
Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 2000 Nov-Dec;(6):27-9.

New aspects of rehabilitating patients with post-traumatic defects and deformation of the maxillofacial regions.

[Article in Russian]

Gerasimenko MIu, Filatova EV, Nikitin AA, Stuchilov VA, Kosiakov MN, Grishina NV.

Efficacy was compared of local magnetotherapy and electrostimulation in rehabilitation of patients with posttraumatic maxillofacial defects and deformities. A multidirectional mechanism of the two complexes on peripheral and central structures of the maxillofacial region was discovered.

Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1999;78(5):35-8. Low-frequency pulsed magnetotherapy combined with electrostimulation of biologically active points in the combined treatment of traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis. [Article in Russian] Korotkikh NG, Oreshkin AV. The results of treatment are analyzed in 51 patients (35 with exacerbation of chronic traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis and 16 with chronic traumatic mandibular osteomyelitis). Low-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy of the focus in combination with electric stimulation of segmentary bioactive points, synchronized by the patient’s pulse, are proposed to be added to the therapeutic complex. Such a modality improved the regional hemodynamics, promoted liquidation of the postoperative edema on days 1-2 after intervention, and sooner than after traditional therapy repaired the energy of the patient’s organism.
Anesth Pain Control Dent. 1992 Spring;1(2):85-9.

The management of craniofacial pain in a pain relief unit.

Hillman L, Burns MT, Chander A, Tai YM.

Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley, United Kingdom.

This paper reports the results of 34 craniofacial pain sufferers who were treated at the Dudley Pain Relief Unit over a 1-year period. Most of the patients were referred by their general medical practitioners. They were adults representing all age groups, with a female-male ratio of 4:1. The average history of pain was 5.5 years. Neuralgic pain (as distinct from temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome, migrainous disorders, and pain of iatrogenic origin) was most frequently seen. Oral drug therapy, local injection of corticosteroids and analgesics, peripheral neurolysis, magnetotherapy, hypnotherapy, and acupuncture were the lines of management available. By the end of this study period, pain had been relieved or eliminated in 30 of the patients (88%).

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