Viral Hepatitis

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1997 Nov-Dec;(6):26-8.

The rehabilitation of patients with a history of viral hepatitis using UHF therapy (460 MHz).

[Article in Russian]

Filimonov RM, Spakhov KV, Ruzova TK.


In early convalescence after viral hepatitis C the liver region of the patients was exposed to the decimetric waves to prevent transformation of the acute disease into a chronic one. A total of 45 relevant patients were exposed to electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (460 MHz). A positive effect on the disease course and liver function was noted.

Lik Sprava. 1995 Sep-Dec;(9-12):140-4.

Decimeter-wave physiotherapy in viral hepatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Kents VV, Mavrodi? VM.


Effectiveness was evaluated of magnetotherapy, inductothermy, UNF electric field and electromagnetic waves of decimetric wave band (460 MHz) on the projection of the liver, adrenals and thyroid gland in controlled trials enrolling a total of 835 patients with viral hepatitis (type A, B, associated forms). A conclusion is reached that optimum effectiveness of decimetric field on the projection of the adrenals and thyroid gland can be achieved through the application of minimum power and everyday alternation of exposures. It has been estimated that as many as 69 percent of the patients derive benefit from the above treatment.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1994 May-Jun;(3):19-22.

The efficacy of decimeter-wave therapy with exposure of the neuroendocrine organs in the treatment of viral hepatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Mavrodi? VM.


A controlled trial entered 343 patients with virus hepatitis A, B and associated forms. In addition to standard treatment the patients’ adrenals and thyroid were exposed to electromagnetic waves (460 MHz) in alternative daily regimens and under minimal power. As shown by clinical, rheohepatographic, hormonal, immunological and follow-up evidence, positive results were achieved in 69% of the patients.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1993 Jul-Aug;(4):15-8.

The effect of the siting of exposure to decimeter-range electromagnetic waves on the function of the hypophyseal-thyroid and adrenal systems in viral hepatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Mavrodi? VM.


The author studied time course of changes in the thyroid and adrenal systems as shown by the levels of T3, T4, T3/T4, TTH, hydrocortisone, ACTH in response to exposure to decimetric microwaves (460 MHz, 30 mW/cm2). The microwaves were directed to the area of hepatic, thyroid, adrenal projections and combinations thereof. An optimal effect was achieved at the course exposure of the adrenal projection.

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