
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1995 May-Jun;(3):12-4.

An evaluation of the effect of magnetic-laser therapy on external respiratory function in complicated forms of acute pneumonia in children.

[Article in Russian]

Gaidashev EA, Lebedev KN, Khristoforov VN, Biriukov VV, Gatkin EIa.

The authors studied the effects of magnetic laser therapy (MLT) on external respiration, blood transport of gas and clinical course of acute destructive pneumonia in children aged 1-12 years. It was established that energy of infrared laser combined with magnetic field reduces the severity of acute respiratory insufficiency, treatment course, prevents destructive complications in children with infiltrative acute destructive pneumonia.

Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2010 May-Jun;(3):32-5.

Correction of immune and mediator characteristics by low-frequency magnetotherapy in children who frequently fall ill.

[Article in Russian]

[No authors listed]


The objective of this work was to compare characteristics of clinical condition and immune status of children with repeated respiratory diseases of different clinical and nosological forms after standard treatment and magnetotherapy. It was shown that magnetotherapy produces well-apparent immunocorrective effects in children with the affected upper and lower respiratory tracts including patients with bronchial obstruction syndrome. Positive changes of both cellular and humoral immunity characteristics were documented coupled to the improvement of serum cortisol levels. Results of the study give reason to recommend inclusion of magneotherapy in the combined treatment of children with repeated respiratory diseases.

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