
Med Tekh. 2008 Mar-Apr;(2):44-6.

A magnetic therapy apparatus with an adaptable electromagnetic spectrum for the treatment of prostatitis and gynecopathies.

[Article in Russian]

Kuz’min AA, Meshkovski? DV, Filist SA.


Problems of engineering and algorithm development of magnetic therapy apparatuses with pseudo-random radiation spectrum within the audio range for treatment of prostatitis and gynecopathies are considered. A typical design based on a PIC 16F microcontroller is suggested. It includes a keyboard, LCD indicator, audio amplifier, inducer, and software units. The problem of pseudo-random signal generation within the audio range is considered. A series of rectangular pulses is generated on a random-length interval on the basis of a three-component random vector. This series provides the required spectral characteristics of the therapeutic magnetic field and their adaptation to the therapeutic conditions and individual features of the patient.

Urologiia. 2006 Jul-Aug;(4):49-54.

Use of Intramag devices with Intraterm and LAST-02 attachments in complex therapy of chronic prostatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Shaplygin LV, Begaev AI, V’iushina VV.

The examination of the patients exposed to physical factors (magnetotherapy, laser therapy and thermotherapy) has demonstrated that Intramag unit with attachments Intraterm and LAST-02 for local physiotherapy is effective in patients with chronic prostatitis and can be used in urological hospitals and outpatient clinics.

BJU Int. 2005 Apr;95(6):838-41.

Sacral magnetic stimulation in non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

Leippold T, Strebel RT, Huwyler M, John HA, Hauri D, Schmid DM.

Department of Urology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.


OBJECTIVES: To prospectively evaluate sacral magnetic high-frequency stimulation as a treatment option for patients with non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS, category IIIB).

PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fourteen men with CPPS IIIB were treated with high-frequency sacral magnetic stimulation, with 10 treatment sessions once a week for 30 min at a frequency of 50 Hz. The National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) and quality-of-life index were determined before and after treatment.

RESULTS: All patients tolerated the stimulation well and 12 of 14 reported agreeable sensations during stimulation. There were no complications; only one patient did not complete the treatment course. The mean (range) total NIH-CPSI score did not change with treatment, at 27 (18-38) before and 27 (4-40) after treatment. Moreover, there was no sustained effect on the mean scores for pain, micturition complaints or quality of life.

CONCLUSIONS: High-frequency sacral magnetic stimulation in patients with CPPS IIIB only reduces pain during stimulation, with no sustained relief of symptoms. Therefore, intermittent sacral magnetic stimulation cannot be recommended as a treatment option for CPPS IIIB.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1999 Mar-Apr;(2):25-7.

Physical factors in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with chronic prostatitis complicated by impotence.

[Article in Russian]

Karpukhin IV, Bogomol’nyi VA.

103 patients with chronic prostatitis complicated by erectile impotence were given combined treatment including shock-wave massage, mud applications, local vacuum magnetotherapy. This combination was found to stimulate copulative function, urodynamics of the lower urinary tracts, to produce an antiinflammatory effect. These benefits allow to recommend the above physical factors for management of chronic prostatitis patients with copulative dysfunction.

Urol Nefrol (Mosk). 1998 Sep-Oct;(5):18-9.

The magnetotherapy of chronic prostatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Mokhort VA, Voshchula VI.

Low-frequency magnetic field generated by the unit ProSPOK was found more efficient than that of the unit Polyus-1 in physiotherapy of chronic prostatitis. The ProSPOK magnetotherapy stimulates ganglia, improves regeneration and circulation.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1997 Mar-Apr;(2):20-1.

The correction of prostatic hemodynamics in chronic prostatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Seregin SP, Panov AV.

Prostatic rheography findings evidence for marked disturbances of venous outflow in patients with chronic prostatitis. To correct the hemodynamics, rectal magnitotherapy was used in two regimens: with constant frequency of the magnetic field (5000 Hz) and fluctuating magnetic field (1-20000 Hz). The comparison of the results gave priority to the latter regimen because it provided reduction of the treatment duration and normalization of rheographic parameters in 37 (90.2%) patients. The authors recommend rectal magnitotherapy for combined treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1997 Jul-Aug;(4):24-5.

The sequential use of local vacuum magnetotherapy and papaverine electrophoresis with sinusoidal modulated currents in impotence.

[Article in Russian]

Karpukhin IV, Bogomol’nyi VA.

105 patients with chronic nonspecific prostatitis were examined and treated with papaverin electrophoresis using sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC) and local vacuum magnetotherapy (LVMT). Papaverin SMC electrophoresis and LVMT stimulated cavernous circulation. The highest stimulation was achieved at successive use of LVMT and the electrophoresis. LVMT followed by the electrophoresis maintained good cavernous circulation for 5-6 hours after the procedure in the course of which several spontaneous erections were observed.

Urol Nefrol (Mosk). 1998 Jan-Feb;(1):38-40.

Correction of abnormal lipid peroxidation in treatment of chronic prostatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Tarasov NI, Volchegorskii IA, Seregin SP.

Lipid peroxidation activity is an essential factor in development of chronic inflammation of the prostate when local and general antioxidant defense are diminished. This fact says in favor of using antioxidants in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Positive effects of nonenzymic and enzymic bioantioxidants (alpha-tocopherol and ceruloplasmin, respectively) were achieved in combination with rectal magnetotherapy.

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