Kidney Stones

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1994 May-Jun;(3):22-4.

The use of an impulse magnetic field in the combined therapy of patients with stone fragments in the upper urinary tract.

[Article in Russian]

Li AA, Nesterov NI, Malikova SN, Kiiatkin VA.

The paper covers the experiment’s details and the results obtained at stimulation of the kidney projection region and upper ureter with remote-controlled impulse magnetic field (IMF). It was found that IMF activates impulse activity of ureteral smooth muscles in 100% of cases. The technique is detailed of managing ureterolith fragments using IMF combined with iodobromine baths. The results of the proposed treatment are given. A single therapeutic course produced effect in 62.9% of the patients.

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