Athletic performance enhancement is as simple as going to bed with the M3 PEMF device under your bedding. The M3 PEMF provides multi-dimensional biohacking, not just athletic performance enhancement. A combination of physical and mental performance enhancement.
The M3 Pulsed Electromagnetic Field devices enhance deep-sleep and radically accelerate short and long-term recovery on both physical and psychological levels; while synergistically providing the most potent ergogenic, adaptogenic, anti-catabolic sports performance enhancing effects.
There are no,… I repeat NO biohacking techniques that come close to either. Certainly not tDCS – transcranial direct current stimulation or any other types of electric stimulation, or vibration plates, or 3-D gaming for tuning-up reflexes, fine-tuning motor control, or increasing strength, stamina or accelerating repair. Put all those technologies together and you still won’t even come close to M3 PEMF. Hypoxic training takes time and effort. You do this in your sleep. Can you handle that?