Sinusitis – Rhinitis

Wiad Lek. 2003;56(9-10):434-41.

Application of variable magnetic fields in medicine–15 years experience.

[Article in Polish]

Sieron A, Cieslar G.

Katedra i Klinika Chorob Wewnetrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej SAM, ul. Batorego 15, 41-902

The results of 15-year own experimental and clinical research on application of variable magnetic fields in medicine were presented. In experimental studies analgesic effect (related to endogenous opioid system and nitrogen oxide activity) and regenerative effect of variable magnetic fields with therapeutical parameters was observed. The influence of this fields on enzymatic and hormonal activity, free oxygen radicals, carbohydrates, protein and lipid metabolism, dielectric and rheological properties of blood as well as behavioural reactions and activity of central dopamine receptor in experimental animals was proved. In clinical studies high therapeutic efficacy of magnetotherapy and magnetostimulation in the treatment of osteoarthrosis, abnormal ossification, osteoporosis, nasosinusitis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, spastic paresis, diabetic polyneuropathy and retinopathy, vegetative neurosis, peptic ulcers, colon irritable and trophic ulcers was confirmed.

Otolaryngol Pol. 1997;51 Suppl 25:299-302.

Clinical application of magnetic pulsing fields in paranasal sinusitis treatment.

[Article in Polish]

Kantor I, Szamborski R, Misztela A.

Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego WAM w Warszawie.


In this work were described advantages of the pulsating magnetic fields in sinusitis treatment as independent and helping method.

Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1994 Mar-Apr;(2):27-31.

The clinico-immunological assessment of the efficacy of magnetic-laser therapy in patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis.

[Article in Russian]

Nikolaev MP, Prozorovskaia KN, Skriabin AS, Popov VV.

Magneto-laser therapy (80 Hz, 0.01 mW/cm2, 12 min) consisting of 10 sessions was performed in patients with maxillary sinusitis (MS). Therapeutic action on the sinus mucosa was conducted through the sinus anterior wall. The magneto-optic attachment coupled with semiconductor laser in the Uzor apparatus was tightly pressed to the facial skin in the sinus projection area. Positive clinical responses associated with stimulation of neutrophil phagocytic activity and with a rise in the portion of rosette-forming neutrophils and Ig A were achieved in 90% of the patients with catarrhal MS and in 83% of those with purulent MS. A 1.5-2-year follow-up registered the effect persistence in 80% and 69% of them, respectively. Compared to standard methods (microwave therapy), magneto-laser treatment was superior both in short-term and long-term effects obtained in purulent MS. The method can be applied in mono- and polytherapy.

Vestn Otorinolaringol. 1991 May-Jun;(3):60-3.

Clinical effectiveness of magnetolaser therapy of vasomotor rhinitis.

[Article in Russian]

Mamedov AF.

Magnet-laser therapy was used to treat vasomotor rhinitis in 90 patients. A constant magnet of 50 mT was applied to the exterior of the nose, and an infrared laser beam was applied via a light-guide to the reflexogenic zones of concha inferior. The radiation power density was 5 mW/cm2. The magnetic exposure time was 6-10 min and the laser exposure time was 3-5 min for each half of the nose. The therapeutic course was 8-12 sessions. The therapeutic results depended on the type of vasomotor rhinitis, clinical disorders, and duration of the disease. Good results were seen in 84 (93.3%) patients out of 90 cases. Stable remission was recorded in 61.1% patients, significant improvement of clinical manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis was observed in 32.2% cases. Best results were reported in patients with autonomic forms of vasomotor rhinitis who suffered from short-term disease and vasodilation disorders.

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