Liver – Hepatitis

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1998 Mar-Apr;(2):35-6.

The effect of the combined action of applications of sapropel and of a nonuniform permanent magnetic field on the dynamics of the recovery processes in damage to the liver parenchyma (experimental research).

[Article in Russian]

Levitskii EF, Kuz’menko DI, Sidorenko GN, Laptev BI, Dzhuraeva EI.

Effectiveness of applications of saprol and nonuniform constant magnetic field (NUCMF) used alone and in combination was studied on the model of experimental toxic rat hepatitis. NUCMF had no advantages over saprol in correction of hepatic tissue function. However, combination of these two modalities was more effective than each of them. Possible mechanisms of such effect are discussed.

Lik Sprava. 1995 Sep-Dec;(9-12):140-4.

Decimeter-wave physiotherapy in viral hepatitis.

[Article in Russian]

Kents VV, Mavrodii VM.

Effectiveness was evaluated of magnetotherapy, inductothermy, UNF electric field and electromagnetic waves of decimetric wave band (460 MHz) on the projection of the liver, adrenals and thyroid gland in controlled trials enrolling a total of 835 patients with viral hepatitis (type A, B, associated forms). A conclusion is reached that optimum effectiveness of decimetric field on the projection of the adrenals and thyroid gland can be achieved through the application of minimum power and everyday alternation of exposures. It has been estimated that as many as 69 percent of the patients derive benefit from the above treatment.

Anesteziol Reanimatol. 1993 Sep-Oct;(5):49-51.

The magneto-laser effect on liver functions in the complex treatment of hepatorenal failure.

[Article in Russian]

Shimanko II, Limarev VM.

Complex therapy of acute hepatorenal failure included magnetic field and laser applied to hepatic area and blood extracorporeally. In 26 patients magnetic field and laser were applied to the hepatic area. When compared to a control group of 30 patients a more prompt decrease in blood bilirubin was noted, alongside with a drop in blood fibrinogen, which enhanced a threat of profuse bleeding. There was no decrease in blood fibrinogen or an accelerated drop in bilirubin during extracorporeal application of the technique in 23 patients, as compared to a control group of 20 patients. As the technique has different effects on the liver it should be used with care and only when clinically indicated in patients with acute hepatorenal failure.

Khirurgiia (Mosk). 1989 Jan;(1):85-8.

The effect on the liver of a semiconductor IR laser with a constant magnetic field.

[Article in Russian]

Mikaelian NP, Aliev IM, Stupin IV, Belous GG, Il’ina ZI.

Comparative appraisal of the effect of repeated percutaneous action of semiconductor IR-laser, magnetic field, and a combination of these two factors on the liver showed metabolic changes to be sharply manifest in the first 10 days after exposure to the different variants of action. After 20 irradiation sessions the metabolic changes were less manifest and became stabilized in subsequent irradiation of the animals, which may probably be attributed to certain adaptation of the hepatic tissue to the prolonged effect of the factor. The distinguishing feature of the magnetic-laser effect was an increase of the main substrates of energy metabolism (glucose and lipids) and a stable malonic dialdehyde content with a predominant tendency towards neutralization of free-radical reactions. All this justifies the experimental substantiation of the necessity of using a semiconductor IR-laser with a constant magnetic field for correcting metabolic disorders associated with hepatic insufficiency.

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