
Stomatologiia (Mosk). 1999;78(2):28-30.

Low-intensity infrared laser radiation in the diagnosis and combined treatment of acute nonspecific lymphadenitis of the face and neck in children.

[Article in Russian]

Oasevich IA, Shargorodskii AG.

Clinical course of acute nonspecific lymphadenitis of the face and neck is studied in 241 patients aged 1-14 years in order to improve the diagnosis and therapy of this condition. General clinical examinations were supplemented by laser biophotometry and assessment of the activities of some local defense factors (lysozyme, beta-lysine, secretory and serum IgA). Multiple-modality treatment for the first time included magnetic laser therapy (MLT), and its efficacy is assessed. Results of biophotometry helped define objective criteria for the diagnosis and evaluation of treatment efficacy in children with acute lymphadenitis of the face and neck. MLT proved to be a highly effective treatment modality, decreasing the inflammation and correcting local (oral) defense factors. Use of MLT accelerated all phases of the inflammatory process, promoted its regression at the serous stage, and decreased the incidence of suppurative forms of acute lymphadenitis by 40%.

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