Trophic Ulcer

Klin Khir. 1993;(7-8):31-4.

Use of magnetic therapy combined with galvanization and tissue electrophoresis in the treatment of trophic ulcers.

[Article in Russian]

Alekseenko AV, Gusak VV, Stoliar VF, Iftodii AG, Tarabanchuk VV, Shcherban NG, Naumets AA.

The results of treatment of 86 patients with the use of magnetotherapy in combination with galvanization and intratissue electrophoresis are presented. To create an electric field, the “Potok-1” apparatus with a density of current equal to 0.05-0.1 mA/cm2 was employed. Simultaneously, the “MAG-30” apparatus for low-frequency magnetotherapy with induction of 30 mT and area of exposure of 20 cm2 was applied to a trophic ulcer site. The use of magnetogalvanotherapy in the complex of treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities is recommended.

Pol Tyg Lek. 1991 Sep 9-30;46(37-39):717-9.

Use of magnetic field in treatment of trophic leg ulcers.

[Article in Polish]

Sieron A, Zmudzinski J, Cieslar G, Adamek M.

III Katedry i Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Sl. AM w Bytomiu.

Theoretical basis and favourable therapeutical application of magnetic field in case of trophic ulcerations of the lower limbs are discussed. As a clinical example of such action a case of a 39-year old female patient with trophic ulceration of the leg is presented. Practical advantages of magnetotherapy in similar to the described case patients are suggested.

Klin Khir. 1991;(7):60-3.

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities using a magnetic field.

[Article in Russian]

Alekseenko AV, Gusak VV.

The experience with treatment of 126 patients with ulcerous-necrotic lesion of the lower extremities of different genesis was summarized. A comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment depending on a type of the magnetic field: the constant, alternating, or travelling impulse one was carried out. The most effective was the use of a travelling impulse magnetic field. The results of the investigation performed give grounds to recommend the wide use of magnetotherapy in the complex treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities

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