytochrome c. NsPEFs
induced apoptosis equally in HCT116p53(+/+) and HCT116p53(-/-) cells.
These results demonstrate that non-ionizing radiation produced by nsPEFs
can act as a non-ligand agonist with therapeutic potential to induce
apoptosis utilizing mitochondrial-independent mechanisms in HCT116 cells
that lead to caspase activation and cell death in the presence or
absence of p-53 and Bax.
Hell J Nucl Med. 2007 May-Aug;10(2):95-101.
Anticancer effects on leiomyosarcoma-bearing Wistar rats after electromagnetic radiation of resonant radiofrequencies.
Avdikos A, Karkabounas S, Metsios A, Kostoula O, Havelas K, Binolis J, Verginadis I, Hatziaivazis G, Simos I, Evangelou A.
Laboratory of Physiology, Unit of Environmental Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ioannina, Greece.
In the present study, the effects of a resonant low intensity static
electromagnetic field (EMF), causing no thermal effects, on Wistar rats
have been investigated. Sarcoma cell lines were isolated from
leiomyosarcoma tumors induced in Wistar rats by the subcutaneous (s.c)
injection of 3,4-benzopyrene. Furthermore, smooth muscle cells (SMC)
were isolated from the aorta of Wistar rats and cultivated. Either
leiomyosarcoma cells (LSC) or SMC were used to record a number of
characteristic resonant radiofrequencies, in order to determine the
specific electromagnetic fingerprint spectrum for each cell line. These
spectra were used to compose an appropriate algorithm, which transforms
the recorded radiofrequencies to emitted ones. The isolated LSC were
cultured and then exposed to a resonant low intensity radiofrequency EMF
(RF-EMF), at frequencies between 10 kHz to 120 kHz of the radiowave
spectrum. The exposure lasted 45 consecutive minutes daily, for two
consecutive days. Three months old female Wistar rats were inoculated
with exposed and non-exposed to EMF LSC (4 x 10(6) LCS for animal).
Inoculated with non-exposed to EMF cells animals were then randomly
separated into three Groups. The first Group was sham exposed to the
resonant EMF (control Group-CG), the second Group after the inoculation
of LSC and appearance of a palpable tumor mass, was exposed to a
non-resonant EMF radiation pattern, for 5 h per day till death of all
animals (experimental control Group-ECG). The third Group of animals
after inoculation of LSC and the appearance of a palpable tumor mass,
was exposed to the resonant EMF radiation for 5 h per day, for a maximum
of 60 days (experimental Group-I, EG-I). A fourth Group of animals was
inoculated with LSC exposed to EMF irradiation and were not further
exposed to irradiation (experimental Group-II, EG-II). Tumor induction
was 100% in all Groups studied and all tumors were histologically
identified as leiomyosarcomas. In the case of the EG-I, a number of
tumors were completely regretted (final tumor induction: 66%). Both
Groups of animals inoculated with exposed or non-exposed to the EMF LSC,
(EG-I and EG-II, respectively) demonstrated a significant prolongation
of the survival time and a lower tumor growth rate, in comparison to the
control Group (CG) and the experimental control Group (ECG). However,
the survival time of EG-I animals was found to be significantly longer
and tumor growth rate significantly lower compared to EG-II animals. In
conclusion, our results indicate a specific anticancer effect of
resonant EMF irradiation. These results may possibly be attributed to
(a) the duration of exposure of LSC and (b) the exposure of the entire
animal to this irradiation.
Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi. 2007 Feb;24(1):230-4.
Biological effects and their applications in medicine of pulsed electric fields.
[Article in Chinese]
Huang H, Song G, Wang G, Sun C.
Key Laboratory for Biomnechanics & Tissue Engineering of the
State Ministry of Education, College of Bioengineering, Chongqing
University, Chongqing 400044, China.
Pulsed electric fields can induce various kinds of biological effects
that are essentially different from the normal electric fields,
especially the interactions of Nanosecond Pulsed electric field (nsPEF)
with cells. The biological effects of different pulsed electric fields
on cell membranes, cytoplasmic matrixes, cell growth are introduced in
this paper. Based on these effects, some applications of pulsed electric
fields in cancer therapy, gene therapy, and delivery of drugs are
reviewed in details.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 May 5;343(2):351-60. Epub 2006 Mar 10.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields cause melanomas to self-destruct.
Nuccitelli R, Pliquett U, Chen X, Ford W, James Swanson R, Beebe SJ, Kolb JF, Schoenbach KH.
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA.
We have discovered a new, drug-free therapy for treating solid skin
tumors. Pulsed electric fields greater than 20 kV/cm with rise times of
30 ns and durations of 300 ns penetrate into the interior of tumor cells
and cause tumor cell nuclei to rapidly shrink and tumor blood flow to
stop. Melanomas shrink by 90% within two weeks following a cumulative
field exposure time of 120 micros. A second treatment at this time can
result in complete remission. This new technique provides a highly
localized targeting of tumor cells with only minor effects on overlying
skin. Each pulse deposits 0.2 J and 100 pulses increase the temperature
of the treated region by only 3 degrees C, ten degrees lower than the
minimum temperature for hyperthermia effects.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2006 May;27(4):258-64.
Effect of millimeter wave irradiation on tumor metastasis.
Logani MK, Szabo I, Makar V, Bhanushali A, Alekseev S, Ziskin MC.
Richard J. Fox Center for Biomedical Physics, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA.
One of the major side effects of chemotherapy in cancer treatment is
that it can enhance tumor metastasis due to suppression of natural
killer (NK) cell activity. The present study was undertaken to examine
whether millimeter electromagnetic waves (MMWs) irradiation (42.2 GHz)
can inhibit tumor metastasis enhanced by cyclophosphamide (CPA), an
anticancer drug. MMWs were produced with a Russian-made YAV-1 generator.
Peak SAR and incident power density were measured as 730 +/- 100 W/kg
and 36.5 +/- 5 mW/cm(2), respectively. Tumor metastasis was evaluated in
C57BL/6 mice, an experimental murine model commonly used for metastatic
melanoma. The animals were divided into 5 groups, 10 animals per group.
The first group was not given any treatment. The second group was
irradiated on the nasal area with MMWs for 30 min. The third group
served as a sham control for group 2. The fourth group was given CPA
(150 mg/kg body weight, ip) before irradiation. The fifth group served
as a sham control for group 4. On day 2, all animals were injected,
through a tail vein, with B16F10 melanoma cells, a tumor cell line
syngeneic to C57BL/6 mice. Tumor colonies in lungs were counted 2 weeks
following inoculation. CPA caused a marked enhancement in tumor
metastases (fivefold), which was significantly reduced when CPA-treated
animals were irradiated with MMWs. Millimeter waves also increased NK
cell activity suppressed by CPA, suggesting that a reduction in tumor
metastasis by MMWs is mediated through activation of NK cells.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2006 Apr;27(3):226-32.
Effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) on Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes virus in BCBL-1 cells.
Pica F, Serafino A, Divizia M, Donia D, Fraschetti M, Sinibaldi-Salimei P, Giganti MG, Volpi A.
Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
Association between extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields
(ELF-EMF) and human cancers is controversial, and few studies have been
conducted on their influence on oncogenic viruses. We studied the
effects of 1 mT, 50 Hz sine waves, applied for 24-72 h, on Kaposi’s
sarcoma (KS)-associated herpesvirus (KSHV or HHV-8) in BCBL-1, a
latently infected primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) cell line. ELF-EMF
exposure did not affect the growth and viability of BCBL-1 cells, either
stimulated or not with TPA. The total amount of KSHV DNA detected in
ELF-EMF exposed cultures not stimulated with TPA did not differ from
that of the unexposed controls (P = ns). However, in the presence of TPA
stimulation, total KSHV DNA content was found higher in ELF-EMF exposed
than in control BCBL-1 cultures (P = .024) at 72 h exposure, but not
earlier. Viral DNA increase significantly correlated with increased mean
fluorescence intensity/cell for the lytic antigen gp K8.1A/B (P <
.01), but not with percentage of gp K8.1A/B-positive cells or of cells
containing virions. Viral progeny produced under ELF-EMF exposure
consisted mainly of defective viral particles.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2006;1:6370-2.
Outlook for the use of focused shock waves and pulsed electric fields in the complex treatment of malignant neoplasms.
The experimental studies the synchronous action of electric field
microsecond range with amplitude within the range of 1-7 kV/sm and shock
waves with pressure before 100 MPa on cells membrane permeability of
the mouse’s ascitic tumors in vitro have shown the intensification the
efficiency of the forming the irreversible pores under synchronous
action. Thereby, enabling the electric field in the compression phase of
shock wave pulse which can essentially reduce the electric field
intensity required for breakdown cell membrane. In usual condition at
amplitude of electric field, specified above, electric breakdown
membrane carries basically reversible nature. At the same time in the
pressure field tension phase of shock-wave pulse reversible pores,
created by electric field, can grow before sizes, under which wholeness
membrane is not restored. Under simultaneous action on cellular
suspension the shock wave and electric field with moderate intensity
cells survival is reduced in 5 once in contrast with occuring at
different time’s action, and in 10 once in contrast with checking. The
most sensitive to influence by under study fields are cells in phase of
the syntheses DNA, preparation to fission and in phase of the mitosis.
Thereby, continuation of the studies on use synchronous action shock
waves and pulsed electric fields in complex treatment of the tumors
introduces perspectiv
Bioelectromagnetics. 2006 Jan;27(1):64-72.
Effects of pulsed magnetic stimulation on tumor development and immune functions in mice.
Yamaguchi S, Ogiue-Ikeda M, Sekino M, Ueno S.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan.
We investigated the effects of pulsed magnetic stimulation on tumor
development processes and immune functions in mice. A circular coil
(inner diameter = 15 mm, outer diameter = 75 mm) was used in the
experiments. Stimulus conditions were pulse width = 238 micros, peak
magnetic field = 0.25 T (at the center of the coil), frequency = 25
pulses/s, 1,000 pulses/sample/day and magnetically induced eddy currents
in mice = 0.79-1.54 A/m(2). In an animal study, B16-BL6 melanoma model
mice were exposed to the pulsed magnetic stimulation for 16 days from
the day of injection of cancer cells. A tumor growth study revealed a
significant tumor weight decrease in the stimulated group (54% of the
sham group). In a cellular study, B16-BL6 cells were also exposed to the
magnetic field (1,000 pulses/sample, and eddy currents at the bottom of
the dish = 2.36-2.90 A/m(2)); however, the magnetically induced eddy
currents had no effect on cell viabilities. Cytokine production in mouse
spleens was measured to analyze the immunomodulatory effect after the
pulsed magnetic stimulation. tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha)
production in mouse spleens was significantly activated after the
exposure of the stimulus condition described above. These results showed
the first evidence of the anti-tumor effect and immunomodulatory
effects brought about by the application of repetitive magnetic
stimulation and also suggested the possible relationship between
anti-tumor effects and the increase of TNF-alpha levels caused by pulsed
magnetic stimulation.
Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Oct 1;11(19 Pt 2):7093s-7103s.
Application of high amplitude alternating magnetic fields for heat induction of nanoparticles localized in cancer.
OBJECTIVE: Magnetic nanoparticles conjugated to a monoclonal antibody
can be i.v. injected to target cancer tissue and will rapidly heat when
activated by an external alternating magnetic field (AMF). The result
is necrosis of the microenvironment provided the concentration of
particles and AMF amplitude are sufficient. High-amplitude AMF causes
nonspecific heating in tissues through induced eddy currents, which must
be minimized. In this study, application of high-amplitude, confined,
pulsed AMF to a mouse model is explored with the goal to provide data
for a concomitant efficacy study of heating i.v. injected magnetic
METHODS: Thirty-seven female BALB/c athymic nude mice (5-8 weeks)
were exposed to an AMF with frequency of 153 kHz, and amplitude
(400-1,300 Oe), duration (1-20 minutes), duty (15-100%), and pulse ON
time (2-1,200 seconds). Mice were placed in a water-cooled four-turn
helical induction coil. Two additional mice, used as controls, were
placed in the coil but received no AMF exposure. Tissue and core
temperatures as the response were measured in situ and recorded at
1-second intervals.
RESULTS: No adverse effects were observed for AMF amplitudes of <
or = 700 Oe, even at continuous power application (100% duty) for up to
20 minutes. Mice exposed to AMF amplitudes in excess of 950 Oe
experienced morbidity and injury when the duty exceeded 50%.
CONCLUSION: High-amplitude AMF (up to 1,300 Oe) was well tolerated
provided the duty was adjusted to dissipate heat. Results presented
suggest that further tissue temperature regulation can be achieved with
suitable variations of pulse width for a given amplitude and duty
combination. These results suggest that it is possible to apply
high-amplitude AMF (> 500 Oe) with pulsing for a time sufficient to
treat cancer tissue in which magnetic nanoparticles have been embedded.
Anticancer Res. 2005 Mar-Apr;25(2A):1023-8.
Frequency and irradiation time-dependant antiproliferative effect of
low-power millimeter waves on RPMI 7932 human melanoma cell line.
Beneduci A, Chidichimo G, De Rose R, Filippelli L, Straface SV, Venuta S.
Department of Chemistry, University of Calabria, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy.
The biological effects produced by low power millimeter waves (MMW)
were studied on the RPMI 7932 human melanoma cell line. Three different
frequency-type irradiation modes were used: the 53.57-78.33 GHz
wide-band frequency range, the 51.05 GHz and the 65.00 GHz monochromatic
frequencies. In all three irradiation conditions, the radiation energy
was low enough not to increase the temperature of the cellular samples.
Three hours of radiation treatment, applied every day to the melanoma
cell samples, were performed at each frequency exposure condition. The
wide-band irradiation treatment effectively inhibited cell growth, while
both the monochromatic irradiation treatments did not affect the growth
trend of RPMI 7932 cells. A light microscopy analysis revealed that the
low-intensity wide-band millimeter radiation induced significant
morphological alterations on these cells. Furthermore, a histochemical
study revealed the low proliferative state of the irradiated cells. This
work provides further evidence of the antiproliferative effects on
tumor cells induced by low power MMW in the 50-80 GHz frequency range of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2005 Jan;26(1):10-9.
Effect of millimeter waves on natural killer cell activation.
Makar VR, Logani MK, Bhanushali A, Kataoka M, Ziskin MC.
Richard J Fox Center for Biomedical Physics, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA.
Millimeter wave therapy (MMWT) is being widely used for the treatment
of many diseases in Russia and other East European countries. MMWT has
been reported to reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy on the immune
system. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether
millimeter waves (MMWs) can modulate the effect of cyclophosphamide
(CPA), an anticancer drug, on natural killer (NK) cell activity. NK
cells play an important role in the antitumor response. MMWs were
produced with a Russian-made YAV-1 generator. The device produced
modulated 42.2 +/- 0.2 GHz radiation through a 10 x 20 mm rectangular
output horn. Mice, restrained in plastic tubes, were irradiated on the
nasal area. Peak SAR at the skin surface and peak incident power density
were measured as 622 +/- 100 W/kg and 31 +/- 5 mW/cm2, respectively.
The maximum temperature elevation, measured at the end of 30 min, was 1
degrees C. The animals, restrained in plastic tubes, were irradiated on
the nasal area. CPA injection (100 mg/kg) was given intraperitoneally on
the second day of 3-days exposure to MMWs. All the irradiation
procedures were performed in a blinded manner. NK cell activation and
cytotoxicity were measured after 2, 5, and 7 days following CPA
injection. Flow cytometry of NK cells showed that CPA treatment caused a
marked enhancement in NK cell activation. The level of CD69 expression,
which represents a functional triggering molecule on activated NK
cells, was increased in the CPA group at all the time points tested as
compared to untreated mice. However, the most enhancement in CD69
expression was observed on day 7. A significant increase in TNF-alpha
level was also observed on day 7 following CPA administration. On the
other hand, CPA caused a suppression of the cytolytic activity of NK
cells. MMW irradiation of the CPA treated groups resulted in further
enhancement of CD69 expression on NK cells, as well as in production of
TNF-alpha. Furthermore, MMW irradiation restored CPA induced suppression
of the cytolytic activity of NK cells. Our results show that MMW
irradiation at 42.2 GHz can up-regulate NK cell functions.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Oct;25(7):516-23.
Combined millimeter wave and cyclophosphamide therapy of an experimental murine melanoma.
Logani MK, Bhanushali A, Anga A, Majmundar A, Szabo I, Ziskin MC.
Richard J. Fox Center for Biomedical Physics, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140, USA.
The objective of the present studies was to investigate whether
millimeter wave (MMW) therapy can increase the efficacy of
cyclophosphamide (CPA), a commonly used anti-cancer drug. The effect of
combined MMW-CPA treatment on melanoma growth was compared to CPA
treatment alone in a murine model. MMWs were produced with a Russian
made YAV-1 generator. The device produced 42.2 +/- 0.2 GHz modulated
wave radiation through a 10 x 20 mm rectangular output horn. The
animals, SKH-1 hairless female mice, were irradiated on the nasal area.
Peak SAR and incident power density were measured as 730 +/- 100 W/kg
and 36.5 +/- 5 mW/cm2, respectively. The maximum skin surface
temperature elevation measured at the end of 30 min irradiation was 1.5
degrees C. B16F10 melanoma cells (0.2 x 10(6)) were implanted
subcutaneously into the left flank of mice on day 1 of the experiment.
On days 4-8, CPA was administered intraperitoneally (30 mg/kg/day). MMW
irradiation was applied concurrently with, prior to or following CPA
administration. A significant reduction (P < .05) in tumor growth was
observed with CPA treatment, but MMW irradiation did not provide
additional therapeutic benefit as compared to CPA alone. Similar results
were obtained when MMW irradiation was applied both prior to and
following CPA treatment.
Biofizika. 2004 May-Jun;49(3):545-50.
A comparison of the effects of millimeter and centimeter waves on tumor necrosis factor production in mouse cells.
The effects of millimeter (40 GHz) and centimeter (8.15-18.00 GHz)
low-intensity waves on the production of tumor necrosis factor (TNE) in
macrophages and lymphocytes from exposed mice as well as in exposed
isolated cells were compared. It was found that the dynamics of TNF
secretory activity of cells varies depending on the frequency and
duration of exposure. The application of millimeter waves induced a
nonmonotonous course of the dose-effect curve for TNF changes in
macrophages and splenocytes. Alternately, a stimulation and a decrease
in TNF production were observed following the application of millimeter
waves. On the contrary, centimeter waves provoked an activation in
cytokine production. It is proposed that, in contrast to millimeter
waves, the single application of centimeter waves to animals (within 2
to 96 h) or isolated cells (within 0.5 to 2.5 h) induced a much more
substantial stimulation of immunity.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Oct;25(7):503-7.
Differences in lethality between cancer cells and human lymphocytes caused by LF-electromagnetic fields.
Radeva M, Berg H.
Labor Bioelectrochemistry (Campus Beutenberg, Jena) of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences, Leipzig, Germany.
The lethal response of cultured cancer cells lines K-562, U-937,
DG-75, and HL-60 were measured directly after a 4 h exposure to a
pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF, sinusoidal wave form, 35 mT peak,
50 Hz) [Traitcheva et al. (2003): Bioelectromagnetics 24:148-158] and
24 h later, to determine the post-exposure effect. The results were
found to depend on the medium, pH value, conductivity, and temperature.
From these experiments, suitable conditions were chosen to compare the
vitality between K-562 cells and normal human lymphocytes after PEMF
treatment and photodynamic action. Both agents enhance necrosis
synergistically for diseased as well as for healthy cells, but the
lymphocytes are more resistant. The efficacy of PEMF on the destruction
of cancer cells is further increased by heating (hyperthermia) of the
suspension up to 44 degrees C or by lowering the pH-value (hyperacidity)
to pH 6.4. Similar apoptosis and necrosis can be obtained using
moderate magnetic fields (B < or = 15 mT 50/60 Hz), but this requires
longer treatment of at least over a week. PEMF application combined
with anticancer drugs and photodynamic therapy will be very effective.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2004 Sep;25(6):466-73.
Millimeter wave-induced suppression of B16 F10 melanoma growth in mice: involvement of endogenous opioids.
Radzievsky AA, Gordiienko OV, Szabo I, Alekseev SI, Ziskin MC.
Center for Biomedical Physics, Temple University Medical School, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140, USA.
Millimeter wave treatment (MMWT) is widely used in Eastern European
countries, but is virtually unknown in Western medicine. Among reported
MMWT effects is suppression of tumor growth. The main aim of the present
“blind” and dosimetrically controlled experiments was to evaluate
quantitatively the ability of MMWT to influence tumor growth and to
assess whether endogenous opioids are involved. The murine experimental
model of B16 F10 melanoma subcutaneous growth was used. MMWT
characteristics were: frequency, 61.22 GHz; average incident power
density, 13.3 x 10(-3) W/cm2; single exposure duration, 15 min; and
exposure area, nose. Naloxone (1 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, 30 min prior
to MMWT) was used as a nonspecific blocker of opioid receptors. Five
daily MMW exposures, if applied starting at the fifth day following B16
melanoma cell injection, suppressed subcutaneous tumor growth.
Pretreatment with naloxone completely abolished the MMWT-induced
suppression of melanoma growth. The same course of 5 MMW treatments, if
started on day 1 or day 10 following tumor inoculations, was
ineffective. We concluded that MMWT has an anticancer therapeutic
potential and that endogenous opioids are involved in MMWT-induced
suppression of melanoma growth in mice. However, appropriate indications
and contraindications have to be developed experimentally before
recommending MMWT for clinical usage.
Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi. 2004 Aug;21(4):546-8.
Effects of steep pulsed electric fields on cancer cell proliferation and cell cycle.
[Article in Chinese]
Yao C, Sun C, Mi Y, Xiong L, Hu L, Hu Y.
Key Lab of High Voltage Engineering and Electrical New Technology,
Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China.
To assess study the cytocidal and inhibitory effects of steep pulsed
electric fields (SPEFs) on ovarian cancer cell line SKOV3, the cancer
cell suspension was treated by SPEFs with different parameters
(frequency, pulse duration, peak value of voltage). Viability rate and
growth curves of two test groups (high dosage and low dosage of SPEFs)
and one control group were also measured. The DNA contents and cell
cycle were analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM). Different dosing levels of
SPEFs exerted obviously different effects on cancer cell viability. With
the enhancement of each pulse parameter, the viability rate was
promoted and the inhibitory effect on the proliferation of treated cells
was more evident. The cells exposed to SPEFs grew slower than the
control. The ratio of S+G2/M phase cells was decreased, which restrained
the DNA synthesis and division, but the ratio of G0/G1 phase cells was
increased in the treated groups. It was also indicated that the SPEFs
blocked the cell transition from G0/G1 phase to S+G2/M phase. There was a
significant difference in cell cycle between treated group and control
group (P<0.01). Lethal effects of SPEFs were represented by
inhibiting the cancer cell proliferation at the cell level and by
influencing the cell cycle at the DNA level.
Physiol Meas. 2004 Aug;25(4):1077-93.
Nanosecond pulsed electric fields modulate cell function through intracellular signal transduction mechanisms.
Beebe SJ, Blackmore PF, White J, Joshi RP, Schoenbach KH.
Center for Pediatric Research, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Children’s Hospital for The King’s Daughters, Norfolk, VA, USA.
These studies describe the effects of nanosecond (10-300 ns) pulsed
electric fields (nsPEF) on mammalian cell structure and function. As the
pulse durations decrease, effects on the plasma membrane (PM) decrease
and effects on intracellular signal transduction mechanisms increase.
When nsPEF-induced PM electroporation effects occur, they are distinct
from classical PM electroporation effects, suggesting unique,
nsPEF-induced PM modulations. In HL-60 cells, nsPEF that are well below
the threshold for PM electroporation and apoptosis induction induce
effects that are similar to purinergic agonistmediated calcium release
from intracellular stores, which secondarily initiate capacitive calcium
influx through store-operated calcium channels in the PM. NsPEF with
durations and electric field intensities that do or do not cause PM
electroporation, induce apoptosis in mammalian cells with a
well-characterized phenotype typified by externalization of
phosphatidylserine on the outer PM and activation of caspase proteases.
Treatment of mouse fibrosarcoma tumors with nsPEF also results in
apoptosis induction. When Jurkat cells were transfected by
electroporation and then treated with nsPEF, green fluorescent protein
expression was enhanced compared to electroporation alone. The results
indicate that nsPEF activate intracellular mechanisms that can determine
cell function and fate, providing an important new tool for probing
signal transduction mechanisms that modulate cell structure and function
and for potential therapeutic applications for cancer and gene therapy.
Sheng Wu Yi Xue Gong Cheng Xue Za Zhi. 2004 Jun;21(3):433-5.
Effect of steep pulsed electric fields on survival of tumour-bearing mice.
[Article in Chinese]
Yao C, Sun C, Xiong L, Mi Y, Liao R, Hu L, Hu Y.
College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 400044, China.
To investigate the lethal effect of steep pulsed electric fields
(SPEFs) on cancer cells and the life-prolonging effect of SPEFs on the
survival of tumour-bearing mice, this study was carried out with the use
of SPEFs to treat 40 BALB/C mice inoculated by cervical cancer. The
lethal effect on cancer cells and the life-prolonging effect on
tumour-bearing mice were examined and compared between the experiment
group and control group. The survival periods of the experiment group
and control group were 52.05 days and 33.03 days, respectively. There
was a significant difference in survival curve between the two groups.
The results confirmed the inhibitiory effect and lethal effect of SPEFs
on cancer cells. SPEFs can prolong the survival period of tumour-bearing
Ann Biomed Eng. 2003 Jan;31(1):80-90.
Viability of cancer cells exposed to pulsed electric fields: the role of pulse charge.
Krassowska W, Nanda GS, Austin MB, Dev SB, Rabussay DP.
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0281, USA.
The goal of this study was to collect a comprehensive set of data
that related lethal effects of electric fields to the duration of the
pulse. Electric pulses of different strengths and durations were applied
to a suspension of HEp-2 cells (epidermoid carcinoma of the human
larynx) using a six-needle electrode array connected through an
autoswitcher to a square wave generator. Pulse durations varied from 50
micros to 16 ms and the ranges of electric field were adjusted for each
duration to capture cell viabilities between 0% and 100%. After
pulsation, cells were incubated for 44 h at 37 degrees C, and their
viability was measured spectrophotometrically using an XTT assay. For
each pulse duration (d), viability data were used to determine the
electric field that killed half of the cells (E50). When plotted on
logarithmic axes, E50 vs. d was a straight line, leading to a hyperbolic
relationship: E50=const/d. This relationship suggests that the total
charge delivered by the pulse is the decisive factor in killing HEp-2
Vopr Onkol. 2003;49(6):748-51.
Experience with turbulent magnetic field as a component of breast cancer therapy.
N.N. Blokhin Center for Oncology Research, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Zdorovje Research Center, Moscow.
No adverse side-effects were reported in an investigation of the
antitumor effect of turbulent magnetic field (TMF) carried out as a
component of preoperative chemoradiotherapy for breast cancer at the
Center’s Clinic. The study group included 114 patients with locally
advanced tumors(T3, N1-N3, M0). According to the clinical,
roentgenological and histological evidence on the end-results, the
procedure was highly effective. Also, it was followed by shorter and
less extensive postoperative lymphorrhea.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2003 Feb;24(2):148-50.
ELF fields and photooxidation yielding lethal effects on cancer cells.
Traitcheva N, Angelova P, Radeva M, Berg H.
Laboratory of Bioelectrochemistry, Institute of Virology, FSU, Jena, Germany.
The lethal effect on human cancer cells was studied under three types
of treatment: A) an ELF pulsed sinusoidal of 50 Hz electromagnetic
field (PEMF) with amplitudes between 10 and 55 mT; B) the field and a
cytostatic agent (actinomycin-C); and C) the field, the cytostatic
agent, which has a photodynamic effect, and exposure to a halogen lamp.
The results show a decreasing vitality of human K-562 and U-937 cancer
cells in suspension with each additional treatment. Combination with
other parameters as hyperthermia and/or hyperacidity could yield high
killing rates by this noninvasive method.
Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2002 Feb;1(1):71-82.
Enhancing the effectiveness of drug-based cancer therapy by electroporation (electropermeabilization).
Rabussay DP, Nanda GS, Goldfarb PM.
Genetronics, Inc., 11199 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego CA 92121, USA.
Many conventional chemotherapeutic drugs, as well as DNA for cancer
gene therapy, require efficient access to the cell interior to be
effective. The cell membrane is a formidable barrier to many of these
drugs, including therapeutic DNA constructs. Electropermeabilization
(EP, often used synonymously with “electroporation”) has become a useful
method to temporarily increase the permeability of the cell membrane,
allowing a broad variety of molecules efficient access to the cell
interior. EP is achieved by the application of short electrical pulses
of relatively high local field strength to the target tissue of choice.
In cancer therapy, EP can be applied in vivo directly to the tumor to be
treated, in order to enhance intracellular uptake of drugs or DNA.
Alternatively, EP can be used to deliver DNA into cells of healthy
tissue to achieve longer-lasting expression of cancer-suppressing genes.
In addition, EP has been used in ex vivo therapeutic approaches for the
transfection of a variety of cells in suspension. In this paper, we
communicate results related to the development of a treatment for
squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck, using
electropermeabilization to deliver the drug bleomycin in vivo directly
into the tumor cells. This drug, which is not particularly effective as a
conventional therapeutic, becomes highly potent when the intracellular
concentration is enhanced by EP treatment. In animal model experiments
we found a drug dose of 1 U/cm(3) tumor tissue (delivered in 0.25 mL of
an aqueous solution/cm3 tumor tissue) and an electrical field strength
of 750 V/cm or higher to be optimal for the treatment of human squamous
cell tumors grown subcutaneously in mice. Within 24-48 hours, the
majority of tumor cells are rapidly destroyed by this
bleomycin-electroporation therapy (B-EPT). This raises the concern that
healthy tissue may be similarly affected. In studies with large animals
we showed that normal muscle and skin tissue, normal tissue surrounding
major blood vessels and nerves, as well as healthy blood vessels and
nerves themselves, are much less affected than tumor tissue. Normal
tissues did show acute, focal, and transitory effects after treatment,
but these effects are relatively minor under standard treatment
conditions. The severity of these effects increases with the number of
electric pulse cycles and applied voltage. The observed histological
changes resolved 20 to 40 days after treatment or sooner, even after
excessive EP treatment. Thus, B-EPT is distinct from other ablative
therapies, such as thermal, cryo, or photodynamic ablation, which
equally affect healthy and tumor tissue. In comparison to surgical or
radiation therapy, B-EPT also has potential as a tissue-sparing and
function-preserving therapy. In clinical studies with over 50 late stage
head and neck cancer patients, objective tumor response rates of
55-58%, and complete tumor response rates of 19-30% have been achieved.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2002 Dec;23(8):578-85.
Influence of 1 and 25 Hz, 1.5 mT magnetic fields on antitumor drug potency in a human adenocarcinoma cell line.
Ruiz-Gómez MJ, de la Peña L, Prieto-Barcia MI, Pastor JM, Gil L, Martínez-Morillo M.
Laboratory of Radiobiology, Department of Radiology and Physical
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Málaga, Teatinos, Málaga,
The resistance of tumor cells to antineoplastic agents is a major
obstacle during cancer chemotherapy. Many authors have observed that
some exposure protocols to pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can
alter the efficacy of anticancer drugs; nevertheless, the observations
are not clear. We have evaluated whether a group of PEMF pulses (1.5 mT
peak, repeated at 1 and 25 Hz) produces alterations of drug potency on a
multidrug resistant human colon adenocarcinoma (HCA) cell line,
HCA-2/1(cch). The experiments were performed including (a) exposures to
drug and PEMF exposure for 1 h at the same time, (b) drug exposure for 1
h, and then exposure to PEMF for the next 2 days (2 h/day). Drugs used
were vincristine (VCR), mitomycin C (MMC), and cisplatin. Cell viability
was measured by the neutral red stain cytotoxicity test. The results
obtained were: (a) The 1 Hz PEMF increased VCR cytotoxicity (P <
0.01), exhibiting 6.1% of survival at 47.5 microg/ml, the highest dose
for which sham exposed groups showed a 19.8% of survival. For MMC at
47.5 microg/ml, the % of survival changed significantly from 19.2% in
sham exposed groups to 5.3% using 25 Hz (P < 0.001). Cisplatin showed
a significant reduction in the % of survival (44.2-39.1%, P < 0.05)
at 25 Hz and 47.5 microg/ml, and (b) Minor significant alterations were
observed after nonsimultaneous exposure of cells to PEMF and drug. The
data indicate that PEMF can induce modulation of cytostatic agents in
HCA-2/1(cch), with an increased effect when PEMF was applied at the same
time as the drug. The type of drug, dose, frequency, and duration of
PEMF exposure could influence this modulation.
Biofizika. 2002 Mar-Apr;47(2):376-81.
Immunomodulating effect of electromagnetic waves on production of
tumor necrosis factor in mice with various rates of neoplasm growth.
Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142290 Russia.
The effects of low-density centimeter waves (8.15-18 GHz, 1
microW/cm2, 1 h daily for 14 days; MW) on tumor necrosis factor
production in macrophages of mice with different growth rate of a cancer
solid model produced after hypodermic injection of Ehrlich carcinoma
ascites cells into hind legs were studied. After irradiation, an
increase in the concentration of tumor necrosis factor in
immunocompetent cells of healthy and, specially, of tumor-bearing
animals was observed; and the effect of stimulation was higher upon
exposure of mice carrying rapidly growing tumors. We suggest that the
significant immunomodulating effect of low-density microwaves can be
utilized for tumor growth suppression.
Biofizika. 2001 Jan-Feb;46(1):131-5.
Effect of centimeter m
Cell Biol. Int. 2002;26(7):599-603.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsed-gradient magnetic fields inhibit malignant tumour growth at different biological levels.
Zhang X, Zhang H, Zheng C, Li C, Zhang X, Xiong W.
Biomedical Physics Unit, Department of Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) pulsed-gradient magnetic field (with
the maximum intensity of 0.6-2.0 T, gradient of 10-100 T.M(-1), pulse
width of 20-200 ms and frequency of 0.16-1.34 Hz treatment of mice can
inhibit murine malignant tumour growth, as seen from analyses at
different hierarchical levels, from organism, organ, to tissue, and down
to cell and macromolecules. Such magnetic fields induce apoptosis of
cancer cells, and arrest neoangiogenesis, preventing a supply developing
to the tumour. The growth of sarcomas might be amenable to such new
method of treatment.
icrowaves and the combined magnetic field on the tumor necrosis factor production in cells of mice with experimental tumors.
Institute of Cell Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142290 Russia.
The effect of fractionated exposure to low-intensity microwaves
(8.15-18 GHz, 1 microW/cm2, 1.5 h daily for 7 days) and combined weak
magnetic field (constant 65 1 microT; alternating–100 nT, 3-10 Hz) on
the production of tumor necrosis factor in macrophages of mice with
experimental solid tumors produced by transplantation of Ehrlich ascites
carcinoma was studied. It was found that exposure of mice to both
microwaves and magnetic field enhanced the adaptive response of the
organism to the onset of tumor growth: the production of tumor necrosis
factor in peritoneal macrophages of tumor-bearing mice was higher than
in unexposed mice.
J Photochem Photobiol B. 2001 Nov 1;64(1):21-6.
Photodynamic effect on cancer cells influenced by electromagnetic fields.
Pang L, Baciu C, Traitcheva N, Berg H.
Institute of Physics, Nankai University, Nankai, PR China.
The synergism of low-frequency electromagnetic field treatment and
photodynamic effect on killing of human cancer cells is presented. The
weak pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF) generated by Helmholtz coils
in the mT range influences the permeability of cell membranes for
photosensitizers. Several types of sensitizers were excited by visible
light during incorporation without and with two kinds of PEMF treatment.
In the first part suitable photosensitizers were selected in the
absorption range between 400 and 700 nm against human myeloid leukaemia
K562 and human histiocytic lymphoma U937 cells by treatment of PEMF
consisting of rectangular pulse groups. In the second part amplitude and
frequency dependencies were measured using sinuous PEMF and white light
with the result that after 12 min the PEMF treatment enhanced
photodynamic effectivity by more than 40% over the control value. Taking
into account the influence of many parameters, an additional
optimization will be possible by photodynamic PEMF synergism for an
increased drug delivery in general.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2001 Oct;22(7):503-10.
Pulsed electromagnetic fields affect the intracellular calcium concentrations in human astrocytoma cells.
Pessina GP, Aldinucci C, Palmi M, Sgaragli G, Benocci A, Meini A, Pessina F.
Institute of General Physiology and Nutritional Science, University of Siena, Italy.
Experiments assessed whether long term exposure to 50 Hz pulsed
electromagnetic fields with a peak magnetic field of 3 mT can alter the
dynamics of intracellular calcium in human astrocytoma U-373 MG cells.
Pretreatment of cells with 1.2 microM substance P significantly
increased the [Ca(2+)](i). The same effect was also observed when
[Ca(2+)](i) was evaluated in the presence of 20 mM caffeine. After
exposure to electromagnetic fields the basal [Ca(2+)](i) levels
increased significantly from 143 +/- 46 nM to 278 +/- 125 nM. The
increase was also evident after caffeine addition, but in cells treated
with substance P and substance P + caffeine we observed a [Ca(2+)](i)
decrease after exposure. When we substituted calcium-free medium for
normal medium immediately before the [Ca(2+)](i) measurements, the
[Ca(2+)](i) was similar to that measured in the presence of Ca(2+). In
this case, after EMFs exposure of cells treated with substance P, the
[Ca(2+)](i), measured without and with addition of caffeine, declined
from 824 +/- 425 to 38 +/- 13 nM and from 1369 +/- 700 to 11 +/- 4 nM,
respectively, indicating that electromagnetic fields act either on
intracellular Ca(2+) stores or on the plasma membrane. Moreover the
electromagnetic fields that affected [Ca(2+)](i) did not cause cell
proliferation or cell death and the proliferation indexes remained
unchanged after exposure.
Inhibition of proliferation of human lymphoma cells U937 by a 50 Hz electromagnetic field.
Glück B, Güntzschel V, Berg H.
Laboratory Cell Culture, Institute of Virology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany.
Weak pulsating electromagnetically induced fields (PEMF) by Helmholtz
coils changes cell metabolism, if cells are treated with a certain
range of frequency and amplitude. The influence on proliferation of
human histiocytic lymphoma cells U937 has been studied applying a
sinusoidal 50 Hz field with amplitudes of the flux density B = 0.3 to
4.7 mT for 4 days. No difference between experiment and control was
found in the region 0.3 and 2 mT. However, stronger fields (> or =2.5
mT) inhibit cell division. Fields > or =3.5 mT treatment kill >
or =80% of the cell number at the beginning (1.5 x 10(5)/ml). This
effect may be an electromagnetocally induced cell death as the first
step for a non-invasive application on cell proliferation process.
Laryngoscope. 2001 Jan;111(1):52-6.
Electroporation therapy for head and neck cancer including carotid artery involvement.
Allegretti JP, Panje WR.
Department of Otolaryngology, Rush-Presbyterian-St Luke’s Medical Center, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois 60612, USA.
OBJECTIVES: Electroporation therapy with intralesional bleomycin
(EPT) is a novel, technically simple outpatient technique in which
high-voltage electric impulses delivered into a neoplasm transiently
increase cell membrane permeability to large molecules, including
cytotoxic agents, causing localized progressive necrosis. Unlike many
laser ablation methods, EPT can treat bulky tumors (>2 cm) with
complete penetration. Our recent publication confirms an excellent
response rate in the use of EPT in a clinical trial. STUDY
DESIGN, PATIENTS, AND METHODS: Following our initial prospective
study report in 1998, we have followed our entire initial cohort (10
patients) of patients with head and neck cancer beyond 24-months
follow-up. Additionally, we have used this approach to treat four
additional patients (total: 9 males/5 females) with upper aerodigestive
tract squamous cell carcinoma, including three with internal carotid
artery (ICA) involvement up to or within the skull base. Two patients
underwent preoperative balloon test occlusion with cerebral perfusion
studies followed by carotid embolization. EPT was then done safely at
least 2 weeks later to avoid the temporary hypercoagulable state.
RESULTS: Within the overall cohort (14 patients) 6 patients had a
complete response, 6 had a partial response, and 2 did not respond
(overall 85.7% response rate). Both patients with ICA involvement had a
partial or complete response to treatment; neither patient had a
hemorrhagic or neurologic complication. Overall, 13 of the 14 patients
were treated for persistent or recurrent head and neck cancer. Two of
the four patients with early recurrent stage tumors had no evidence of
recurrence after EPT with an average follow-up of 31.5 months. The
overall early stage tumor group had four complete responders out of five
(80%). On the contrary, only 2 of 9 patients with advanced recurrent
stage tumors were disease-free at 18 months. Morbidity was low for early
stage tumors, but higher for advanced tumors with complications,
including poor wound healing, dysphagia, and osteomyelitis. There were
no treatment-related deaths.
CONCLUSION: We found EPT to be safe and efficacious in patients with
head and neck cancer, even with internal carotid artery involvement.
Patients with early stage recurrences have the potential for prolonged
survival beyond 2 years without the morbidity of surgery and radiation
or toxicity of systemic chemotherapy. Because of its superb access
qualities even for bulky tumors, EPT is a potential method of delivery
for other tumoricidal agents such as in genetic-altering schemes.
Vopr Onkol. 2000;46(4):469-72.
Use of artificial magnetic field for rehabilitation of children with malignant tumors.
[Article in Russian]
Kiselev AV, Grushina TI.
N.N. Blokhin Center for Oncology Research, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow.
Local complications of standard intravenous injections for
chemotherapy and due to error of administration were compared in 400
patients (200 of them children) and general wound pathologies described.
Treatment for wounds included two modalities: standard medication and
alternating or pulsating magnetic field. Magnetic therapy proved highly
effective: wound healing was 3-3.5 times faster while duration of
treatment–2-3 times shorter than in standard procedure.
Clinically-verified partial adhesion-related intestinal obstruction was
eliminated by magnetic procedure in 18 children after combined treatment
for lymphosarcoma involving the ileum.
Bioelectromagnetics. 2000 Feb;21(2):112-21.
Effects of PEMF on a murine osteosarcoma cell line: drug-resistant (P-glycoprotein-positive) and non-resistant cells.
Miyagi N, Sato K, Rong Y, Yamamura S, Katagiri H, Kobayashi K, Iwata H.
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nagoya University School of Medicine, 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Japan.
After pulsed exposure of Dunn osteosarcoma cells (nonresistant cells)
to Adriamycin (ADR) at increasing concentrations and single-cell
cloning of surviving cells, ADR-resistant cells were obtained. These
resistant cells expressed P-glycoprotein and had resistance more than 10
times that of their nonresistant parent cells. Compared to the
nonresistant cells not exposed to pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMF)
in ADR-free medium, their growth rates at ADR concentrations of 0.01 and
0.02 micrograms/ml, which were below IC50, were 83.0% and 61.8%,
respectively. On the other hand, in the nonresistant cells exposed to
PEMF (repetition frequency, 10 Hz; rise time, 25 microsec, peak magnetic
field intensity, 0.4-0.8 mT), the growth rate was 111.9% in ADR-free
medium, 95.5% at an ADR concentration of 0.01 micrograms/ml, and 92.2%
at an ADR concentration of 0.02 micrograms/ml. This promotion of growth
by PEMF is considered to be a result of mobilization of cells in the
non-proliferative period of the cell cycle due to exposure to PEMF.
However, at ADR concentrations above the IC50, the growth rate tended to
decrease in the cells not exposed to PEMF. This may be caused by an
increase in cells sensitive to ADR resulting from mobilization of cells
in the non-proliferative period to the cell cycle. The growth rate in
the resistant cells exposed to PEMF was significantly lower than that in
the non-exposed resistant cells at all ADR concentrations, including
ADR-free culture (P</=0.0114). Therefore, this study suggests that
PEMF promotes the growth of undifferentiated cells but progressively
suppresses the growth of more differentiated cells, i.e., PEMF controls
cell growth depending on the degree of cell differentiation. This study
also shows the potentiality of PEMF as an adjunctive treatment method
for malignant tumors
J Physiol Biochem. 1999 Jun;55(2):79-83.
Growth modification of human colon adenocarcinoma cells exposed to a low-frequency electromagnetic field.
Ruiz Gómez MJ, Pastor Vega JM, de la Peña L, Gil Carmona L, Martínez Morillo M.
Departamento de Radiología y Medicina Física, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Málaga, Teatinos, Spain.
The influence of variable low-intensity, low-frequency
electromagnetic fields on culture cells is investigated. Human colon
adenocarcinoma cells were exposed to a rectangular and variable magnetic
field (1 and 25 Hz; 1.5 mT peak). Cultures were exposed to a dose for
15 and 360 minutes, and after 24 hours incubation, cell viability was
measured with neutral red stain. The group treated for 15 minutes showed
a statistically significant increase in cell growth with 1 Hz (p <
0.002) and 25 Hz (p < 0.003). In contrast, a significant decrease in
cell growth was found in those cultures treated with 1 Hz for 360
minutes (p < 0.02). The effects reported could be influenced by the
magnetic field frequency and the exposure time.
Am J Physiol. 1997 May;272(5 Pt 2):R1677-83.
Electrical fields enhance growth of cancer spheroids by reactive oxygen species and intracellular Ca2+.
Wartenberg M, Hescheler J, Sauer H.
Institute for Neurophysiology, University of Cologne, Germany.
A single electrical field pulse (500 V/m) with a duration of 60 s
increased tumor outgrowth over a postpulse period of 24 h. RNA staining
with acridine orange showed a rise in RNA content in pulsed spheroids,
indicating stimulation of cell cycle activity. The electropulse induced
an intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) transient that started
approximately 40 s after the onset of the electrical field. Neither the
presence of extracellular Ni2+ (0.5 mM) nor the absence of extracellular
Ca2+ impeded the [Ca2+]i rise. It was, however, totally blocked by
thapsigargin (1 microM), indicating that the initial Ca2+ response is
due to Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. The [Ca2+]i transient was
paralleled by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), as revealed
using 2′,7′-dichlorofluorescein diacetate as an indicator. The radical
scavengers N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC)(20 mM) and dehydroascorbate (5 mM)
inhibited both ROS production and the [Ca2+]i transient during
electrical field treatment. The mitogenic activation was dependent on
the rise in [Ca2+]i because inhibition of Ca2+ release during electrical
field treatment by addition of either thapsigargin or NAC to the
incubation medium abolished the observed effect. We conclude that a
single, direct current electrical field pulse induces production of ROS,
which in turn mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and
activate cell cycle activity in multicellular spheroids.
Anticancer Res. 1997 May-Jun;17(3C):2083-8.
Enhanced potency of daunorubicin against multidrug resistant subline KB-ChR-8-5-11 by a pulsed magnetic field.
Liang Y, Hannan CJ Jr, Chang BK, Schoenlein PV.
Department of Radiology, Research and Nuclear Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30912, USA.
Tumor cell resistance to many unrelated anticancer drugs is a major
obstacle during cancer chemotherapy. One mechanism of drug resistance is
thought to be due to the efflux of anticancer drugs caused by
P-glycoprotein. In recent years, magnetic fields have been found to
enhance the potency of anticancer drugs, with favorable modulation of
cancer therapy. In this study, KB-ChR-8-5-11, a multidrug resistant
(MDR) human carcinoma subline, was used as a model to evaluate the
ability of pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) to modulate the potency of
daunorubicin (DNR) in vivo and to determine the appropriate order of
exposure to drugs and PMF using an in vitro cytotoxicity assay. Solenoid
coils with a ramped pulse current source were used at 250 pulses per
second for both in vivo and in vitro experiments. For the in vivo study,
KB-ChR-8-5-11 cells were inoculated into thymic Balbc-nu/nu female
mice. Treatment was begun when the average tumor volume reached 250-450
mm3. Treatment consisted of whole body exposure to PMF for one hour,
followed immediately by intravenous (i.v.) injection of 8 mg/kg DNR
designated as day 0, and repeated on days 7 and 14. Among the various
groups, significant differences in the tumor volume were found between
PMF + saline and PMF + DNR groups (p = 0.0107) at 39 days and 42 days (p
= 0.0101). No mice died in the PMF alone group, and no toxicity
attributable to PMF was found during the experimental period. For the in
vitro studies, the sulforhodamine blue (SRB) cytotoxicity assay was
used to determine the effect of the sequence which cells are exposed to
PMF and/or DNR. Cells were exposed to PMF either before (pre-PMF) or
after (post-PMF) drug was added. Results showed that the IC50 was
significantly different between controls and pre-PMF + DNR groups (P =
0.0096, P = 0.0088). The IC50 of the post-PMF + DNR group was not found
to be significantly different from control groups. Thus, the data in
this report demonstrates that PMF enhanced the potency of DNR against
KB-ChR-8-5-11 xenograft in vivo, while the efficacy of DNR was
potentiated in vitro by PMF exposure only when PMF exposure occurred in
the presence of drug. The data in vitro suggest that the mechanism by
which PMFs modulate DNR’s potency may be by inhibition of the efflux
pump, P-glycoprotein. Further work to determine conditions for maximum
modulation of drug potency by PMFs is warranted.
Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 1997 May;17(5):286-8.
Effect of acupoint irradiation with Q-wave millimeter microwave on
peripheral white blood cells in post-operational treatment with
chemotherapy in stomach and colorectal cancer patients.
[Article in Chinese]
Wu JG, Huang WZ, Wu BY.
Oncology Department of Second Ningde District Hospital, Fujian.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the biological effect of Q-wave millimeter microwave (QWMM).
METHODS: The QWMM was used to irradiate the acupoints Xuehai (Sp10)
and Geshu (B17) in treating post-operational and chemotherapy treated
stomach cancer and colorectal cancer patients. The effect of irradiation
on chemotherapy affected peripheral white blood cells was observed. 62
cases (stomach cancer 42, colorectal cancer 20) in total were divided
into two groups: group A, 21 cases (stomach cancer 15, colorectal cancer
6) the irradiation began 10 days after operation, and on the 16th day
the chemotherapy combined with irradiation started. Group B had 41 cases
(stomach cancer 27, colorectal cancer 14), in which the irradiation
began immediately after the occurrence of chemotherapy induced
peripheral WBC reduction, which persisted for at least 12 days.
RESULTS: The effective rate for the group A and B was 85.7% (18/21)
and 73.2% (30/41) respectively. The total effective rate of the two
groups was 77.4% (48/62). The effective rate of group A was
significantly higher than that of group B, P < 0.01.
CONCLUSION: GWMM irradiation at acupoints could promote the
hematopoietic function of bone marrow, and the irradiation performed 1
week before chemotherapy yielded even better protection on bone marrow.
Bioelectromagnetics 1996;17(5):358-63.
Exposure to strong static magnetic field slows the growth of human cancer cells in vitro.
Raylman RR, Clavo AC, Wahl RL.
University of Michigan Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Ann Arbor, USA.
Proposals to enhance the amount of radiation dose delivered to small
tumors with radioimmunotherapy by constraining emitted electrons with
very strong homogeneous static magnetic fields has renewed interest in
the cellular effects of prolonged exposures to such fields. Past
investigations have not studied the effects on tumor cell growth of
lengthy exposures to very high magnetic fields. Three malignant human
cell lines, HTB 63 (melanoma), HTB 77 IP3 (ovarian carcinoma), and CCL
86 (lymphoma: Raji cells), were exposed to a 7 Tesla uniform static
magnetic field for 64 hours. Following exposure, the number of viable
cells in each group was determined. In addition, multicycle flow
cytometry was performed on all cell lines, and pulsed-field
electrophoresis was performed solely on Raji cells to investigate
changes in cell cycle patterns and the possibility of DNA fragmentation
induced by the magnetic field. A 64 h exposure to the magnetic field
produced a reduction in viable cell number in each of the three cell
lines. Reductions of 19.04 +/- 7.32%, 22.06 +/- 6.19%, and 40.68 +/-
8.31% were measured for the melanoma, ovarian carcinoma, and lymphoma
cell lines, respectively, vs. control groups not exposed to the magnetic
field. Multicycle flow cytometry revealed that the cell cycle was
largely unaltered. Pulsed-field electrophoresis analysis revealed no
increase in DNA breaks related to magnetic field exposure. In
conclusion, prolonged exposure to a very strong magnetic field appeared
to inhibit the growth of three human tumor cell lines in vitro. The
mechanism underlying this effect has not, as yet, been identified,
although alteration of cell growth cycle and gross fragmentation of DNA
have been excluded as possible contributory factors. Future
investigations of this phenomenon may have a significant impact on the
future understanding and treatment of cancer.
J Cell Biochem. 1993 Apr;51(4):387-93.
Beneficial effects of electromagnetic fields.
Bassett CA.
Bioelectric Research Center, Columbia University, Riverdale, New York 10463.
Selective control of cell function by applying specifically
configured, weak, time-varying magnetic fields has added a new, exciting
dimension to biology and medicine. Field parameters for therapeutic,
pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMFs) were designed to induce voltages
similar to those produced, normally, during dynamic mechanical
deformation of connective tissues. As a result, a wide variety of
challenging musculoskeletal disorders have been treated successfully
over the past two decades. More than a quarter million patients with
chronically ununited fractures have benefitted, worldwide, from this
surgically non-invasive method, without risk, discomfort, or the high
costs of operative repair. Many of the athermal bioresponses, at the
cellular and subcellular levels, have been identified and found
appropriate to correct or modify the pathologic processes for which
PEMFs have been used. Not only is efficacy supported by these basic
studies but by a number of double-blind trials. As understanding of
mechanisms expands, specific requirements for field energetics are being
defined and the range of treatable ills broadened. These include nerve
regeneration, wound healing, graft behavior, diabetes, and myocardial
and cerebral ischemia (heart attack and stroke), among other conditions.
Preliminary data even suggest possible benefits in controlling
In Vivo. 1991 Jan-Feb;5(1):39-40.
Effect of a 9 mT pulsed magnetic field on C3H/Bi female mice with
mammary carcinoma. A comparison between the 12 Hz and 460 Hz
Bellossi A, Desplaces A.
Laboratoire de Biophysique, Faculte de Medecine, Rennes, France.
In a previous experiment, the exposure of tumoral C3H/Bi female mice
to a 9 mT, 460 Hz pulsed magnetic field led to an increase in the length
of survival in the late period of the disease; this might be due to a
hampered metastatic process. In the present study 27 controls and 52
exposed mice were treated with the same protocol (a 10-minute exposure, 3
non-consecutive days a week, from 2-3 weeks after the tumors appeared
until death) but with a 12 Hz PMF. In this experiment the 12 Hz PMF
appeared to increase length of survival times in the early period of the
Sov Med. 1991;(7):25-7.
The assessment of the efficacy of the effect of a rotational
magnetic field on the course of the tumor process in patients with
generalized breast cancer.
[Article in Russian]
Bakhmutskii NG, Pyleva TA, Frolov VE, Sinitskii DA, Ripa IM.
The efficacy of rotational magnetic field generated by a
“Magnitoturbotron” unit was evaluated in 51 women with advanced breast
cancer. The effect resulted from an action on the patient’s body by
modulated rotational magnetic field changing in cycles according to
induction. A significant response was achieved in 27 of 51 patients.
There was no hemopoiesis suppression, negative functional shifts. The
unit is recommended for introduction in a combined treatment of breast
Jpn J Cancer Res. 1990 Sep;81(9):956-61.
Treatment of experimental tumors with a combination of a pulsing magnetic field and an antitumor drug.
Omote Y, Hosokawa M, Komatsumoto M, Namieno T, Nakajima S, Kubo Y, Kobayashi H.
Laboratory of Pathology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine, Sapporo.
We investigated the effects of a combination treatment involving a
pulsing magnetic field (PMF) and an antitumor drug, mitomycin C (MMC),
on two experimental tumors (fibrosarcoma KMT-17 and hepatocellular
carcinoma KDH-8) in WKA rats, paying attention to possible potentiation
of the therapeutic effect of the antitumor drug. PMF was obtained using a
system generating a pulsed current in a solenoid coil. On day 7 after
tumor implantation into the right thighs of rats, the region of the
tumor was exposed to PMF (frequency 200 Hz, mean magnetic flux density
40 gauss) for 1 h immediately after iv injection of MMC at a dose of 1
mg/kg. Survival rates at day 90 of KMT-17 implanted rats were 0% (0/10)
in the non-treated group, 34% (4/12) in the MMC-treated group, 47%
(6/13) in the PMF-treated group and 77% (10/13) in the MMC/PMF
combination group. The increase of life span (ILS) of KDH-8-implanted
rats in the combination therapy group was significantly prolonged (%ILS
17.6%) compared with that in the MMC-treated (%ILS 3.4%) and PMF-treated
(%ILS 7.6%) groups. By using cultured cells of the above two lines of
tumor, the therapeutic effects of MMC and PMF were also determined from
the cell colony-forming efficiency in soft agar. The colony-forming
efficiencies of both cell lines were significantly suppressed in the
combination therapy group compared with those in the other single
therapy groups. The present results indicate that PMF exhibited a
potentiation of the antitumor effect of mitomycin C.
An experimental attempt ot potentiate therapeutic effects of combined use of pulsing magnetic fields and antitumor agents.
[Article in Japanese]
Omote Y.
First Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Medical College, Japan.
With a view to examining the possible clinical applicability of
pulsing magnetic fields (PMF), we investigated the effects of weak,
non-heat inducing, PMF on DNA synthesis and sensitivity of cancer cells
to antitumor agents. Leukemic T-cells (Molt-4) and a pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma (solid tumor) transplanted in a Syrian golden hamster
were used for the in vitro experiment and in vivo experiment
respectively. In order to evaluate the effects of PMF on the DNA
synthesis of cancer cells and the incorporation of antitumor agent into
cancer cells, cultured cells or solid tumor were exposed to PMF
generated by a solenoid coil immediately after 3H-or 14C-thymidine and
3H-methotrexate administration respectively. Thymidine uptake was found
to increase by exposure to PMF, as did also 3H-methotrexate uptake by
leukemic T-cells. Following exposure to PMF immediately after
administration of methotrexate or mitomycin C, antitumor activity in
both cells was increased. From these results it appears that the
incorporation of antitumor agents into the cells increases by eddy
current stimulation induced by PMF, and that the cell cycle shifts from
the non-proliferative to proliferative phase, resulting in increased
antitumor activity.
Anticancer Res. 1987 May-Jun;7(3 Pt B):391-3.
Tumoricidal cells increased by pulsating magnetic field.
Malter M, Schriever G, Kuhnlein R, Suss R.
Repeated applications of pulsed magnetic fields (right-angle waves,
50 Hz = 135 Gauss, 2 Hz = 262 Gauss) significantly enhanced the number
and the tumoricidal activity of nonparenchymal liver cells. The
transplantable mouse leukemia L1210 used as a tumor model was not
significantly influenced, either directly or during Cyclophosphamide
Vopr Onkol. 1980;26(1):28-34.
Morphological criteria of lung cancer regression under the effect of magnetotherapy.
[Article in Russian]
Ogorodnikova LS, Gairabed’iants NG, Ratner ON, Chirvina ED, Sem LD.
The complex investigation (histological, histochemical,
morphological, electrone microscopy) of lung cancerous tumors from 20
patients, subjected preoperatively to the action of magnetic fields
enhancing the antitumor resistance by developing general nonspecific
adaptation reactions: activation and training, has revealed a number of
morphological changes which indicate a marked antitumor effect of
magnetic fields. These changes were maximum manifest after 20-30
sessions. High-differentiated adenocarcinoma proved to be mostly
sensitive to the magnetic field action.